Private Technology

: For the peace of the world

"It seems that many people are looking forward to our children." After Xiaoming hung up the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao said with great emotion.

The early wisdom of the twins made Mu Xiaoxiao confident and look forward to the children afterwards. After all, no matter whether they are rich or poor, their expectations for the next generation are the same, and they expect their children to be of equal beauty and talent.

"Of course. Inheriting your beauty and my talents, our children must be worth looking forward to." She stunned her face, and Guan Ming's mouth was also bent upwards.

"Ah ~ what is the better name for the two of us?" Guan Ming was not heavy, and Mu Xiaoxiao did not resist. Instead, he looked at Guan Ming with bright eyes, and Guan Ming's head was clearly printed on his pupils. .

"Eh ... you don't have to think about it, I'm afraid our children will be in pain in the future!" Guan Ming politely rejected Mu Xiaoxiao's words.

At the time when Mu Xiaoxiao was pregnant with twins, she could think of names like eating, drinking, and filling, and Guan Ming really couldn't guarantee that she could think of anything more amazing.

Fortunately, Mu's IQ was still online, otherwise Mu Xiaoxiao might be called 'Mu IQ' today.

"You will lose your baby like this!" He muttered his mouth and held a long note, seeming uncomfortable for not being able to proceed to the next step happily.

"No, it's better, let's think about how Xiao Xi Xiaoyu likes their brother or sister." In October, she conceived, Guan Ming needs to find something for Mu Xiaoxiao to do, otherwise it will be easy for him to get tired .

According to the rhythm of normal pregnancy in his last life, Guan Ming felt that he still had a lot to do, at least his physical fitness had to come up.


"Little daughter-in-law is pregnant again?" After hearing the news, the giant looked up and asked again.

"Yes, the current news came from the Guanming company kitchen. It said that starting from last night, the Guanming family's diet specifically requested to be done in the early stages of pregnancy, to avoid all bad food." The little secretary recalled After a brief presentation, said.

"I'll pick a time ~" The giant said with a headache, and then thought again, while the little secretary stood aside and didn't speak.

Of course, the giants are not thinking about punishing Guan Mingsheng or how. From the current data of Guan Mengxi's younger sister, Guan Ming's next child's probability of early wisdom is very high, even if there is no scientific theory at present.

But since it already exists, it must be scientific.

The giant is thinking, if Guan Ming's child is still early, maybe some of the plans mentioned have to be implemented, or I'm sorry for Guan Ming.

After all, everyone said that at the beginning.

"The giant, just got the news, said that the White House speaker had just said about our side in Syria." It may take about three minutes, the secretary suddenly said.

"Help me out." The giant raised his chin, and the little secretary quickly turned on the holographic projection.

At present, all the secretaries of the giants have installed human brain chips to help the giants handle things better, and at the same time to know certain news faster.

"We have a document in hand. It shows that a team of Chinese special fighters appeared on the Syrian battlefield 3 hours ago. They are conducting inhumane weapon tests on the battlefield under the name of rescue Chinese tourists. Worried situation. "

"According to the follow-up investigation, we have reason to believe that the other party is already energy-producing and has a mechanical exoskeleton armor that is in actual combat. Although not as powerful as Iron Man, it is a weapon that can change the situation for the current war."

"Similarly, we have reasons to believe that this is a precursor to China's readiness to expand its armament, and to use strong capital and strength to conduct weapons research rather than work for world peace. I think that the management of future technology may have a major role in it. It works, after all, he's too smart. "

Rory, oh, on the holographic projection, a White House speaker murmured. It is dangerous to talk about China inside and outside the country. China is powerful, Guan Ming is dangerous, and Guan Ming is smart.

From the side, this also reflects a change in the attitude of the Austrian and Black authorities towards China.

When he wasn't caught before, Okui's attitude was obvious. He tried his best to curb China's exhibitions, whether in the South China Sea or economics and trade. The advantage of doing so was to earn the support of current voters.

After Okui was caught, his attitude was unlikely to change at 18o °, so from the original efforts to contain, he became the various boasts now.

Compared with the original short soldiers to show strength, the two armies are now alert to each other. Compared with the former, the latter still has the space and depth of 'peace'.

"Working for world peace, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year." Looking at the full text, the giant laughed and teased the secretary.

To force the United States to such a degree, perhaps in history textbooks, he would praise the leaders this time ~ ~ but he did not say one thing wrong, that Guan Ming is too clever. "Of course, the little secretary would not refuse to chat with the giants, and then patted him.

The little secretary knows who is the giant's heart.

"Yeah, the small tube is smart." After touching the pencil on his hand, the giant thought for a moment and said, "In the last few days, I arranged time for me. I went to the Shanghai market to see the small tube. Giant. "

"Okay." The chest raised his head, the little secretary first took the task with certainty, and then said with a little embarrassment, "But your most recent trip is very busy ..."

Such things as work are not something you can get rid of, and the little secretary can't refuse any of the scheduled trips for the giants.

"Let ’s do this. The giant in charge of technology is at home. Ask him to help me deal with the content of the work. The work reported from the ground to the central government can be transferred to him first." After thinking about it, the giant said.

"OK." Nodded, the little secretary began to contact the little secretary in charge of the tech giant.

Guan Ming didn't know that there was a giant to visit, and even the content of the White House speaker was unclear. He now held Guan Mengxi's small sweater in his hands, and stood with a sullen expression outside the main bedroom door.

Guan Mingzheng was going to take Guan Mengxi to practice his dressing skills. As a result, Guan Mengxi said, "Girls' bodies cannot be shown to boys."

Guan Ming was furious at the time, and he told Guan Mengxi at that time: the treatment levels of his sons and granddaughters are absolutely different!

As for why Guan Ming is standing outside the door, that's another story ...

ps: Thank you Xingchen Big Sea Rabbit for your reward, thank you for your support!

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