Private Technology

: Seven hundred forty my big master

"I'm going, there's no one for this acting!" Guan Ming left three or four positions in front of Guan Ming, and a small voice got into Guan Ming's ear. Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao heard it too.

Covering her mouth and chuckling, her bright eyes are full of ridicule.

Guan Ming shrugged innocently, listening only to Guan Ming's voice in the speakers around him, and playing the picture of Guan Ming simultaneously on the big screen.

In the cafe, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao sat opposite each other. The fitted suit and light blue midi skirt, under the makeup artist's hands, Guan Ming was much more handsome than before, and Mu Xiaoxiao was much more refined than before.

"It's been a long time since I came to the coffee shop so brightly. I remember when we two met each other, we would swim every day, but the people around us didn't know us. It was really free then." Guan Ming reached out his hand. , Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand on the table.

"I used to be freer than I am now, and now I am more famous than before." Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was very soft without pulling out her hand. With the cooperation of the loudspeaker, she could hear her voice like flowing water, full of the past. Memories, under the dignified and beautiful, I can feel the tender love like water.

Uh ~

With the sound of blasting, the glass was smashed and fell to the ground. Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao turned their heads together and looked at the dense smoke of orange flame across the glass window with astonishment. It seemed that they would not encounter this kind of accident.

Suddenly a bodyguard came out of the cafe and outside the cafe, facing away from Guan Ming, and at the same time moved closer to Guan Ming, and even some bodyguards took out the guns and were alert to the surrounding situation.

As soon as the picture turns, the battle of No. 1 begins.

"Okay, I also know that I'm not performing well." Silently ridiculed by his wife-in-law, Guan Ming can only explain pale, it may be a problem of the environment and the state of the other party, Guan Ming at the moment did not consider her He just felt a little embarrassed.

"I played so well ~" I didn't say how bad Guan Ming was, but just how good I was. It wasn't a show off, but an alternative excuse to justify Guan Ming.

She is also an old man and wife. Guan Ming can understand what she did not say. She reached out, patted her leg, smiled and said nothing.

"It's just that after watching this movie, it is estimated that people outside will make up for how romantic and emotional we were." Mu Xiaoxiao said, blinking playfully.

Speaking of the year, Guan Ming remembered that from the beginning of his life, he had very few skin relatives for a whole year. At most, he accidentally touched his arm, even without holding hands.

Now when I think about it, Guan Ming also feels a little weird. Now that he has become accustomed to certain sports, both physically and mentally, it is difficult for him to imagine how he came to sleep before Mu Xiaoxiao fell asleep.

Probably, this is another manifestation of counseling.

"Take care of them, you have to live your own life ~" Guan Ming said meaningfully, the screen continued to play on the big screen, light and shadow interspersed, and various intense dialogue came from the ear.

The more than an hour of the movie was over soon. The "Under Crime" in this life gave Guan Ming a good feeling, at least much better than that "Kung Fu Yoga". When "Kung Fu Yoga" Guan Ming went to the movie to watch in his life, I slept three times in an hour and a half, and after waking up, I can continue to watch without obstacles. The only thing that can leave Guan Ming's memory is the ending ...

After watching the movie, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao also took the opportunity to eat outside. The restaurant guide given by the tires did not give Guan Ming a good impression. It ’s probably too particular about 'people and nature'. The leaves always give Guan Ming a kind of earthy smell, and the raw fish roe and strong fishy smell are basically reluctant to swallow. The most important thing is that it takes a long time to prepare. Before the next dish comes up, the first dish is already Digested light.

"That's it, turn back and wait to receive our poster." Seeing Guan Ming coming over, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his phone and said happily.

Uji is a well-known old matcha shop. It is said that it was opened by the islanders and looks like a cow. At least after Mu Xiaoxiao raised this demand, Ma Qingyun's first choice was this shop.

It should be regarded as a kind of wind, Guan Ming is not very sensitive to interiors and the like, but the taste of matcha cheese is really good.

"I finished the phone call so soon?" Guan Ming knew that she had just taken the time to call the crew. In order to get a full set of posters and all the things about Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, the role was of course to commemorate.

"Yeah, just a few words. I just had a review of the movie. Everyone's comments were so interesting ~" He waved at Guan Ming and motioned to the other side.

After Guan Ming came together to sit down, Mu Xiaoxiao swiped twice on the mobile phone, and under Guanming Weibo, a bunch of comments made by Guan Ming.

"Come out for a cup of coffee. There are actually ten bodyguards! Also with a gun! How afraid of you!"

"It's different from the last interview. I remember that Guan Ming originally gave his wife-in-law as a tutor. Can current tutors invite students to come out and enjoy the mountains and rivers? The point is still a senior student. Your conscience will not Does it hurt? Also, is there anyone looking for a tutor? I think I'm pretty good ... "

"Guan Ming's acting comes out in minutes. With that jerky expression and stiff movements, your daughter-in-law's performance is ten thousand times better than you!"

"Covering my left eye, as the body twitches, the whole movie is dull ..."

"The light upstairs, three seconds really a man!"

The forefinger and thumb held the beautiful and slender finger, Guan Ming was dark, and deleted the comment of that ‘real man’.

Mmp, yy is too old, old iron, Indian **** oil can't save you!

Pouting and smiling, Mu Xiaoxiao also did not resist, and she did not like such comments, but she liked Guan Guan's depressed expression because of such comments.

"Well, hurry up and eat and go home. Xiao Xi Xiaoyu should be anxious." Guan Ming pushed the dessert on the table angrily.

"Yes, yes, my grandfather ~" Pulling Changyin, Mu Xiaoxiao's body was shaking slightly left and right ~ ~ to show that she was in a good mood.

There are good and bad online reviews, but considering that this is the first time Guan Ming and his wife appear in the photo, everyone has a high degree of tolerance and a strong sense of ridicule.


"The moon is not from a certain country, so it is impossible to artificially delimit it, otherwise our lunar rover would have filled the moon long ago!" An official from the United States spoke at a multinational conference.

Instant translation in the headset, even if you do not understand English, you can fully understand each other's meaning.

"But this is not the reason for your close observation. Our country has no intention of delimiting it. However, we believe that there is espionage in your country's approaching and taking photos at close range. I hope that your country will immediately withdraw the lunar rover and keep it certain Distance. "A Chinese with black hair heard it retort relentlessly.

He then said with a playful look and attitude: "And from the current situation, your country has not been able to develop the moon. It is better to care about things on the moon so early than to develop related technologies. If that's the case, maybe the confidence will be more sufficient. "

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