Private Technology

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"I see, thank you giant." The little secretary nodded sincerely.

No matter what your superiors say, in most cases ‘submissiveness’ is fine. Except for special exams outside the school, there are not a few positions in the unit where ancestors are asked to sing counter-tunes.

Regardless of whether the giant's words are suitable for the current and future trends, it is always a person's views and opinions.

"Well, yes, the little tube is back." Nodded, the giant was satisfied with the attitude of the little secretary, and then asked what seemed to come to mind.

"I've already returned. This morning's flight, I should have come to the Shanghai market now. Is he going to invite him over?" The little secretary paid great attention to Guan Ming's identity, because he knew that even if his ancestor had been a national leader, but The attention he receives is far less than Guan Ming.

The giants have a new term, but Guan Ming does not change the term. Guan Ming's position is Guan Ming. As long as he does not die, he is the heart of each giant.

"No need, just come back." The giant just asked smoothly, and then continued to look at the documents.

Unlike the giants, after paying attention to Guan Ming's itinerary, Meng Liting deliberately came to report work.

"What? Something is wrong with the company?" Guan Ming, wearing an old shirt and flower pants, was sitting on the sofa playing King of Fighters 97. It was a kind of rocker that was directly connected to the holographic projection, and the projection range was long: wide: high = 0.6: 0.4: 0.5, the unit is meter.

Guan Ming's game addiction has long since passed, but sometimes his hands are itchy. When Meng Liting is not at home, he is using his gate Goro to hang Mu Xiaoxiao's fire dance.

From the inside, Guan Ming still hopes to have a strong body. Of course, for Mu Xiaoxiao's choice, Guan Ming can only laugh inwardly. From the perspective of scale, she is probably at the level of Lianna, especially in the double star processing. The later King of Fighters 97, not only is the picture more refined, but also shakes ...

There was a visitor at home, and the hostess dropped Guan Ming and happily prepared tea.

"Yes boss, there are a few things you need to know. The production line over by Great Wall Wei is almost set up and asked us when we will place the order, but I think he should be anxious about the five drawings we promised. Now. "

"I have done market research in the recent period, and the growth rate of domestic household cars has been increasing. Due to the country ’s intensified control over cars, electric vehicles are constantly being heated. At present, as long as there is a city-level electric vehicle, it will probably It has become a boom, and domestically, the state disclosed a "Plan on Promoting the Electric Vehicle Industry" half a month ago, which stated that the state will systematically build a portion of charging piles as urban infrastructure to promote the electric vehicle industry. Process. "

"The last thing is about Shanghai market land. At present, the land is almost purchased. When do we start using these land? Is there a designated unit for the construction team?"

In one breath, Meng Liting said everything over and over again.

Guan Ming and his wife have been out for almost a month, even in October 1 in Hong Kong City.

During this time, Meng Liting collected a lot of information, including new regulations and related regulations issued by the country, and the workload was very heavy.

But after installing the human brain chip, she only needed to read all the information in one day, and she could still remember it. Her work efficiency was extraordinary.

"Drink tea, I heard it's Dahongpao ~" Mu Xiaoxiao brought the tea.

"I'll be fine, I'll be fine!" Meng Liting quickly got up, approached quickly, and helped Mu Xiaoxiao set everything up.

Not forced, Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile on his face, sitting next to Guan Ming, curiously looking at Meng Liting.

She knows that Meng Liting is the deputy arranged by Guan Ming. By analogy, it is probably Liu Mengmeng's state, but she does not know that Meng Liting had pitted Guan Ming before, so now she still has a good opinion of Meng Liting.

After all, Liu Mengmeng's performance was very good. He did a good job, but he also flattered and served the housekeeper very comfortably. However, Liu Mengmeng's orientation really worried Mu Xiaoxiao, but fortunately, after so many years, Liu Mengmeng She didn't do anything extraordinary, at least she didn't take medicine.

"You have to wait for the drawing. Years ago, I will give the first drawing to President Wei." On the screen, Guan Ming's door was put to death by the computer's Charmier, and Guan Ming tilted his head. I thought, said.

"Our electric vehicles are slightly behind, and the problem is not big. The production line of electric vehicles is probably universal. Even if they are not universal, they cannot be left unused. Don't worry about this part."

Meng Liting nodded, indicating that she took note.

"The contractor's words ... You can ask Liu Mengmeng to see if our old acquaintances have time recently. It is better to use acquaintances if you have time. If you don't have time, you should find Ding Zhi or the Shanghai city boss and let them help It ’s a good idea to try to find a contractor with a military background, but don't worry too much. At present, no drawings or charging piles have been designed. "

Guan Ming trusts units with a military background. First, Guan Ming can greet them, and secondly, these units are less likely to lose weight because of cost issues.

"Okay, boss." Meng Liting nodded as she made a couch on the side of the sofa.

Then she said a little confused: "But boss, do we design the architectural drawings?"

Meng Liting didn't follow Guan Ming from the beginning, so she didn't know that the company building where she was now was designed by Guan Ming and Shuangxing.

Although a human brain chip was installed, she couldn't change her thinking mode of 'specialized in surgery' for a while.

Without turning his head, Guan Ming took advantage of the free time during which his opponent was thrown back and forth by his fat man, and pointed his temple with his fingers, saying, "We are not incapable of designing, so that we can design more closely to the needs of users.

"Oh ~ ~ I see." Meng Liting suddenly realized.

Meng Liting has a brain chip, and she also knows the existence of double stars.

"By the way, why didn't Liu Mengmeng come with you today?" For a while, I didn't hear the comfortable horse fart, and Guan Ming missed his `` little chest brother '' a little.

"Sister Mengmeng also wanted to follow me at the beginning, but she didn't have anything to report, so I stopped her and didn't let her come over." Meng Liting said at the end, she also had some milk pain.

Relying on a brain chip, Liu Mengmeng turned into a sticky bean bag after work, and almost stuck to Meng Liting's chest.

Meng Liting was scheduled to eat regularly every day. Once there was an opportunity, Liu Mengmeng turned into a driver and sent Meng Liting to meet customers, inspect the site and so on.

Now Meng Liting is like a thief even when she goes to the toilet, for fear of a trail behind her!

Even Meng Liting hasn't been doing SPA or anything like that recently. After all, Liu Mengmeng can come in at any time ...

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