Private Technology

: 711 ways to pit money

With a sigh, Guan Mengyu always felt that her life was miserable, but no matter how miserable she was, she had to work hard to survive, at least her younger sister and old lady still cared about her.

The only thing Guan Mengyu can do is to speed up jumping!

6 primary 3 primary 3 high, she can not afford 12 years of basic education.

But the problem is that Guan Mengyu once promised that it would be awkward to be at the same level as his younger sister ...

Discuss: How to make the younger sister who often pits herself more up-to-date with her own footsteps and the same class and class with herself.

The communication was smooth, but at present, everyone only has a preliminary concept. The specific teaching plan and teaching process still need to be carefully considered by Tian Qiantong, and then discussed with Guan Ming. The most important thing is that the progress of the two little ones needs to be at any time Adjustment, very flexible.

Strictly speaking, Tian Qiantong plays the role of personal education.

I ate seafood from Daocheng at noon. Although it was a few days before I could open the sea, I could do whatever I wanted, at least in this peaceful country.

After dinner, Tian Qiantong sat down and left. Although the school was about to start, it was just about to start. Now there is not much content to communicate, and she doesn't disturb Guan Ming much.

At dinner time, the father and mother sat surprisingly at the dinner table and ate with everyone.

During this period of time, it was probably dancing square dance and magic. The old couple was afraid that they would not be able to learn new dance when they were late. They had to deal with their meals nearby, and for a while they had not had dinner with Guan Ming.

"Today's Xiaoxi, Xiaoyu's class teacher is here?" Guan Dad said, carefully chopping Pippi shrimp.

Some people use chopsticks to chop skin shrimp, but the steward is used to chop a little bit by hand, first chop the upper calf, and then make a little bit down the gap. If it is good, it is probably saving. At least yellow can be complete.

"Here we are, the senior students of Beijing Normal University. They look okay, and they are quite reliable." Guan Ming took Mu Xiaoxiao's handed-up Pippi shrimp, which was stained with vinegar, his head stretched out, and one was destroyed.

"Reliable, but you can prepare two cheaper cars for me and your husband. After that, we will pick up the children. You two will not be able to show up often." Nodded, but the father was not entangled in the topic of the teacher, his elderly. It is also clear that this class teacher must have gone through the above, and the problem is not big.

"Dad, don't need it. The homes that can go to this school are not poor, just drive a normal car." When hearing Daddy said, Mu Xiaoxiao said something against it.

After all, the car is big, so more people can sit and be safer. Guan Ming's counsel has spread to Mu Xiaoxiao's bones.

"This is the truth, let alone say that this year's tuition is not old and young, and I ca n’t read it without money ~" Guan Ming didn't want his parents to be too reluctant, so he told the truth.

Except for some specially invited students, the average tuition fee of the remaining students is about 700,000 yuan per year, and the price is about 4-10 times that of other noble schools in China.

If you don't consider the particularity of the human brain chip, in fact, this school still has a profit. Considering that there are too few students, it is estimated that it will take a long time to return.

"That's the same ... you go back and sort out the school information for me, and I'll take it." Nodded, Guan Dad didn't ask how much the tuition was.

Guan Diao is now used to the life of the rich, and the concept of money is a bit light. Before, I used to see how much pocket money I used to buy cigarettes, but now I am used to smoking cigars in the cigar hall.

It is worth mentioning that the smoke is smoked and swallowed; the cigar is smoked, and it is spit out after passing through the mouth. In terms of harm, the former is lung cancer and the latter is oral cancer ...

"Dad, do my sister and I want to wear school uniforms? It's short, here ~" Guan Meng Ximeng's small voice, and at the same time made a double gesture with 20 cm above the knee.

Guan Ming's face was dark, and his wife-in-law was crossed.

With her head down, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly coaxed her big girl to eat meat, so that she could grow her body.

In order to prevent her second daughter from pitting herself with the wind, Mu Xiaoxiao loved her to take a bite of Pippi shrimp.

Guan Mengyu: "..."


Habit is a very powerful thing. Even if the second daughter of her own family is carrying explosives to go to school, Guan Ming still habitually goes to the company for scientific research.

However, he did not continue to study the content of anti-gravity equipment today, but was prepared to upgrade the self-driving electric vehicle.

Although the return of helium 3 will take a long time, this does not delay the preparation of Guan Ming's early stage. After all, it takes time to manufacture the car, and it also needs to accumulate a certain amount.

Due to the experience of self-driving cars, the current research is not difficult for Guan Ming, mainly in terms of payment.

Double Star will not monitor the real-time data of each self-driving electric vehicle. Because the base is too large, he will design a software specifically for this electric vehicle, leaving only one interface, which is convenient for each vehicle to upload periodically. Download information.

For example, before getting in the car, determine if the user is eligible to open manual.

For example, after getting out of the car, determine the degree of wear of the car, whether there are scratches, whether there are people in the car, and so on.

However, if you pay the fee, it is still quite troublesome at present. From the perspective of Guan Ming, two-dimensional code is the best choice. However, currently two-dimensional code is not very reliable.

At present, the QR code market is chaotic. At the same time, QR code technology is also a new channel for mobile phone viruses and phishing websites at present. There are great security risks. The degree of recognition for this technology is not high, and even the voice of rejection is not small.

Guan Ming didn't want to use the QR code on the cusp of this estuary, and what Guan Ming can think of now is to use Alipay to pay the deposit, then send the verification code by SMS, and then manually enter the verification code outside the car, and then drive the door.

After the car is used ~ ~ It will be charged according to the time, and the car will be self-checked at the same time, including collision, scraping, etc. After the fee is deducted, the remaining deposit will be returned, and the deducted part will be credited to Yuyu Company account.

I have considered whether to bring Alipay to play with, but after thinking about it, Guan Ming thinks that it should be taken, after all, it is domestic, and there is no old age.

You know, Mu Xiaoxiao often uses Alipay to buy software on Taobao, which can be undressed ...

"Hmm ... think about ways to pit money, four to two? No, easy to be scolded ... then get some entertainment equipment ..." muttered, Guan Ming changed the structure of the drawing.

The four-seater electric vehicle is equipped with four holographic projections, which can be connected to the Internet to watch videos and play games.

If it is autonomous driving, it may not be possible to get off at any place.

Guan Ming tried to urinate PK at the beginning, but everyone was in a state of pecking each other. At the end of the bladder, Guan Ming couldn't help but shake the spring water slightly. Guan Ming, who had a good kidney, found it after putting in water. Lao Chao Was pecked ...

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