Private Technology

: 678 flickered

"I have been emphasizing that the country has risen. Those foreign forces cannot completely lock up China's exhibitions. No matter the first island chain, the second island chain, or the third island chain, there is no way to curb the country's exhibition. "

"In fact, I have the latest news about the rescue of Chinese tourists who are in the war zone by our special soldiers, which fully shows the strength of the country's research on new equipment and the rapid progress. Once a war breaks out, , The combat effectiveness of our army is definitely not the Xiaomi plus rifle of the year, but a high-strength and modern information team. "On TV, the station began to flicker.

The TV show was about the South China Sea. It probably felt like a big war, so the enthusiasm of the people in this area is still very high.

"Can you tell us what kind of new equipment?" The host asked in a timely manner.

"How is this possible to tell everyone." The bureau smiled and waved, and continued: "These new equipment are all the latest researched by the country. Perhaps the shape has been exposed in this operation, but the relevant parameters are definitely not there. If I Now I ’m talking about a bunch of parameters and performances, and I ’m being broadcast by the TV station, so I can tell you very clearly that you are flickering. This is a state secret. How can it be said? How could it be broadcast? "

"It's really a shame ~" The host didn't care about the flickering ability of the seat, and the conversation was again on the South China Sea in three or two sentences.

At home, Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on Guan Ming's leg, waking up again and again.

I can't remember this is the first time I went to bed after dawn, it may be the third or fourth time, but I usually wake up with urine.

As Guan Ming said, with the advancement of pregnancy time, Mu Xiaoxiao really feels that he has a little urination, dysuria, and the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are obvious, especially when he gets up every morning. Vomit.

"Wake up? Go to the toilet?" Feeling the head on his leg moved, Guan Ming, who was watching TV, pulled his eyes down and looked at the head on his leg.

Today is not a rest day. Of course, the younger sister Guan Mengxi was not at home. Apart from the fact that the husband Guan Ming does not cook, the rest is basically the same as the housewife.

"Well, let me get up first, slow down, my head is still dizzy ~" I don't know if it was too much sleep or hypoglycemia, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was very weak.

"Where are your parents?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked stupidly after being held up.

"My parents and your parents went out to burn incense. I don't know whether to make a wish or wish. I don't know, but it's okay. When they come back, they will definitely wash it first. There is no other strange smell." Tube Ming did not understand the set of wishing to worship Buddha, but Guan Ming did not reject it.

Guan Ming believed in 'cause and effect' from previous life to this life, what kind of cause, what result.

Even if he was a traveler, even if he had lived two lives, he did not have the idea to believe in the Buddhas in the sky, but he was not as resistant to the gods and Buddhas in his life.

Anyway, if you have money at home, you should spend money to buy peace.

"Oh ~" Nodded, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care what Guan Ming said, kicked his feet on the carpet twice, and Rhubarb quickly drew the slippers over.

At the beginning of pregnancy, Mu Xiaoxiao was more repellent to Guan Ming to take her to the toilet. In her words, it would not be convenient.

Looking at the figure who entered the toilet, Guan Ming picked up the phone from the coffee table, called the Shanghai boss, and walked towards the glass wall.

"Sorry, I didn't see my phone just now. I didn't see your call." After the call was connected, Guan Ming quickly said an apology.

"Haha, it's okay, and it doesn't matter. I just heard that your wife is pregnant, so I called to ask about the situation." At the other end of the phone, the Shanghai gangster pointed out the door and was reporting work. The group immediately knew what to do, and went out waiting lightly.

Being able to make a phone call can also delay the work of the Shanghai Stock Exchange to talk about pregnancy, which is no longer a gossip for this person.

"Just when I was pregnant, it was Xiaoxiao that her body reacted a bit. She has been lethargic recently, and she may have a violent reaction throughout her pregnancy." Guan Ming did not investigate who leaked the wind.

Whether it was the actions of the steward today, the four seniors of the Mu family, or the deliberate demands of the dishes yesterday and today, it is not difficult to know what Guan Ming is, and Guan Ming does not mind letting him know that News, such as Mu Xiaoxiao's pregnancy.

"Oh, I need to pay attention. I know someone at 3o1 Hospital. Otherwise, I will prepare an expert consultation for you and show it to Xiaoxiao?" The voice of the big boss in Shanghai seemed to represent him. The relationship to Guan Ming's family is similar.

A specialist from the Military General Hospital consults pregnant women? Guan Ming doesn't know how to describe the brains of the big names in Shanghai ~ ~ No need, no hassle, this is too much trouble to come back and forth, and if you are home, you are also prepared. "It's not a big catastrophe. Guan Ming couldn't commit someone to come to the clinic for consultation.

Out of the toilet, Mu Xiaoxiao saw Guan Ming calling on the phone. Suddenly, she wanted to listen to Guan Ming's call. She ran to Guan Ming with a sly smile on her face, pulling his hand holding the phone. pull down.

"There is nothing troublesome, 3o1, there are quite a few old doctors who use human brain chips, and they have long wanted to come in and talk to you in this regard." Naturally, I didn't know that Guan Ming had now been pulled to a chair and sat on the phone. When he called, Mu Xiaoxiao put one ear together and listened.

In order to facilitate the eavesdropping, Guan Ming had to put the phone aside.

"Hey ~ Don't talk to me about work at this time. I don't have any thoughts either. I have been waiting for Xiaoxiao at home recently. During this time, don't make me want to burn my mind. This No time. "Guan Ming quickly stopped all possible words.

If it's normal, Guan Ming doesn't mind wasting time to talk with this group of grandparents, but now his mind is on his wife and children, how can he have time to care about other things.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoxiao is pregnant. You should take care of her at home. Recently, I heard that Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu are doing very well. Everyone is expecting your third child." Helplessly shook his head, Shanghai Stock Exchange. The boss can only change the angle to motivate Guan Ming.

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