Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 33 The menacing guest

A wonderful day started with jam and bread. Xia Ye and Pa Dong Monkey were preparing to enjoy breakfast when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Who would knock on the door at this time? If it were Aye and the others, they would probably push the door open and come in.

"Please wait a moment." Xia Ye said, putting down the bread in his hand and walking towards the wooden door. When he opened the door, he found a middle-aged man in a suit standing outside.

He stood upright, with neat short hair, a smile, and a briefcase in his hand. His eyes revealed a shrewdness unique to a businessman.

"This is my business card when we first meet." The middle-aged man took out a black business card from his chest pocket with a gold pattern embroidered on the edge.

Xia Ye took it and read the words on the business card slowly:

"Chairman of Warren Catering, Warren?"

"It's me, may I excuse you?" Warren asked politely.

Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, Xia Ye invited Warren into the house with the idea that everyone who came was a guest.

Warren looked around at the furnishings in the room, and finally landed on the jam jar on the table.

"Jam, can I try it? I used to be a chef, so I'm very interested."

"It's okay, please do it."

"Thank you."

Warren placed the briefcase on the table, then took out a long box. He opened the lid and found a silver spoon lying inside.

Holding a silver spoon in his hand, Warren gently dug out half a spoonful of jam, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, observed the color of the jam for a while, then put the jam into his mouth, closed his eyes and tasted it carefully. For a moment, he felt a little confused. Reluctantly said: "It's delicious."

"Ah, is this the source of your confidence?"

Warren's words made Xia Ye have a question mark on his face. Confidence, whose confidence is it?

"Sorry for talking to myself here, you should know Gad, he is my father."

The man's words suddenly opened Xia Ye's thoughts. Mr. Gaide did say that he had a child who inherited his craft and went to a big city, and he is now living well.

"As expected, you know that the raw material of this jar of jam comes from the Sunset Forest, so why do you, as a ranger, let the townspeople pick the fruit?" Warren suddenly questioned.

The change in Warren's attitude made Xia Ye understand that the other party was not kind. In this case, there was no need for him to treat him kindly.

"Mr. Warren, you are too naive if you want to scare me with this. This is not against the rules of the ranger. I remember it clearly." Xia Ye pointed to his head without losing any momentum.

"Hmph, it seems that you have the foundation as a forest ranger. Let me put it another way, the fruits of the trees in Sunset Forest cannot sustain the consumption of Spike Town. What will the Pokémon in the forest eat by then? Protect life in the forest. Pokémon, this is the responsibility of the ranger, right?"

"Then how long has it been since you came to Sunset Forest? The number of fruit trees is no longer what it used to be. Anyway, you have been living in a big city. I don't know." Xia Ye's implication is that you, an outsider, have no right to accuse you. He's a ranger.

Warren couldn't refute. He hadn't been to the Sunset Forest for at least twenty years. Seeing that he was too stubborn, he immediately changed his attitude and played the family card.

"Actually, I just want my father to take a break. He has been strong all his life and it's time to let go."

"I have excellent conditions now and can give him a perfect life in his later years. This is better than guarding this kind of town with no future, right?"

"So Mr. Forester, stop indulging in my father's illusory plans. How can you save a town without Dynamax with tree fruits alone?"

Warren's tone became increasingly excited, and he clenched his fists, completely losing his previous demeanor.

"But Mr. Gaede is the person who wants to revive Spike Town the most. Do you know what your father is thinking?" Xia Ye asked.

"Of course, he is such a stubborn, unyielding guy. Seeing the decline of the town he has lived in all his life, he feels guilty and wants to save it? Don't be kidding, it's not his fault!"

"I can't say anything about the conflict between your father and son, but this plan is participated by all the people of Spike Town, and I will not stop assisting." Xia Ye denied decisively.

"Is the revival of Spike Town really good? As the number of people increases, the number of people destroying the forest will also increase. Why do you have to make yourself unhappy with a job that is obviously very leisurely?"

"You don't have to worry about this. This is my duty as a ranger. I have naturally considered it." Xia Ye paused and then said: "And the person who proposed this plan is me. Let me deny what I proposed. Plan, I can’t do it.”

"You! You are not a native of Spike Town, why are you interfering in their affairs?" Warren looked puzzled.

"Probably because they were infected by their enthusiasm for revitalizing the town."

Ma Li, Aye, Tim, Nayu, Gad, Nie Zi and other members of the cheering team are all using their own ways to save this declining town, which makes people want to help.

"No matter what outsiders do, they will not be recognized. This town is more exclusive than you think!" Warren spread his hands and looked directly at Xia Ye.

"What about you? Have you ever cared about Spike Town? Why do you deny their efforts?" Xia Ye retorted.

"To be honest, I think being a forest ranger is a waste of your talents. You should be a lawyer." All the reasons Warren had thought about before coming were refuted, and he had no choice but to pull out his trump card, the most useful thing in the world.

"Money, as long as you give up your plan, I will give you a satisfactory amount. A forest ranger can't make much money. This is a promise as the chairman of a global restaurant chain. Give it up." Warren took out his briefcase. Hand out a check and wave it in your hand.

"Imagine this, this is money you will never earn in your life. What can you do with this money? For example, you are a weak Pokémon. If you have money, wouldn't you just exchange it for a more powerful one?"

"Pa dong monkey is unique." Xia Ye's eyes were cold, which made Warren, who had experienced many commercial Shura fields, stunned for a moment. This look reminded him of the shadow hidden deep in his memory.

Xia Ye turned around and walked towards the cabinet, opened the drawer, and made a grabbing motion with his hands. Then he returned to the table and placed the meatball pearls on it, and the silver light instantly enveloped the room.

"I'm not short of money. Please come back. You are not welcome in Sunset Forest."


The long-silent Pa Dong Monkey also roared. It hated the man in front of it. Now that Xia Ye had issued an eviction order, there was no need for it to endure.

Warren frowned. The ball pearls in front of him were the most beautiful jewelry he had ever seen, and there were five more. If they were put on the market, they would definitely sell for far more than the upper limit he gave. Could this guy be the son of a rich man? , did you become a ranger just out of interest?


"You think Mr. Gade is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat. Don't you think so too, Warren?"

"Is it your father who you refuse to admit defeat? Do you want his approval? Tell him that I have achieved more than you in the catering industry, but he only focuses on Spike Town and never pays attention to yours. Results?"

"Ah, can you see through people's hearts?" Warren pulled off his tie and showed a smile he had never seen before. He just wanted his father to approve, so what!

The emotions buried in his heart exploded, and Warren felt freer than ever before, more happy than the countless achievements he had made in the company.

"Let's fight, don't rely on words, just fight, how about sending out your proud Pokémon?!" He no longer looked like a gentleman before, but looked completely fanatical. This is his true appearance.

"Well, come on, I'll show you the strength of Pa Dong Monkey."

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