Private Technology

: Seven hundred and twenty

Then I chatted for a while, probably seeing Guan Ming playing hard today, so Meng Liting didn't delay Guan Ming's game time, and left the housekeeper after ten minutes.

After Meng Liting left, Mu Xiaoxiao returned to her usual appearance at home, somewhat similar to the two forms of the dry girl.

"Hey ~ husband, the charging pile should be similar to a gas station. This thing is still designed by us? Isn't it designed by the country?"

Mu Xiaoxiao usually does not care about the company's affairs, but sometimes she also has a little idea inexplicably, or ask Guan Mingming, or find a double star to deal with, or do it herself.

For example, this inquiry, such as letting Double Star customize the sewing machine, for example, when using Heihehe to replace Guan Ming with blue fat ...

"My daughter-in-law, the current domestic standards for electric vehicles were set by your husband and I, so I also designed the charging pile ~" Looking at her with a smile, Guan Mingshun gave her a hand.

"Hate it!" Wrinkled his nose at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao shoved Guan Ming afterwards, then lowered his head to straighten the placket.

Guan Ming didn't care and continued playing his game.

Even if the charging pile was formulated by Guan Ming, in the electric vehicle industry, Guan Ming will definitely not achieve a permanent monopoly. Although he has not talked with Guan Ming about this, he is very good in this respect. Tacit understanding.

The reason why Guan Ming can achieve the current achievements and heights is to rely on technology to lead the current years, decades, decades and even hundreds of years.

What about a hundred years later? Wouldn't anyone invent the technology that is more important than today?

The country will not allow a private company to monopolize an industry forever, and even the country does not need to do anything. Naturally, there should be some technology, and there should be competition in the place where it competes.

The original monopoly will also become a short-term connection in the later period, and there is no concept of 'permanent'.

Compared with the country, human life is too short. In China, the proportion of the population born before the founding of the country and still alive is infinitely small, and the country is currently growing and will continue to grow in the future.

The reason why Guan Ming tolerates Guan Ming's continuous acquisition of massive funds in the market instead of 'killing pigs' is because the giants know that no matter how strong Guan Ming's technology is, he can't live in a country.

Taking the life of the country as the timeline, the country is now just abandoning the benefits of the beginning, but in exchange for a steady stream of high-tech, in exchange for accelerating the development of the country.

It's like a company's exemption, two reductions and halving. The country is not afraid of large companies in the country, it is afraid that the company will not grow up!

It's just that Guan Ming ’s time of ‘one exemption, two halvings’, covers Guan Ming ’s life.

"But if you look at it this way, you should be more nervous. I just listened to what Meng Liting meant. It seems that you have to give a drawing and then you have to design the drawing yourself, so you don't have to play with me at home. "Looking at his husband's face, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and said.

Although I am very happy to go to Hong Kong to make a movie together, and can still spend more than a month, but compared to what Guan Ming is going to do, Mu Xiaoxiao always feels that she is wasting Guan Ming's life.

"Occasionally have a rest, come here, continue to play, let me tell you, not only do you know that fire dance can shake, in fact, Mary can also shake ~" Guan Ming's eight gods have three consecutive qualities, directly direct each other After the character pressed to death, he urged.

"Cut ~ Let Shuangxing make such a change. You have the ability to find a female character who can't shake!" Muttered, Mu Xiaoxiao patted the button, the victory screen was interrupted, and the selection stage was entered. .

"Um ... Sakazaki Yuri and Joan?" Guan Ming asked uncertainly.

"Then both of them!" It was like a gas jam. In addition to choosing these two roles, Mu Xiaoxiao also chose a **** moon and a thousand cranes.

The war is about to start.


After lunch, Guan Ming was taken to work by his wife-in-law for his company. Maybe he wanted to make up for the time he had previously wasted.

"It seems that there is still a need to change ..." Sitting on a chair, Guan Ming murmured while looking at the circled Shanghai market map.

The original idea of ​​Guan Ming was very simple, that is, to buy enough land in the Shanghai market as a place to store and charge electric vehicles, but when it was really time to design the building and the charging pile, he discovered that there was a logical existence between the electric vehicles. Certain flaws and inconveniences.

To put it simply, the electric vehicle in Guanming was similar to the bus. It got off the station and got on the station. There were five kilometers per station and there were charging stations at each station.

But first, not all users' starting and destination are near the site.

Secondly, the site of the station is not large. Even if you can dig a pit up or down, it is still not enough for a large vehicle such as an electric vehicle.

Therefore, Guan Ming intends to further unlock the target and starting points of the electric vehicle. It is not a site-to-site, but a real point-to-point, which can be stopped and driven as desired.

However, the premise is to comply with traffic laws, and you must not stop in the middle of the road.

At the same time, Guan Ming also needs to plan the use range of electric vehicles, including the calculation of the target land and the remaining power. After driving the car to the wild mountains and mountains, there is no remaining electricity to support running back.

With battery technology, Guan Ming is currently able to charge for 20 minutes and travel 200 kilometers. As a city car, this level is enough. When the power is low to a certain level, the electric car will automatically drive to Nearest site.

In the future, if Guanming breaks through in technology, long-distance electric vehicles may not be impossible. Of course, if the country installs sufficient charging piles on high-speed and national highways, the current battery can also support long-distance vehicles .

"Boss, the drawings for the Great Wall are equipped with the latest technology or sub-technology?" Shuangxing asked ~ ~ Well ... the latest one, anyway, your scientific research list is complete, it is estimated that in a few months There are newer technologies. Guan Ming thought about it and said.

Recently, there have been many tasks, and Guan Ming naturally will not let binary stars go unused, and the scientific research capabilities of binary stars, Guan Ming is still very relieved.

"What about the model?" Shuangxing continued to ask. For it, scientific research is both a task and an instinct. It doesn't have a special research direction that it likes and hates.

"Come on three models first, a four-seat home version, a small bread, and a bus. Come on these three." Guan Ming didn't get too tangled.

Bus is the task arranged above. If electric vehicles are promoted in the future, buses are definitely an important part of city operation, but Guan Ming does not want to do the bus business, even if the business is stable and profitable.

After all, there are ceilings for each city.

PS: Subscriptions are sparse, please subscribe, and also expect to buy more bottles of drinks in the New Year ...

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