Private Technology

: 466 Make up (11 happy ~)

The speech time is not long. Normal speaking speed, 25 minutes of speech, and 10,000 words. Although it is not related to the theme of the summit, no one is dissatisfied, especially after the speech, applause. It was quite enthusiastic, but it fulfilled Guan Ming's vanity.

Mom, Okay applauds me. I'm so excited. What should I do? At this time, I'll ask him to sign, will he hit me ~

Inexplicably, Guan Ming remembered a little joke he had seen in his last life.

However, with a smile on his face, he returned to his seat in a posture he thought was calm.

Most of the people who can come up to give a speech are famous and surnamed, not to mention the attention of senior officials in various countries, at least they are also celebrities in the industry.

And the content of the speech must also be ‘reasonable and convincing’. In this case, if anyone dares to shout ‘I can change water to oil’, he is expected to be pulled out and beat up.

Although Guan Ming did not specifically describe the ideas of these technologies in his speech, this does not hinder the authority of Guan Ming in the eyes of many people.

The technology that can have an important impact has always been kept secret. Everyone knows the mass-energy equation, but how many know the complete process and process of nuclear bomb manufacturing?

Guan Ming has never submitted a magazine such as "Nature", but this does not prevent Guan Ming's authority in the scientific and technological field. Many people have published similar research on Guan Ming's products in these internationally renowned journals, such as Said another VR design ideas and so on.

It is not that these journals did not find Guan Ming's manuscript, but Guan Ming did not care about these stigmata.

Laozi's products are all made. Do you doubt that Laozi's design ideas are wrong? Head watts ~

Sit back to the original position, Guan Ming Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally can relax.

In this case, there is no so-called ng, and it will not give you a chance to return. Fortunately, Guan Ming's memory is good, otherwise it is really easy to get stuck.

Shaking his neck, Guan Ming loosened his tie slightly with his hands. He didn't often wear this thing, and he rarely even wore a suit.

After just making money in the past, he was still very fashionable to buy pajamas and bathrobes, but a few years have passed. Guan Ming now sleeps every day, sometimes he does n’t even wear a small trousers, and sometimes even go to the company to wear vest pants Big slippers.

Guan Ming's legend is not in his usual performance, but in his ability in scientific research. Perhaps the shaved head of other bosses will affect the image of this boss in the eyes of employees, but if it is Guan Ming, even if he is bare Swimming in the Huangpu River, probably employees will think that this is a new swimming gesture that their boss is studying, instead of considering whether he has mental problems, he will not consider that he just wants to show off big birds in the forest, etc. ...

Looking back, looking at Guan Ming who was obviously relaxed, the chief giant smiled and said nothing, and then continued to look at the podium.

The shortcomings of Guan Ming are clear to many people. Maybe there is no need for saints in this world, or something in this world must lose something.

But even the shortcomings of Guan Ming are a national treasure that can be passed on in the minds of the giants, and even have the same views in the hearts of all the giants.

Guan Ming is only 27 years old this year, even if he can live to 60 years old, that is 33 years.

Based on Guan Ming's current performance, he will make more and more useful technology products in 33 years. The term of the national giant is 2 and the term is 8 years. Guan Ming can meet at least 4 term giants, at least Let the four chief executives let technology develop rapidly during their tenure.

However, technology is developing and medical standards are developing. If Guan Ming lived to be 100 or even 120 years old, maybe he could n’t even hold his pencil at that time, but Guan Ming at that time, even just A few words about ideas or other things will become a boulevard.

Why Guan Ming has the money to arrange security even when he is in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, because Guan Ming is no less important than the overall giant from some perspectives.

Low-profile and high-profile are relatively speaking, both Guanming's low-key safety and Guanming's high-profile show off.


"Hello ~ tired baby!" Opening the door, I saw Mu Xiaoxiao, who was holding the two children to watch anime, Guan Ming was also brisk in his words. He saw his wife and daughter, and he was relaxed a lot.

Did not eat here at noon, even Guan Ming's mission was over.

He doesn't want to spend too much energy on people who are the same age as his father and mother. Money is in control and technology can control it. So what else is there to talk about?

Lao Tzu ’s driverless cars have been banned by you. Do you still expect to get a handful of oil from Lao Tzu ’s arms?

Guan Ming also discussed with the general giant before, and at the same time the British side also informed. Although it may make some people feel uncomfortable, Guan Ming said that he was very happy ~

"Hmm ~ I have only one baby at home." Slightly bowed his head, pouting slightly, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a small grievance.

"Ah ~" Guan Mengxi, who was held in his arms by Mu Xiaoxiao, suddenly saw his father's ‘Yanzu’ face, two dimples laughing on his fat face, and he slap hard.

As for her sister Guan Mengyu, she was eating a bottle in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms.

"Okay, you are a big baby, and there are two little babies at home ~" Guan Ming didn't taunt her, he just said along the lines.

Entering the car and closing the door, Guan Mingshun brought the eldest daughter to his hand. Unfortunately, the girl called ‘ah ~ ah ~’, until Mu Xiaoxiao plugged a baby bottle, the little guy quietly ate in Guan Ming ’s arms.

Turning the car TV sound down a bit, Mu Xiaoxiao pressed a button and said, "OK, we can go."

There are partitions in the front and back of the car, which can block the sound. Usually, you want to communicate with the driver by this method, or you can put the partition down.

This design divides two separate spaces. Guan Ming originally played a shy game with Mu Xiaoxiao in the car. Anyway, the car glass is single-pass ~ ~ I'm not afraid of anything.

But later, Guan Ming thinks it's all right.

Thinking and doing are two different things. Some stimuli are called stimuli if they are not found. It is shameful to be found.

Guan Ming's car has very good performance, and a little shaking will attract the attention of bodyguards ...

"Where to eat at noon?" Guan Ming asked Guan Mengxi.

Mu Xiaoxiao is here to take over Ming. As a family member, it is impossible to come over to take over Ming. After all, they are all Guan Ming's elders, and they can't commit it.

"Hey, you'll know where you are ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's smile was bright, but Guan Ming always felt that smile was a little stupid.

It doesn't matter where you go, Guan Ming can think of what to eat at noon with his butt. It must be a meat dish. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao also needs two small ones.

How can you make up without eating meat ~

ps: Happy eleven, by the way, please subscribe ~

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