Private Technology

: 741 are all weak countries!

Nearly a hundred people in the meeting room, as the representatives of the Chinese people spoke, they were instantly silent.

The development of the moon is a very beautiful vision, but without the corresponding technology, it can only be achieved in a dream.

From the current point of view, China is the only country with the ability to independently develop the moon. Although everyone knows that there is a "non-staff" who can help and even the main force, this is not an excuse, because in this world, the process may be important , But the results are equally important.

Why don't you have this ability? Why doesn't your country have the same talent as Guan Ming?

At the same time, looking at Guan Ming's past performance, other countries simply do not have the ability to counter it, and even the chances of seeing him are scarce.

After becoming famous, Guan Ming never went abroad, and even his immediate family members did not go abroad, which may give people a feeling of freedom, but the area of ​​the cage reached 9.6 million square kilometers, within this range Guan Ming and Guan Ming's family belong to absolute security and absolute freedom. To a certain extent, Guan Ming's power and authority have covered public officials at a certain level.

Don't mention the security level when Guan Ming travels, just look at the patrol team near Ming's house, you will know how dense the security is!

After more than ten seconds of silence, the representative of the polar bear said: "The moon does not belong to any country. It belongs to the global human beings. There are 224 countries and regions in the world. Interference, likewise, we cannot ignore the interests of other countries because of their weakness. "

The history of polar bears can be replaced by Putin history. People who have been in power for a long time and will continue to rule in the future may have flaws in their personal relationships.

For space activities, polar bears always carry inexplicable emotions. After all, the Soviet Union was dragged to death by space activities.

"So, we help those friendly countries, those who want to perform lunar mining and do not have the corresponding technology. We will lease a mining site to the weaker countries, and provide a complete transportation process, so that these countries without the corresponding technology also You can get minerals from the moon. "The representative of the Chinese did not specifically indicate who was the" weak small country ", but by speaking up and down, in fact, everyone present could automatically make up for it.

In the development of the moon, all countries except China are weak!

"Now we are not sure of your country's ability in the development of the moon. If your country can provide the corresponding technology for verification, I don't think everyone will mind this order." The representative of the island country said after giving the instruction.

"Sorry, we only sell the returned mineral deposits. To be precise, the rental price or mineral sale price is determined based on the consumption of mining points and rocket transportation. You can understand it as 'CIF', of course, It doesn't matter if your country does not recognize our technology, no matter which country is qualified to say no, but considering other factors such as the difficulty of equipment production and the lack of optional mining points, we actually cannot provide 224 mining points At present, it is unclear how many mining points can be rented out, but I can only say that it comes on a first come, first served basis. "Chinese representatives know the thoughts and intentions of these people, and they are not polite to speak because this is a closed meeting.

Countries headed by the United States and polar bears focus on mining qualifications and the inability to monopolize the Moon, while small countries such as Japan and South Korea target technical aspects.

They take technology as the first goal and minerals as the second goal. Not to mention the representatives of the people, even the representatives of other countries are very clear.

No matter how big the moon is, it is only a satellite of the earth. No matter how important helium 3 is, it is only a single resource.

In addition to the earth, there are seven planets in the solar system. The existence of the solar system is just a drop in the ocean for the Milky Way. At the same time, more than 100 billion galaxies have been observed by humans.

Instead of looking at the ‘insignificant’ moon, everyone ’s gaze is better than looking at the stars and seas!

This is the second global conference on lunar mining, and it is foreseeable that there will be many such conferences later.


"Base, base, base, base."

"Gay, gay, gay, gay."

"Base, base, base, base."

"Gay, gay, gay, gay."

Under the festive red light, Guan Mengxi's young sisters wore tight red dance clothes and danced dog-leg dances. The tunes were good and the dances were very funny.

The little sisters lined up sideways, and the little clothes that accentuated the figure made the two little boys look chubby.

Guan Mengxi's movements are exaggerated and full of rhythm. I'm afraid that every rhythm is not in place, even the posture of turning his head and squatting waist is so ...

The younger sister Guan Mengyu's action range is much smaller. The whole person is a little embarrassed, but insists on cheering up. Generally speaking, he is weak.

Sister is a stunner and a nerd? Sister is weak and arrogant?

Guan Ming, who was sitting on the sofa, made up the picture of the future sisters in love and kill each other in an instant. In the plot, the essence is extracted from the essence of the day ...

Guan Ma, Mu Mu and Mu Xiaoxiao sat side by side, clap their hands in rhythm, and looked at the little sister with a smile.

Chinese New Year, New Year's Eve, the little sisters carefully prepared a semester of mini-show finally came out, and it feels very good to adults, including Guan Ming, it is very good, after all, in terms of their age, they can do this At this level, it is very, very rare to be able to persist for a few months. At least Guan Ming can see the shadow of filial piety.

Entertain yourself, happy everyone?

Who knows? ~ Anyway, Guan Ming is very proud to see the performance of the little sisters. Of course, Guan Ming temporarily reserves his opinion on this track that Mu Xiaoxiao loves.

As for the four old people, they have no opinion at all. They do n’t understand anyway, and they do n’t even understand the meaning of ‘ki’ and ‘gay’.

"Awesome! Come here, come and get my red envelope!" After the music stopped, the pipe father quickly greeted the little sister, and took out two big red envelopes from the gap of the sofa cushion. From the perspective of thickness, the unit was '10, 000 '. of.

"Thank you Grandpa, Grandpa is a Happy New Year!" Even after the intense dance, Guan Mengxi, who has a long physical fitness, still has a lot of strength. He habitually pulls his sister and runs towards Guan Daddy.

Taking a few steps, fortunately, she was not used to the sudden situation, but she was also used to this sudden situation, except that Meng Yu's face was inexplicably ruddy.

"It's all saved, don't delete it, make a backup." Slightly looked back, Guan Ming said to the robot beside him.

"No problem, boss." Nodded, Shuangxing's voice was still magnetic.

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