Private Technology

: 710 Career Planning

As soon as she entered the door, Tian Qiantong discovered a lot of antiques. Because someone had a brain chip and had a relatively strong self-control ability, she also had some cultural relics loaded in her spare time.

The bottles and cans at the door are generally considered by some people to be a bit ordinary, which is not in line with the aesthetics of today's people, but Tian Qiantong can tell the dynasty from the color and pattern, and referring to Guan Ming's net worth, she does not think that Things are imitations.

Looking inside, the living room is unexpectedly spacious, the furniture is relatively monotonous, and the long-haired carpet covers the entire living room. It may be to allow children more space to play and reduce the probability of injury.

What makes Tian Qiantong most curious is that there is a swimming pool in the living room that connects the indoor and outdoor areas, and the entire glass wall.

There was a Japanese conversation in the living room. Tian Qiantong's brain chip had been loaded with Japanese. She probably knew it was a cartoon through a few lines of lines. After all, on the sofa, the two delicate little ones were watching TV.

However, Tian Qiantong does not think that these two little things can understand and understand. After all, the little guy at this age, speaking his mother tongue, is struggling, maybe he is looking at the color blocks.

"Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu, this is your future teacher. Say the teacher is good ~" With a smile on his face, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly walked over and squeezed the little face of the two things.

"Hello teacher!" The little sisters came over to see their faces, with childish tones, showing the age of the two at all times.

Tian Qiantong is not sure which sister or sister is, but she can feel it, one of them is lively and the other is a little bit cowardly, or she is afraid of giving birth, but it ’s not surprising, child, is afraid of giving birth is normal, not afraid of giving birth It's normal.

"You're all right ~" Regardless of greetings, Tian Qiantong came over quickly, and his face smiled even more kindly.

Bend your back to Guan Ming, so that your eyes are flush with the little sisters. This will not create a sense of oppression and will not make the little ones feel fear and distance.

The beautiful curve outlined by the jeans was unobtrusively displayed in front of Guan Ming, but Guan Ming looked up at the chandelier with clear eyes.

It's not that Guan Ming is afraid of his wife, but he doesn't want to provoke right and wrong, and at the same time has no idea in that regard. After all, his own wife Yu Guang has been paying attention to himself ...

"Xiao Xi Xiaoyu is very smart ~ I have never seen such a smart little guy. I would believe that they are 7 or 8-year-olds!" Tian Qiantong exclaimed through ten minutes of communication.

Can fully express his meaning, be able to understand the other party ’s meaning well, have his own logical thinking ability, have a certain understanding of things, and have a good understanding of the Three Views, at least he will not treat the things in the cartoon as Really.

Tian Qiantong can only say that it is indeed the species of Guan Ming ...

"Usually my wife takes care of the children. She has worked a lot in this area, but she will trouble you in the future." Sitting on the sofa, Guan Ming said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said nothing, because she knew that Guan Ming was putting gold on her face, although what he said was true ...

"That's for sure, you can rest assured, I will definitely take care of the children." Nodded, Tian Qiantong smiled convergently, and said with a serious face.

"This time I mainly want to ask you two questions about the future of Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu. You two should also be clear. If my class teacher is not surprised, I will graduate from primary school to high school because of this relationship. . ”I clicked on the temple, Tian Qiantong continued," I can achieve a more precise and detailed teaching model. There is great flexibility in the choice of teaching plans and teaching materials. "

Tian Qiantong is not the only hometeacher to visit, because few parents who can keep up with the first wave of students are ordinary people.

So during this time, all the class teachers have met with their parents and talked about this issue.

As the first experimental school for full-body brain chip teachers in China, the orientation training is certain, and the small class teaching is also certain. From the number of people, two students in a class are the least, but the most are only five students!

Such a costly education model has also affected the future employment of children to some extent.

In business, politics, and even artists and scientists, many things have to be cultivated, guided, and developed in this area, and it is up to parents to decide.

"Xiao Xi's words, we want her to be a star, Xiao Yu's words, we hope to be trained as a scientist, a scientist in biochemistry." Guan Ming also politely said concisely.

"Star? Biochemistry?" Subconsciously repeated, Tian Qiantong used the human brain chip to query related teaching materials.

Double Star controls the network satellites, and the response time is very short. For a few seconds, Tian Qiantong also has a general idea.

The words of celebrities are generally divided into three categories, namely songs, performances and variety shows, while the words of biochemistry are a bit large, but in the early stage, you can use some simple small experiments to arouse interest.

However, considering the child's health, Tian Qiantong feels that it should be strengthened in terms of body shaping and fitness, and at the same time, some etiquette and art content can not be less.

It is said that the third generation is noble, but Tian Qiantong thinks that the second-generation rich sisters can also be noble, at least she has this confidence.

"Yes, but this aspect is more reflected in university professional courses and future work. I hope to give my children a little more about business teaching content ~ ~ You also know the situation in our home, some They do n’t need to be proficient in things, but at least they need to know and understand. ”At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao interjected.

It is not as usual as a sparrow, but instead it is gentle and gentle, and it is described like a flowing stream.

Glanced at Guan Mengyu, who was watching the cartoon 'attentively', Guan Ming said that this really wasn't what he wanted to pit ...

"There is no problem in this area, um ... at present I want to add relevant interest training and etiquette and content in their elementary school. In junior high school, I started to have a little exposure to the content of teaching and art that is more specialized, high school. In addition to paying more attention to the compulsory content of the college entrance examination in addition to the number of words, some commercial content may be appropriately added. "After thinking about it, Tian Qiantong expressed his general idea.

"There is no shortage of fitness and bodybuilding. At present, children can do it. I don't want them to reach the level of athletes, but health is the most important thing!" After hearing Tian Qiantong's words, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly ordered the other party to avoid In the future, their own children will fight the same as their own husbands.

Hearing this, Guan Mengyu pumped at the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but glance at it.

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