Private Technology

: One thousand and eighty-four stupid wisdom

With Mu Xiaoxiao's return, the housekeeper returned to his former appearance.

Eating the breakfast I usually eat, watching the idiot while wiping the mouth of the big girl and the little girl, and taking time to eat, everything is so simple and busy, but this simplicity makes Guan Ming more at ease. He thinks that such interesting scenes may be seen in this lifetime for three to five years.

Time flies, who knows what will happen in three or five years

From the point of view, Guan Ming is not the kind of person who likes unknown and changeable. He prefers to live a fixed life in a familiar environment.

Although the nature of scientists is constantly exploring unknown people.

"I'm in a much better mood today, Shuangxing, what work do I have on my hands?" Sitting on the boss chair in the study, Guan Ming felt his stomach contentedly.

I don't know if it is Mu Xiaoxiao's return. He ate half a drawer of steamed dumplings for breakfast today.

"Boss, in addition to the Sky City that has not yet begun and the artificial island that has just started, there are also autonomous electric vehicles that have not been completed."

Double Star does not understand Guan Ming's mood very much. Double Stars with endless years cannot produce a quantified conclusion about such a thing only one or two days apart.

Dopamine oversecretion?

Or was the battle fierce last night?

Perhaps only by establishing more mathematical models for Guan Ming's analysis can it be interpreted.

"Well, that gun car, I think it's scary to think about it." Guan Ming's expression was slightly disgusting.

After Mu Xiaoxiao designed it, although Guan Ming reported a **** effort to achieve it, now the blood has been exhausted. Looking back, what a ghost is this special appearance!

But no matter how strange you feel, Guan Ming can't forget his original intentions, just don't know what exactly Mu Xiaoxiao thought when he designed this car.

Want a convenient way up the road?

Uh ...

"Boss, there is one more thing, it is that the film of the young lady has finished shooting. According to my monitoring calculations, the slowest will be completed and submitted for inspection in three days." Shuangxing continued.

"Heart Flower Road Fang" is Guan Mengxi's first performance, but the steward has paid close attention to this movie. Naturally, this attention is also concerned by Double Star.

Guan Mingji couldn't say when the film was released in the last life, but considering that technology is much more powerful than the last time in the last life, whether it is shooting or editing, I believe it will be faster than the last life, and maybe even the release can be accelerated.

"Three days later ... Is this going to be released on June 1?"

It is now late May. If the movie is released, it will be very beneficial to be released on holidays, although it should not be considered a summer vacation.

"Should not be, the current set of sixty-one is" Love of Flute ", and then" Crazy 72 Hours "on the 3rd, unless there is a special reason, the probability of" Heart Flower Road Put "appears in June is not high . "Then, the holographic projection on the desk projected the movie released in June.

In June, the ratio of Chinese and foreign films was 2: 1, a total of 27 films, 18 Chinese films, 9 foreigners, 30 days in June, almost one day a day, a glance, and found that in addition to "Break Master", "Transformation" With the exception of King Kong 4 and Tomorrow Tomorrow, nothing else was impressed.

The country has developed rapidly in recent years, which corresponds to a very high market activity. Because Chinese people are now accustomed to regulating high-tech products, currently there are fewer and fewer pirated resources on the Internet.

Because pirated resources cannot be judged by dual stars, there is no way to play them with holographic projection, electronic glasses and VR. This also means that if you look at pirated copies, you can only use traditional PCs or mobile phones, even when searching. Can not use Guan Ming's voice assistant.

People who are accustomed to high technology are not used to this relatively flat viewing angle, after all, the cost of network resources is not high.

This is also the case. The domestic film and television market has attracted much attention at home and abroad.

The large market with a population of over one billion people has become the second largest ticket warehouse in the world, and it is moving towards the first ticket warehouse. It is no wonder that domestic movies can reach the level of one movie a day.

"... It's too late, it's June 1st. Where is Ma Qingyun now? Call her over." Guan Ming thought for a moment, thinking that he would set the time himself.

In June 30 days, there were only 27 movies, so it ’s better to squeeze the movie to Liuyi, when everyone goes to the cinema to watch a movie together.

As for letting Guan Mengxi walk on the red carpet, Guan Ming did not think it would be better than going to the movies with his family.

Less than half an hour, Ma Qingyun went to the housekeeper, and Mu Xiaoxiao came with her.

Not that Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Guan Ming could not control the lower body, but Ma Qingyun said that the reason for this visit was about when the Meng Xi movie was released. As a child's mother, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he had a position to participate in this topic. After all, Her page was before the twins on the hukou.

"Double Star told you." He tilted his head and motioned to the other side to sit down, Guan Ming said bluntly.

"Say, but will the words of Liuyi be too hasty? As far as I know, the investor is currently discussing the schedule with several major cinemas in China, and the photoelectric side has not yet started the review, and the propaganda aspect has only been warmed up. It ’s not propaganda yet. If it ’s released in this way, it will be weaker and more influential than expected. ”Ma Qingyun is not Liu Mengmeng, and he will not blame flattery, perhaps because of his personality or early experience. related.

"It's not a big problem for you to go there personally. I have already said hello in this regard. If you are in the schedule or in the movie studio, you may wish to find relevant leaders. Everyone has a meal. Don't be afraid to spend money. Propaganda ... "Grind, Guan Ming didn't find any publicity.

News needs fermentation. Unless Guan Ming goes to battle in person, things like new movies will hardly be supported by the news media.

"This ... Boss, it ’s not a big problem to eat with those movie studio bosses, but the relevant leaders are not good enough. After all, you also know that this is not convenient ..." Ma Qingyun couldn't help crying and gave a polite mouthful.

Domestic anti-corruption has already formed a wave. There are really few head irons on the top. There may be a relationship that governs this layer. In the end, it may not be investigated, but the question is who wants to clean the buttocks.

"I do n’t need to pay too much attention to the publicity. If it ’s in the movie studio, it ’s nothing more than profit. Everyone will discuss the issue quickly. At present, more than 70% of the box office is from online sales. As long as it is released, we can be online Make efforts ~ ~ The most important thing is that we do n’t pay attention to movies so much to make money or what, just because Xiao Xi, money is not good, and the family is not that bad. "Spreading hands, Mu Xiaoxiao Some people still don't understand why this is such a simple question, they even frown.

Everyone is not Chen Jingrun. You don't need to know why 1 + 2 = 3, you just need to know 1 + 2 = 3.

"Uh ... are you my wife, when have you been so smart?" Holding the delicate face with both palms, Guan Ming's expression was serious, and his hands were slightly hardened, and his red lips were squeezed into chrysanthemums.

"I hate you, I'm very smart!" After shaking his face vigorously and throwing off Guan Ming's hand, Mu Xiaoxiao angrily looked at Guan Ming and banged his teeth without hesitation.

Ma Qingyun: "..."


Although I know my task is to take good care of Xiao Xi, as the company's deputy general manager, I also have my own professional demands, such as letting the company make a hundred million first ...

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