Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 32 Mist Lake Renovation Plan

[Mist Lake has added a new lord, Meenas, and obtained the six-tailed algae seedling as a prop. Six-tailed algae: An algae plant that looks like a six-tailed tail and is a common food for herbivorous fish Pokémon. 】

[Obtain props Xiangwei Cattail Grass Seeds. Cattail cattail: shaped like the tail of a cattail, it grows near lakes and rivers and has the effect of improving water quality and stabilizing the soil. 】

[Obtain prop Qianxiangguo sapling. Thousand Fruit: A tree fruit that is loved by water-type Pokémon. Although it can float on the water, the blue part melts when it comes in contact with water, so few water-type Pokémon can eat it in the wild. 】

[Get the prop move learning machine water cannon (once). Water Cannon: Fiercely spray water at the opponent, with great power. 】

[Obtain five props, meatball pearls. Maruko Pearls: Large pearls that exude silver light and are very precious and can be sold for very high prices. 】

[Obtain the prop Water Drop Slate. Water Drop Slate: A fragment of a huge slate that contains powerful water energy, which can enhance the power of the wearer's water-based moves. 】

[The new lord Menas in Mist Lake will expand the corresponding area. 】

Xia Ye didn't expect that adding a lord would get so many props, including some precious props. However, the conditions for becoming a lord are strict. Not only do you need to be strong enough, you need to be able to adapt to the corresponding area, but you also need to have a deep bond with me.

It seems that there is a reason for the luxurious props. Wait, the forest ranger assistant just said that the corresponding area should be expanded.

Xia Ye suddenly felt that the distance between himself and Menas suddenly widened, and the lake level dropped instantly. This surprised Menas in the lake. What happened just now?

Now the area of ​​Mist Lake has doubled. Xia Ye can feel that the lake level is slowly rising, and the underground water veins are filling the suddenly increased space.

"Don't worry, Menas, this is normal for Sunset Forest."

Xia Ye approached the mist lake and shouted to Menas. It was the first time that he had observed the expansion of the area head-on. No wonder the Lily Root Doll would be frightened by the expansion.

This is a normal situation. Recalling the scene where he suddenly disappeared, Menas accepted the status quo, and there was nothing wrong with it. After all, there were more places to sleep.

"It seems you have accepted it. Well, let's add some plants to the lake. It doesn't look good if it's empty."


Menas agreed with Xia Ye's words that sleeping comfortably would be more comfortable if there were more aquatic plants under the water.

"Then I'll leave it to you underwater. These are aquatic plant seedlings." A bunch of grass seedlings appeared out of thin air in Xia Ye's hands. Menas was unfazed. It already understood that Xia Ye was not an ordinary human being.


Following Menas's call, a ball of water floated on the lake and floated in front of Xia Ye. He quickly understood the other party's thoughts and put the grass seedlings into the water.

Then, the water ball quickly fell into the water, but it was not Menus who acted, but the carp kings who also lived in the mist lake. They grabbed the grass seedlings and dived to the bottom of the water, then waved their fins to bury the grass seedlings into the water.

Menus stopped in place leisurely, waving his tail to direct the actions of Magikarp. He looked exactly like a queen. He must have adapted too quickly.

"The lake part is going well. Well, Boom Monkey, let's perfect the lakeside part."


Xia Ye and Pa Dong Monkey worked hard until noon, and finally planted the Mist Lake with Cattail Cattail seeds around it. By this time, the lake surface was already close to the ground level.

The sun is high in the sky, making it a bit hot and humid to stay by the lake, not to mention that the summer leaves have been working without stopping.

All these Meinas saw it, looking at Xia Ye who was sweating profusely, he blew out cold air from his mouth. The water mist turned into tiny ice chips after contacting the cold air, and a white mist floated towards Xia Ye and Xia Ye. Bang dong monkey, they soon felt the coolness.

"Huh, it's so cool. Thank you so much, Menas." Xia Ye thanked Menas.

"Dongho~!" Also thanking him was Pa Dong Monkey.

"But there is still something left to do," Xia Ye stretched out his hand, and then shouted: "Grow up quickly."

The emerald green light spread all over the mist lake. Because the area was very large, the newly sown plants only grew to a small part, and a bunch of green sprouts appeared beside the lake.

"One more thing, it's really better to give these props to you."

A blue pendant appeared in Xia Ye's palm, and an aqua blue slate appeared in the other hand.

This water-drop slate was much larger than Xia Ye had imagined, about the same size as the Pa Dong Monkey. He glanced at Menas and realized that it didn't look like it could be carried.


Menasi's expression was indifferent. Now that Xia Ye took out a Howler Whale King, it wouldn't be surprised. It would be better to just bring out anything else and it would be able to accept it.

Xia Ye approached Menas, put down the slate in his hand and held the mysterious water drop in his hands. Menas stretched out his neck consciously, and he easily put the pendant on Menas.


Menas felt the water energy contained in the pendant and let out a cry of joy.

Then Xia Ye looked at the water-dropped slate under her feet. What should she do with this thing? Is it disrespectful to Arceus to just leave it on the ground?


Menas shouted at Xia Ye, its eyes told Xia Ye to leave it to it, it knew what to do.

"It was originally given to you. Since you think of how to use it, it's all up to you." Xia Ye picked up the slate and handed it to the other party.

The water-dropping slate was caught by Menas with its tail, and then it dived into the bottom of the water, found a place with more aquatic plants, and dropped it directly.

Menus slowly put his head on the stone floor and squinted for a while. It was indeed very comfortable. He sighed. When I first saw it, I knew it was a perfect pillow!

After enjoying it for a while, Menas reluctantly opened his eyes and swam toward the water, not wanting Xia Ye to worry.

Xia Ye saw Menas emerging from the water and asked curiously: "Menas, how did you deal with that stone slab?"

Menas thought for a moment and used his tail as a pillow to show it to Xia Ye.

"You used the slate as a pillow"

This. However, some people use the slate as a cutting board. I believe Arceus will not be angry. Xia Ye comforted herself.

Menas looked questioning, couldn't he use the stone slab as a pillow?

"No, of course there is no problem. You have the right to decide how to use the things that belong to you." Xia Ye said, staying with this kind of thing often will not harm Menas, and it may also improve its strength.

Hearing Xia Ye's answer, Menas felt relieved, because it now likes this pillow.

"Well, I'm a little hungry. No, Menas, I won't eat Carp King. Didn't you notice that it's about to cry?" Xia Ye covered her face and sighed, "Padong Monkey and I are going to have a meal first. , see you later.”

Looking at Xia Ye's leaving back, Menas felt a little lonely and a little envious.

But then he thought about it, he had been waiting for so long, this time was nothing, and the living environment now was much better than before, and there were comfortable pillows. Lake Menas was really not as good as Mist Lake.

Then, Menus dived into the water and lay comfortably on the stone slab. That day, he had a strange dream. In the dream, there was a Pokémon that looked like an alpaca with its whole body glowing. It kept muttering something in its mouth. It seemed that :

"Using it as a pillow is too much."

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