Private Technology

: 1,085 Have a sense of ritual in life

Throwing down the work at hand, I hurried over, and as a result, I watched my boss and the wife's wife sprinkle the dog food there. If it weren't for the fact that her child was as big as the young lady, Ma Qingyun would die.

Remembering that Zhou Wuxi Tie came back like a dead dog last night, when he let him see the child, he actually took the dog rope and tied it to the child. At that time, she couldn't wait to get a heavy punch to pick up the three sunflowers.

However, the work still had to be done. Sitting in the car, Ma Qingyun thought about it and decided to call the director first.


"Hey, my sister's movie is about to be released soon, so I'm looking forward to it ~" I put my hands on my cheeks as sunflowers, and said in a very coquettish and mentally handicapped voice, especially the expression looked a little idiot .

In fact, it would be better for you to change Heyhey to Heihe, but considering the lethality of Heyhei, Guan Ming thinks that idiot Heyhey is better, at least it won't make people tired.

"Stupid, that's your oldest girl, not your younger sister!" Rolling up the papers on the coffee table, and following the oblique bangs all at once.

Even two or three sheets of paper rolled up, and it didn't hurt at all.

With a blank look at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao wrinkled her nose and said, "Be sure to make time for it. This is the first time our girlfriend has been in a movie, so I have to make time for it!"

Thinking of the invitation that was rejected last time, Mu Xiaoxiao is still unwilling to do so. The lavender festival of Chongming Island opened the day before, and I heard that it was very beautiful and there were many people who went to see it, but she didn't go.

Although my Mu Xiaoxiao has been rejected countless times since childhood, I can ignore them, but you will also reject me, do you have any other dogs outside?

A very Q Hulk appeared in Mu Xiaoxiao's heart, and was hitting a stickman with Guan Ming's head.

"... I will definitely go. At that time, everyone will go to the premiere and go to the cinema." His mouth twitched, although Guan Ming had set a time to watch the lavender festival, but in order to surprise this idiot, he had not yet Tell the family about it.

"That's settled. I'll go out and tell my mother now, if you don't have time, we'll definitely hit you!"

Looking at the threat of his daughter raising her fist, Guan Ming always felt that a little milk cat was meowing, and the threat was negative. Baby!

"Mua ~, I'm going out ~" Seeing Guan Ming nodded helplessly, Mu Xiaoxiao hugged the head of the brain and took a sip, then jumped out.

Arranging one thing, this only means that Guan Ming's notepad has been turned over again, and that's it, the issue to be dealt with is still not dealt with.

For example, artillery ...

It's a headache to think about it, and subconsciously treat the movie as a serious matter, because Guan Ming doesn't want to deal with the car.

"Well." Sighed, Guan Ming looked at the current data on self-driving electric cars.

At present, the speed of assembly and transformation of Double Star is not much slower than Guan Ming's scientific research. Just talking about this car, the plan proposed and modified during the day, and Double Star can assemble all the entities to test at night.

Although the data simulation will be more convenient than the real thing, the real thing is far more complicated than the simulated situation. Whether it is a wind tunnel test or an impact test, these are indispensable.

Don't expect this car to resist RPG, but it can't fly directly through the speed reduction belt at 120 mph.

After Guan Ming groaned for a while, Guan Ming directly disassembled the car from front to back, left and right, replaced it with a cloth top, and replaced the tires with thicker ones, which will be used as the future ATV of the artificial island, but this is only the initial model.

The artificial island with a radius of 50 kilometers has an area of ​​700 square kilometers on the water, and can carry more than 100,000 tourists. For reference, this is a special place to play, except for similar service personnel, security and police stations. Few permanent residents.

And if you want to play well, it is probably less said that it takes two weeks to play, so Guan Ming needs to consider the vehicles that tourists travel on in addition to the ATVs.

Thinking about rescue matters, Guan Ming also needed to install special police cars and ambulances. It wasn't to say that they had special passages. Instead, they were equipped with anti-gravity equipment to allow the car to fly back and forth in the sky. There are no traffic lights or traffic jams, and you can even travel straight.

"Things really get more and more." Muttered, Guan Ming had no other choice.


May 26, sunny, Monday.

At the breakfast table, Mu Xiaoxiao kept busy talking to the children, and said to Guan Ming, "Guan Ming, Xiao Xi's movie is set, and it will be released on June 1st. Qingyun said that the filming accounted for 72%."

"So much?" Guan Ma asked in surprise.

72% means that 72 of the 100 shows are movies involving my granddaughter. I ca n’t say how much the final praise was, but definitely a good start. As for how much money my family can make from this movie, I ’m sorry, The old lady had no idea in her heart.

Since she knew that her granddaughter's movie was about to be released, the old lady was very happy, and she also deliberately understood what the filming ratio, box office ratio and first day box office were.

"In this proportion, Xiaoming should find someone." After swallowing the porridge, Guan Diao thought that this should not be caused by the quality of the movie itself.

Feudal society has ruled the country for the longest time in the country ’s 5,000-year history. This has also led to the idea of ​​a state official. Even the 'all things are inferior' is also a weakened version of the official standard. Not high. Reading well means being an official.

Although it is no longer a feudal society, some of the remaining things are still deep in the bones. The old man thinks that Guan Ming must be looking for the people above him, so those businessmen are so smart and sensible.

"I have talked with the giants a long time ago, and it is estimated that the people below have long been aware of it." Guan Ming has a higher level of contacts, but those photoelectric leaders have little contact.

"Qingyun went to the Emperor to find someone a few days ago ~ ~ But this is not the point. I have the best batch of clothes. Let ’s try it later. After all, if we premiere, we must also wear Point. "Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about the screening process. She only cared about the result of the screening. After getting this result, she paid attention to what everyone was going to wear.

"It's not going to the premiere with the main creator. Everyone should be low-key." Guan Ming doesn't care what to wear. Although this product is stupid, it has extraordinary talent in many places, just like Guan Ming. When it comes to outerwear, trousers, trousers, vests, or even shoes, this product can be done by hand. I haven't seen her weighed her height and weight, but each one is just right.

"Life must be ritual, stupid!" With her fist on the side of her face, she was cute, but she said something completely different from cute.

"Stupid, stupid, daddy is stupid ~" Similarly speaking, Guan Mengxi learns her aging mother, her fists are placed on both sides of her face, and Guan Ming's most grimacing face looks particularly interesting and cute.

Looking at the big and small cute goods, Guan Ming didn't know whether the movement of taking the blood pack should also bring a sense of ritual.

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