Private Technology

: Seven hundred and seventy Giants came to the door (two / fifty)

"The work is not good at all. Every day when he talks about medical reform and threats that threat, isn't he hoping to get Congress to pass a larger arms order?"

"I had been expecting that Black and Black could improve the social status of blacks after he came to power. As a result, he did, but he only improved the status of his family." On the taxi, a dark-skinned driver floundered.

"You can't say the same thing, after all, Mr. President needs to consider too many things, maybe it is too late to deal with other things." On the back seat of the car, a white man wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, perfunctory.

"Maybe you are right, this broken traffic network is just one of the things he hasn't had time to deal with." Looking at the rearview mirror shrugged, then the black brother pressed the horn hard, and then the entire street was blocked by a car All honked their horns, urging this annoying traffic.

Traffic jams are a common situation in every city. Since the city's initial planning did not take into account the continuous increase in the number of vehicles per capita, resulting in road congestion, etc., this is not a problem faced by one city, but all super large cities are facing Puzzle.

But no matter how traffic jams, the door of the White House will never be blocked.

"Listen, you have two things to keep in mind this time. First, don't offend China. Now it's not good for us to anger China."

"Second, try to bring everything about that Arab, try?"

In the White House office, O'Hare looked at the Vice President in front of him.

The vice president is usually only the representative of the president. He is usually the person with the least real power, but he is the first heir. When the current president vacates (dies, resigns, impeachment), the vice president can turn right.

Okui ’s appointment was considered resignation, but because the thunder was too large, no one in the Republican Party was willing to come out to fight the thunder, and in the end Okui was wrong and took office.

"But the words of the parliament ..." Hearing Okui said, although Biden knew something, he still couldn't handle some things.

"Don't worry about those stupid people. Now the South China Sea is too hot. I need to cool down instead of triggering war. As for Guan Ming, don't even think about turning back. I went there twice and it turned out to be in his basement. I haven't been there, and China won't let Guan Ming go abroad easily. "Okui remembered the speech of a member of parliament. There is still a bit of pain, and the most painful is the one proposed by the Democratic Party.

Austrian Black sometimes wondered whether those people received the money or the IQ was eaten by the pigs.

"Remember your philosophy? Haven't you always wanted to have dialogue with China instead of confrontation? Don't worry, I will carry it for you when something happens." I patted him who was 20 years old and older. On the shoulders of the old man, Okui was a 'blessing from the elders'.

"Okay, I think I understand what to do." After hearing Okui's words, Biden thought about it and nodded hard.

Guan Ming also received news about the giants coming to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Guan Ming, who received the news, was probably aggressive. From the timeline point of view, the giant should now sit in the capital of the emperor as a 'Chujun' and handle all kinds of complicated things.

As a giant of a country, Guan Ming does not think that the other party's time can be idle to the extent that he can cross the door. He still flies over to cross the door.

In other words, this is a meeting before taking office as chief executive to get their own support? Guan Ming's brain hole was huge for an instant.

"Ah? The giant is coming. Then I can go back to my mother's house for two days." After hearing Guan Ming's briefing, Mu Xiaoxiao asked first.

If it wasn't for the mother's pull, Mu Xiaoxiao could persuade into a ball on the sofa!

"Don't make trouble, your mother's house and ours are less than 50 meters away, where else can you go? I guess this time I came to see you come, what did you run like?" Guan Mom was afraid that Mu Xiaoxiao would The child huddled up, constantly smoothing the flat belly.

"Don't scare Xiaoxiao, there must be some to see Xiaoxiao, but it is estimated that there are other things, people are very busy, don't have so much time to talk with us." Some things are very clear to my father.

As a wild observer who has retired, Guan Dian also ranks the next giant in his heart. At present, the giant who is about to go to the door has a very high probability of reaching the summit.

"Huh ~" What I want to refute, but considering that the other party is a giant, after all, even if it is private at home, we still have to give some respect.

"I haven't seen it before, why are you so motivated, be brave!" Guan Ming is the only one in the family who can't run away, so he has to cheer up his wife.

"I'm just not used to it, mainly because I watch too much on TV, so it's still difficult to change my mindset." Mu Xiaoxiao was also embarrassed with a look on his head.

"Adapt slowly. You don't need to say anything anyway. You just need to be in charge of beauty and flowers. I'm in charge of making money to support my family." Guan Ming stopped her shoulder and said a very inflammatory statement.

"I, I, I, I am the flower!" I think I was ignored ~ ~ Guan Mengxi Da Da da ran over, opened his hands and stuck his jaw, and made a lovely action.

"Yes, you are the flower. It's so pretty ~" Mu Xiaoxiao touched his little head, then subconsciously wanted to hold it, but his mother was superior and Mu Xiaoxiao took a step first.

Perhaps it was empty in the arms, Mu Xiaoxiao finally held Guan Ming's shoulders and chatted with his family.


The giants' visit came quickly and suddenly. Even the giants were already sitting in Guan Ming's house. The heads and brains of the Shanghai stock market did not seem to have reacted.

"I have always been paying attention to your affairs, both in life and work. They are very good. I heard that the pharmaceutical factory is now capable of making medicines." After talking with the housekeeper, the giant and Guan Ming went upstairs to the study. Talk about something else.

"The pharmaceutical factory is not yet qualified to produce drugs, and I'm going to wait for Xiaoxiao to start work after this production. I usually ignore her very much. When pregnant, I want to stay with her. Guan Ming is currently at odds with the content of his work and does not have any deflection because the other party is a giant.

"Ten months ... nine months of empty windows ~" The giant shook his head with regret.

Now that Guan Ming's work has to be put down, it means that the research on anti-gravity equipment on Guan Ming's hand will be suspended, and no other scientists in China can take over this part of the work.

Because no matter the current design concept, subsequent assumptions and other issues, it is necessary to control the 'handover', but the attitude of the management now is to take a long vacation.

"Forget it, don't say this. I have one more thing to ask you this time. Do you think the equipment displayed in Syria this time is eligible to be used by the entire army?" The giant did not want other questions, and talked about it This is also an important reason why the giants came to see Guan Ming.

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