Ze Yu didn't answer, but just put his hand on the door lock again.

"Being discovered by Zi Nai, you are a shameless mother who seduces her son-in-law...or Zi Nao will not find anything after hiding behind the door, you choose one."

"I, just call me...don't say any more!"

Nangong Ruonan's face turned red, she was about to die of shame, this scumbag!


"Or not."


Ze Yu still shook his head.

Then he slightly lifted the door lock: "If the Empress is so uncooperative, I can't help it."

"Don't! Husband...don't, don't, don't... don't pick...husband, husband...husband!"

Nangong Ruonan shouted in a panic.


The door lock fell, Nangong Ruonan also heaved a sigh of relief.

And Ze Yu showed a satisfied expression: "Okay, I will open the door, you hide behind the door, you should have such means."

Ze Yu let go of the empress' hand.

Nangong Ruonan also quickly disappeared, and then hid behind the door.

Ze Yu opened the door, and behind the door was Nangong Zi Nai with a resentful face.

"What about her?"

As soon as Nangong Zi Nai entered the door, she looked around, trying to catch, rape, the woman in the room.

She knew Ze Yu best, she hadn't opened the door for so long, she was playing some weird tricks!

But in the room, apart from Nangong Zhuyue who was still asleep on the bed, there was no one else to be seen.

So Nangong Zi Nai immediately smelled the smell on Ze Yu's body, but it turned out that there was too much smell on Ze Yu's body, and she couldn't tell the difference.

There was his own sister's smell, there were several other women's smells, and brother Yu's own smell... But this only showed that he and his sister had done good things together.

This is what she acquiesced to, but she did not acquiesce to other women!

"Suspicious...very suspicious...where is she hiding?"

Nangong Zi Nai puffed up her cheeks and looked at Ze Yu, wanting to question her.

But at this moment, Nangong Ruonan held his breath, and really didn't dare to make any movement.

So nervous...so exciting...

"No one is hiding, Zi Nao, are you too suspicious?"

Nangong Zi Nai narrowed her eyes and looked at Ze Yu: "I still don't know about you? You must have pressed her against the door, and then when I knocked on the door, threatened her to do something shameful..."

"How could I be such a person!" Ze Yu tried to refute.

"Because you treated me like this before! At that time, it was my sister who knocked on the door!"

Nangong Zi Nai's words made Ze Yu speechless.

"Hmph... Forget it, anyway, it's not once or twice. If Brother Yu stays with me well, it's not that I can't forgive you..."

Nangong Zi Nai turned her head slightly, waiting for Ze Yu to coax her.

Ze Yu found out that the family of three, mother and daughter, were all arrogant.

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Ze Yu rubbed Nangong Zi Nai's head, and when he heard Ze Yu's assurance, Nangong Zi Nai immediately became happy.

It's just that Nangong Ruonan gritted his teeth: "You scum... deceive Zi Nai like this!"

"Zino...why are you so stupid? Being coaxed around by him? Is this kind of thing acceptable?"

"It's really... so shameless!"

Nangong Ruonan, who just yelled "Husband, don't!", is now saying that her daughter is shameless, even though she is still invisible, she is afraid that Zi Nai will find out that she is a cheap mother.

"...But Brother Yu, I actually guessed it."

"Guess what?"

"It's mother... mother, isn't it?"

The moment Nangong Zi Nai expressed his guess, Nangong Ruonan's breathing almost stopped, and he felt that his heart had stopped beating.


"Brother Yu, you don't have to be so scruples. Anyway, she is nothing to me. She is no different from the girls you usually bring back. I don't want to have anything to do with her..."


Nangong Ruonan suddenly fell to the ground, her legs were wrapped in white silk stockings and her legs were separated in the shape of an M. Her heart was about to break when her daughter said this... But, she was indeed the one who was sorry for Nangong Zi Nai and Nangong Zhuyue.

"Don't say that, she is your mother after all."

"Brother Yu said that, I'm afraid it's just because you want mother and daughter together... it seems more exciting?"

"I, how could I be that kind of person?"

"You have been outside for the past few days, but I have a good understanding of the situation with Miss Witch. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law commit crimes, and daughter-in-law commits such things, you have not done less!"

"...She was slandering me!"

"I don't care if it's slander or not... Now, Brother Yu just needs to look at me alone, mother or something, just die, I just want you, Brother Yu."

Hearing these words, Nangong Ruonan felt even more uncomfortable.

"Actually, you don't need to think her so badly. She may just be guilty...and don't know how to face you. Think about it, she is an empress, how does she know how to be a mother?"

"Brother Yu wants me to recognize her?"

"It's up to you... If you want it, then admit it, if you don't want it, then forget it."

"……I see."

The voices of Nangong Zi Nai and Ze Yu got farther and farther away, and then they walked to the door of the room. Nangong Zi Nai didn't say much, and seemed to be seriously thinking about whether to recognize Nangong Ruonan.

In fact, for Nangong Zi Nai, it is acceptable or not, it is just a matter of thought.

But Nangong Ruonan thinks too much...

"Zinao still has me in her heart... I want to make up for her and be a good mother."

"I want her to admit that I am her mother... I want Zhuyue to admit it too."

Nangong Ruonan has made up his mind completely at this moment.

"Who's there?"

It's just... At this time, Nangong Zhuyue woke up. Although she couldn't see anyone, the special relationship between mother and daughter made her always feel that someone was at the door.

Nangong Ruonan had just strengthened himself, but when he heard Zhuyue's voice, he looked at his... fruity body top, plus the stockings on his thighs... this coquettish bitch, flirtatious .Female dress up...

This, if Zhuyue sees this...




【It feels like it's going to be one hundred】

【Too sleepy, I woke up yesterday and haven't slept yet】

[I swear, I will have a normal work and rest tomorrow, and I will dispatch after the code word]

【Today... put it up】

【Good night, masters... poke here, tap... woo】

298 Was Discovered by My Daughter!

Nangong Zhuyue frowned slightly, always feeling that there was someone at the door, frowned slightly, she took out a simple suspender dress and put it on, a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed to the air, smooth fragrant shoulders, delicate collarbone, and Do you have breasts?

Her white and tender feet stepped on the ground and just stepped on a pair of torn black pantyhose. She looked down at the black pantyhose and looked at the torn marks, her face turned red again.

"The bad guys... just know how to spoil me. I said it's fine to treat me as a slave. You really don't feel pity at all, do you?"

Nangong Zhuyue muttered in a low voice: "But even though it's usually like this..."

"It's really annoying...but why do I feel that I can't leave that guy? I like him...but...it's so annoying!"

Even though she said so, Nangong Zhuyue's face was slightly flushed.

Nangong Ruonan just wanted to leave here secretly... But that damned Cho Yu closed the door before going out, and if he wanted to go out, he had to open the door, open the door... Zhuyue would definitely find out!

"...But it's weird, I always feel like there's someone here...wait, it can't be..."

Nangong Zhuyue suddenly thought of a certain possibility, her face turned red all of a sudden, and she quickly covered her mouth.

She approached the door step by step, and approached her mother step by step.

Seeing Nangong Zhuyue walking towards him, Nangong Ruonan felt so nervous that he would explode.

Originally, Zhuyue Zi was the others, and had a bad impression of herself. If she found out that her mother was still robbing them of men, wouldn't she... have a worse impression of herself?

Can't let them recognize themselves?

And as a mother, as a holy existence, but wearing such shameless clothes, was discovered by her daughter... What's the matter?

"Hey, you, are you watching over there?"

Nangong Zhuyue said with a blushing face. In fact, she thought it was Ze Yu who used the invisibility technique to deliberately watch her reaction after waking up at the door. She was afraid that Ze Yu would overhear all her talking to herself. !

This, isn't this just admitting that I like him? !

Although, although he always forced himself to say "like it or not" "cool..."

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