something...but that's different!That's what she was forced to say. Although she thought so in her heart, but what she said from her heart alone, that, that's different!


When Nangong Ruonan heard Nangong Zhuyue talking to herself, her heart stopped beating and she was about to suffocate.

Oops, found out!

"...I, I know, I'll just call you master... You, you heard it, master?" Nangong Zhuyue was very self-conscious.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that standing in front of her was her mother.

Nangong Ruonan didn't know whether he should relax or get angry now.

It turned out that it wasn't me that my daughter found out, but another problem came up... My daughter seems to be depraved!

"You, don't keep talking! I know you are there..."

Nangong Zhuyue's face turned even redder. If Ze Yu wasn't in front of her, wouldn't she be even more embarrassed?

So she stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the person in front of her.

Nangong Ruonan became nervous again, but in order not to be discovered, she quickly grabbed Nangong Zhuyue's arm to prevent it from falling down.

But she dared not speak...and she would be found out.

"Sure enough it's, what do you want! Listen, I heard it too! But don't get me wrong, I, I don't like you at all. Just now, I just woke up and said to myself in a daze. It's just words!"

"... Hey, give me a reaction!"

Nangong Zhuyue's arm was being held, but because "Zhe Yu" hadn't spoken, this made her both ashamed and a little strange.

In normal times, Ze Yu should have humiliated her, and then pushed her against the door with a poof...

'No, I have to do something. '

'Since Zhuyue regards me as that scumbag, then I can only follow suit, but what will that scumbag do at this time? '

Nangong Ruonan tried hard to recall, and then remembered the feeling of humiliation that Ze Yu pinched his chin....

So she also stretched out her hand to pinch Nangong Zhuyue's chin, and then imitated Cho Yu's technique, raising her daughter's head, as if she was playing tricks on her.

This made Nangong Zhuyue's face turn red immediately, her body trembled slightly, her warm thighs under the suspender skirt moved inward, her white and tender feet were slightly tensed, her plump toes were slightly brought together, her jade feet twisted slightly, very tempting.

Although she is the type who can see her feet when she lowers her head, her feet are very beautiful. The curves of her beautiful legs are particularly seductive, well-proportioned without fat, white, smooth, and elastic. A pair of beautiful feet is even more addictive.

Nangong Ruonan, on the other hand, combined the figures and appearances of the two sisters, not too big or too small, with a body symbol... The most important thing is the sense of oppression and coldness of a person who has always been in a high position in her body, the empress of Fuyao, aloof. …

But at the moment, both of them are like sluts, one lifts his daughter's chin, in order not to be discovered, and the other feels shy when his mother lifts his chin... It's shyness, not embarrassment.

Although Nangong Zhuyue didn't know that the person in front of her was her mother.

"No, if I continue, I will definitely be exposed, what will that scumbag do..."

'One last act, I need to get out of here quickly. '

Nangong Ruonan thought of the humiliation that Ze Yu had given her, so although she couldn't bear it, she still slapped her daughter's ass, then turned her head and slowly opened the door to leave. Don't be too hasty, or you will be found out .

But Nangong Zhuyue frowned slightly:


A long sword appeared in her hand: "You are not Ze Yu, who are you? How dare you treat me lightly?"

" are a woman."

Nangong Zhuyue pointed her long sword at Nangong Ruonan.

She didn't recognize it, but because of the slave mark on her body.

Nu Yin would not allow other men to touch her body like this... But Nu Yin didn't respond just now, which meant that the person who touched her was a woman.

But... In her cognition, there is no one in Ze Yu's harem who likes women?

Except for her maid Jian Yingxia... She knew that Yingxia liked her, or worshiped her.

Jian Yingxia was also brought here because she had to follow Lord Zhuyue all the time.

But Yingxia is very obedient, she won't do this kind of thing...


Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists, pulled down the hem of his loose clothes, and then released the invisibility.

Why was it still discovered?

How could she know... the feeling of Ze Yu hitting with the hand of God is very different from the feeling of her ordinary hard slap?

However, when she saw that the person teasing her was Nangong Zhuyue, who turned out to be her mother, she was stunned:

"Why are you... mother?"

"Also, you, why are you dressed like this?"

Nangong Ruonan bit her lip immediately, she was about to die of shame, when her daughter found out...

"Zhuyue, you, listen to my explanation..."


[You, listen to my explanation, I really didn't send pie! 】

[Just kidding, really not]

【No! 】


【Update hard today】

299 Gradually improving mother-daughter relationship

"You don't need to explain."

Nangong Zhuyue saw her mother's appearance... Don't even think about it, her mother definitely wouldn't do it voluntarily.

How could my own mother, who was also the aloof Empress Fuyao, the strongest in the Beixuan Realm, voluntarily wear such clothes?

"Zhuyue, I..."

Nangong Ruonan blushed slightly, wanting to explain.

"I know, that guy did bad things to you, mother? I know."

Nangong Zhuyue can understand Nangong Ruonan's feelings very well.

After all...she had experienced such a thing before.

Obviously Zi Nai is on the side!That guy wants to use his beautiful legs in stockings... It's really disgusting!

It was finally found!

The feeling of shame that my sister found out that my sister turned out to be this kind of person... It's too shameful!

"As long as you know…"

"Yes, yes, Zhuyue..."

Nangong Ruonan hesitated to speak.

"Just say what you want, don't be so timid, don't care about anything."

Nangong Zhuyue clasped her bare chest with both hands, and said in a low voice.

"Can you...accept me as a mother?"

Nangong Ruonan said with a slightly trembling voice: "I know that I abandoned you in the past... I just used you as a tool to share the curse, but I regretted it after that, but I watched you all grow up, and I don't want to Dare to recognize you..."

"I can... compensate you."

Nangong Zhuyue showed no expression: "Compensation? Do you have anything to compensate Zi Nao and me? Abandoned us for decades, and now you want to recognize us when you come back?"

"...I will let you and Shino recognize me."

"Then I'll wait and see."

Nangong Zhuyue spoke calmly, but her heart was not peaceful.

The sudden extra mother... made her feel that she should hate her, and wanted to recognize her a little bit.

Because this is... her mother after all.



In the next few days, Nangong Ruonan has been working hard to get in the relationship with Nangong Zhuyue and Nangong Zinai.

Through communication and practical actions, the relationship between mother and daughter is constantly improving.

Although the two sisters haven't acknowledged Nangong Ruonan's mother...but the relationship has become much more harmonious than before.

"what about the taste?"

Nangong Ruonan looked at Nangong Zi Nai and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand with a cautious expression.

In the past few days, she learned a lot about what Nangong Zi Nai and Nangong Zhuyue liked and hated, and then she tried to learn how to make some things by herself.

For example, making sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for Nangong Zi Nai to eat... Although she doesn't know how to cook, as an empress and a strong person who has completed the transformation stage, making simple things like sweet-scented osmanthus cakes becomes very simple as long as you remember the process , and with the infusion of spiritual power, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake will become more sweet and soft.

"It's... ahem, it's still delicious."

Nangong Zi Nai wanted to praise her very much, but after thinking about it, she still had to be reserved... Abandoning herself for so long, I can't forget it!

But she didn't stop talking.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Ruonan also showed a slight smile, feeling very relaxed... It's been a long time since he was so happy.

Besides making sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for Nangong Zi Nai, she also taught Nangong Zhuyue emperor-level swordsmanship in person. Nangong Zhuyue didn't like anything, the only thing she was passionate about was practicing swords.

As the strongest person in the Beixuan Realm, teaching her daughter how to practice swordsmanship is completely what she is best at.

"so good…"

At night, Nangong Ruonan sat by the bed, thinking about the attitude of his daughters towards him during the day, secretly happy in his heart.

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