Private Technology

: 457 Who knows Chinese food

ps: Sorry, I confused the term of the Chinese and American giants, and it has been revised. The term is every 5 years, and the term is 4 years ...


Guan Ming is not familiar with London at all. He has been here once, and this time.

"Hoohoo ~ open to eat ~" Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed her palms and looked very capricious, probably curious about the cuisines of other countries, especially meat food.

Sitting next to Mu Xiaoxiao were two small guards, a high child chair, and two white guys stuffed with white handkerchiefs on the neck collars, afraid of dirty clothes.

It ’s a pity that in front of their aging mother is a grilled steak, and in front of them is a bottle ...

"There isn't any stability, you child, can't you be honest!" Mu Mom couldn't see such a lively Mu Xiaoxiao. Once a math teacher took care of her, it was still stern.

If you are n’t married, it ’s okay to say, children, you have n’t graduated from college yet, and lively.

But now they are married and their children have teeth. Although the university still has not graduated, it is not good to be grave without it.

Especially now that both parents are eating together, not to mention anything else, at least the adults must wait for the chopsticks to move before she can eat.

In Mu's heart, her old man is not yet old, and in her eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao is still a child, even if she is the mother of two children ...

"Hey, it's okay, all of them are family, Xiaoxiao is still breastfeeding, can't be hungry for her ~" Guan Ma waved her hand and said with a great anger, while greeting everyone for dinner.

I don't know if it is the so-called Michelin Samsung Store, but the food is still very local, at least Guan Ming is a bit uncomfortable.

It is as if it is difficult to eat authentic Chinese food in foreign countries, and it is difficult to eat authentic foreign foods in China.

Localization is a very interesting topic. Not only the language, the accent, but also the cuisine will be localized.

As for ‘local characteristics’, in fact, it means that the taste is different, which may be due to the seasoning.

"Xiao Ming, are you sure you will be fine this afternoon?" Guan Ma asked as she skillfully cut the steak.

This shop was recommended by Guan Ma. She has been to London when traveling with Guan Dad. She still likes the taste of this shop.

"Well, it's okay, what's wrong?" He didn't raise his head, and Guan Ming cut the steak seriously. He was not very used to Western food. Under his knife and fork, the steak could easily slide on the plate.

"In the afternoon, my dad and my dad are going to hang out with their parents-in-law and mother-in-law. Just take the two children with you. The children are still young, so you need to get in touch and cultivate relationships." Guan Ma arranged a job for Guan Ming .

In fact, the main thing is to take the mom and dad out to go shopping. After all, the number of trips of these two people must not care about the father and mother, they are in-home, harmony is the most important, at least it will not make the two children difficult to do, and now The father and mother haven't heard anything about the portal, and they can't produce any contempt or despise.

Another one is indeed to make Guan Ming and the two little guys more contact and familiar.

This is not to blame, even if the mother thinks that although it is impossible for the husband to return to work for five years and the child does not know his father at the age of three, it is not clear why the two children are not close to Guan Ming, even Guan Dao, the little old man, is treated better than Guan Ming.

Besides, I finally came out to play a little bit. I have to play a little more comfortably. I watch my children at home every day, and my mom is also bored.

Although Tiantian lives at home like a fairy, every day he eats and sleeps, and Xiaoxiao should also be a bit tired!

My mother-in-law thinks that if Guan Ming is not affected in terms of children, it will definitely be a great loss of life!

"My dear mother, this is not very good. Isn't Xiaoming busy with these things these days, just let Xiaoxiao watch the children and let Xiaoming take a rest and rest." Xiao Guan, the elder's name for the juniors, but with some Distance, Xiaoming is called close to others.

But in terms of Guan Ming's current achievements, the elders in the family called him Xiao Ming, and no one of his age would call it that.

"It's okay mom, I'm all done here. Actually this time I mainly came out to play with everyone, don't worry." Guan Ming looked up and nodded at Mu mom with a smile.

There is a difference between the mother and the mother-in-law. In Guan Ming's perception, the most harmonious state of the husband and wife is to be good to the other parent.

People are emotional. There are too few cold-blooded people. Respecting each other's parents will make the family more harmonious.

When she heard Guan Ming say that, Mu's mother stopped saying anything, but her face smiled even more, but when she found that her daughter could even close her ears when eating, she always felt that she was in her body. The energy tank has accumulated a little more energy.


"His ~ Husband, no more, hey ..." The voice is very loud. If Guan Ming is facing away from her, it may be really easy to think about it, but seeing her current state, Guan Ming doesn't know if it should be Say she deserves it.

The amount of food is twice that of Guan Ming. From the beginning to the end, without saying a few words, the audience knows that Hu eats Hesse and does not know whether the taste of this product has deteriorated. It may also be the first time you come to London, It's not worthwhile not to eat a round stomach.

Originally exercised into a flat lower abdomen, now half lying in the car, the radian of the bulge can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Like a child, this goods keeps touching his little belly.

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, touching the belly is a mood of anticipation of life.

Now, she just wants to massage it to help her stomach digestion ...

"I said, let's not eat so much. I always think the grilled steak at home tastes very good." Zheng Ming, who was lying on her lap, also touched her belly by the way.

Across the long skirt, although there is no sense of touch, how to say it, it must be more flexible than when you are not eating.

"Hoo ~ it ’s not good to eat ~ ~ Nutrition can't keep up, you also don't know that last night, I was almost killed by two little guys." Sigh, Mu Xiaoxiao's little hand Cover it with Guan Ming's hand, keep him from pressing it, and then spit it out.

"Hey, hey ..." Guan Ming laughed unscrupulously.

Last night, the two little guys sprayed two or thirty centimeters apart, and of course it was impossible to spray one night, but the important reason for ending the war was no matter how strong the intervention was, but there were no bullets.

Even now, Guan Ming wants to laugh at the thought of Mu Xiaoxiao's expression that his body is hollowed out.

"You're still laughing, I blame you, I don't know how to bring the two babies in the afternoon!" There is no need to look up, Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a hard white look.

Regarding Mu Mu's decision, she has no power to change. Now when she thinks about the two little demon kings, Mu Xiaoxiao feels so sad, wasteful, and hard!

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey!

The two little demon kings knew about waste, but Mu Xiaoxiao worked so hard that he was half dead ...

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