Memories are one of the most precious wealth of human beings. Although some memories are black history, these are also very interesting memories, such as certificates of merit in childhood, small, medium and high diplomas.

Guan Mengxi's serious and enchanting dancing posture still remained in the retina, Guan Ming smiled and shook his head subconsciously.

Traveler? How come! !!

By contrast, Guan Mengyu knows that no matter which world's traversal passengers, no matter what gender, there will be things that they can't adapt to.

If Guan Mengxi is really a passerby, how much courage does she need to be serious to such a degree, and how thick her skin is to perform such a dance meticulously?

"Hoe, one hundred thousand head, one million first." Sitting on the sofa with pride, Guan Ming looked at the four little meat hands in front of him and said with a smile.

"Slightly, bad guys ~" Tongue sticking her tongue back and forth, Guan Mengxi still hugged her sister nervously, for fear she would scratch her head for money.

Guan Mengyu rolled his eyes and didn't know who he was targeting, probably both father and daughter.

"Come to Mom, Dad is a bad guy, there is no sincerity, Mom gives double copies ~" Beckoning, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled out two big red envelopes from under the coffee table, attracting two little guys.

Although Meng Xi is young, she also knows what money is, even if she has no place to spend it, and at the same time, the money is finally saved by Mu Xiaoxiao in a fixed account, but this does not prevent her from requesting a red envelope. Mood and motivation.

Rhubarb shook her small buttocks, ran around behind the two little masters, and also enjoyed the atmosphere of the New Year, although its sense of existence was not high.

The atmosphere of the Chinese New Year covers the whole world. After all, the Chinese population occupies a fraction of the global population, and where there is a Chinese, the taste of the year is very full.

"The construction of the platform for rocket take-off and landing, the laying of a special transport channel, the semi-permanent ecosphere shell, the helium 3 preliminary processing plant, and a small star simulator. To build such a mining site, it is necessary to continue to transport more than 10 rockets. Load! "

"In the current situation, mining can no longer rely solely on robots, or the current robots are no longer suitable for such closed operations."

"According to transportation requirements, the rocket needs to be redesigned to facilitate access. It is even necessary to establish a factory for rocket maintenance on the moon. At least there must be a place to park the problem rocket, and at the same time ensure that the next rocket can land safely."

On the fourth day of the new year, the original number of participants increased again, including Zhu Xiaoguang and Zhou Wanli who are more familiar with Guan Ming.

With the various situations in the country ’s closed-door conferences around the world, the arrangements for mining sites have also changed. Originally, I just wanted to build an 'open-pit mining site', and then started mining like scraping the ground, but now I have to replace it with a closed one. Mining mode.

However, the closed mining mode is also beneficial. If all the shells of the ecosystem are installed as solar collector panels, the backup energy is definitely much stronger than before, because it can be seen from the current design drawings that the diameter of this ecosystem will be It will reach one kilometer and the surface area will reach 1.57 million square meters!

"If you look at it this way, it is still difficult to implement all the technologies in the short term. This does not rule out that the future may be changed due to other circumstances." After an old man said, his eyes could not help but manage Look over there, after all, everyone in the room knows that, speaking of technology alone, the youngest person in this conference room is the strongest one!

"Don't look at me, I have a lot of work on hand." Feeling the surrounding eyes, Guan Ming waved his hands again and again, he didn't want to be dragged down by this project, although the moon mining site is also very important to him personally.

"Your mission is the most important. Those that are a little less difficult can be given to us old guys. After all, some of the people present now also have this ability. If you are really tired, Then our sin is great! "Seeing Guan Ming's performance, the old lady Zhu Xiaoguang said with a smile.

Although many people in the meeting room looked at Zhu Xiaoguang with some doubts, and did not know where she had the courage to take it, there were quite a few people who nodded in approval.

Doubt is to doubt these difficulties, whether the people here are qualified and capable to complete in a short time.

Recognition is the recognition of the human brain chip. A considerable number of people present have already installed or already know the existence of the human brain chip. According to the people who have already installed the human brain chip, the tasks are evenly divided. Guan Ming, however, is definitely faster than Guan Ming alone in total time consumption.

Perhaps in the past, ‘three tanners over Zhuge Liang’ was an inspiration and a belief.

But when the human brain chip is produced and put into use, this is already a practice and a fact, because to a certain extent, the human brain chip is also a kind of quantitative change.

The income of Junding 100 may not be less than that of Junding 500. The former is more than 100,000 a day, and it can even beat most of the streets. This is really an inspirational chicken soup ...

"Xiao Zhu is right, we are also the top figures in China and even in the world. We can't just let the small tube do all the work for ourselves. If we really want to, what kind of meeting would we have? Go home and bring your grandson. Got it ~ "A very old man made a speech, set the tone ~ ~ This old man Guan Ming has the impression that he is the director of a national research institute and is a big taker in space. When he was young, he went to study in the Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Union finally fell on his knees, knowledge was a thing that he followed for his whole life.

"Then I take the lead. I have been studying rockets before. I am responsible for the rocket transformation. I will ensure that the materials can enter and exit normally when the rocket is erected." Zhu Xiaoguang was afraid of the cold field. When he made a statement, she said that she would take care of the rocket. .

"You old guy, so old and so impatient, I'm in charge of solar panels. Recently, I researched a good thing, which is a bit expensive. Looking at the data of this ecosystem, it will take some time to produce it all. Ah. "An old lady in Zhu Xiaoguang's six positions played the material on her hand and claimed the job.

"I'm responsible for the robot. If you make people blush, this robot is also thanks to the robot before the small tube." A person in charge of the Robot Research Institute in China said that after all, the robot that has been studied before is At that time, the giant stiffly went from Guan Ming's side.

At the meeting, each unit was an individual, claiming tasks one by one.

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