But after she was overjoyed, her pupils became slightly gray... She looked down at the clothes she was wearing.

She was wearing a thin black lace-trimmed suspender dress, with a large area of ​​skin exposed outside, and the inside was vacuum... It was just worn fat. The slender legs were covered with black knee-high socks, which were also lace-trimmed, outlining her beautiful beauty. The beautiful curve of the leg.

The small jade feet are wrapped in black stockings, and the toes are wrapped in black silk fabric, and they are together, and the taste of licking them is probably sweet~

"Is he coming soon too?"

Nangong Ruonan's eyes became even darker.

Of course, it was impossible for her to learn about their preferences through her daughter's mouth... Rather, through a transaction.

The price of the transaction is her body, and the object of the transaction...of course is Ze Yu.

That scum...! !

She has become dirty...and she has to match that scumbag's preferences, wear the clothes he likes, and speak to please him.

Of course, she is an empress, so she naturally has her own pride, and she won't say anything particularly exaggerated... such as what kind of dog... or something.

Most of the time, I can't help but hum, as a response... In the end, I just call her husband, husband or something.

"The empress' jade body, no matter how many times I look at it, it's always so perfect and alluring."

Ze Yu walked into the room with a playful voice.


Nangong Ruonan gritted her silver teeth, just snorted coldly, did not respond, clenched her fists, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"This suspender dress is very suitable for you... especially your wife's hairstyle."

"Hurry up, what are you talking about?"

"Are you impatient? Empress?"

"...It's you who are so anxious, right?"

Nangong Ruonan stared at Ze Yu with cold eyes.

"I'm not in a hurry, come on, straighten your legs, let me take a good look..."

"What trick are you going to do again?"

"Mother-in-law, if you want to know another favorite of Zhuyue, please cooperate with me obediently."

Nangong Ruonan clenched her silver teeth tightly, her rosy upper lip pressed her lower lip, her chest undulated slightly, the snow-white softness was ready to come out, her eyes were full of resentment: "...I know."

The black silk feet as soft as sweet ice cream were held by Ze Yu, and his fingers teased slightly on the soles of the black silk feet.

But Nangong Ruonan's expression did not change: "...Do you think a strong person who transforms a god can feel anything?"

"Oh? How about this?"

Ze Yu's hands gathered aura, and then he played with his fingers a few more times.

This time, Nangong Ruonan's face changed, gradually reddish, his breathing became short of breath, and his jade legs wrapped in black silk could not help but twist slightly... The beautiful feet were even scurrying around in Zeyu's hands...

"You let go... it's itchy!"

"Isn't there no feeling?"

"You cheat!"

"It's really beautiful..."

Nangong Ruonan really felt ashamed and didn't understand: "Foot is for walking and running... If it is a mortal, it would still smell bad and be dirty, so you like my feet so much?"

"Are you perverted?"

"Do you want me to say more about this kind of thing?" Ze Yu chuckled.

Nangong Ruonan immediately looked at him with cold eyes, even though his face was flushed: "Pervert...!"


"what are you doing?!"

Feeling the burning sensation, Nangong Ruonan immediately covered his back with his hands, his face became redder and angrier.

"Get down, like a dog."

"I do not want!"

"My lord, you don't want to be hated by your daughters, do you?"

"...human scum."

Nangong Ruonan's face was flushed red, and her eye sockets were also a little red. It was a grievance and shame. She is an empress...but, she wants to lie down in front of a man like a dog... tilt her head up...


"now it's right…"

"It seems that something is missing... By the way, let me ask my husband to listen again?"

"Don't go too far!"

Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists, his face was ashamed and angry, there seemed to be a little sparkle in his eyes, he turned his head and glared at Cho Yu.



300 in front of my daughter... No, it's not allowed!

"It seems that you don't want to know."

Ze Yu sighed.

This made the empress clenched her fists immediately, holding back her shame: "Husband... No, don't."

"I...just yell."

"very good…"

Ze Yu stroked Nangong Ruonan's smooth hair.


Nangong Ruonan could only yell like this, because in the past few days, she gradually got used to it, and the tone of the phrase "husband" became much more natural.

And at this moment, the door opened.

"Brother Yu, my mother made me an osmanthus cake today, it's delicious, let's... eat it together..."

Nangong Zi Nai's tone froze, she didn't know how much she was like now, her happy words suddenly stopped.

But this time is really different.

The kitten who stole this time was her mother.

"Zi, Zi Nai?!"

Nangong Ruonan's voice panicked, and she wanted to get up quickly, but Ze Yu held her down again.

Ze Yu spoke softly: "Don't move, if you leave, your daughters will leave you too."

This made Nangong Ruonan's eyes even more panicked, don't... It's not allowed to be watched by his own daughter!

How can this be...

It's so embarrassing... Murano, stop, stop looking at mom...

"Mom, I didn't expect..."

Nangong Zi Nai looked a little angry, really a little angry.

She thought that Nangong Ruonan really wanted to be a good mother and make up for the fault of abandoning her and her sister, but she saw that Nangong Ruonan was like her husband, this...shameful posture! !

Shameless...too shameless!

"Zino, it's not like this, listen to mother's explanation, I, I'm here for you...I didn't want to be like this..."

Nangong Ruonan said so, but he was still lying there, as if he didn't want to move at all...

At least in the eyes of Nangong Zinai, it was like this, which made Nangong Zinai even more chilling: "Mom? You stole my man and you still have the nerve to call yourself my mother? Shameless burn!"

"What Fuyao Empress... how good it is to change the name to Stealing. Xing. Empress?!"

"I, I'm not, I'm not burning. Mom is not like that...Zino, I, I really want to make up for you, you, listen to me..."

Nangong Ruonan got up, she wanted to go to Zi Nao to explain, she can no longer listen to Ze Yu like this, it will only lead to a big mistake.

But Ze Yu held her arm: "I can explain it for you, but now you have to hug me and kiss me."

"You...you man!!"

Nangong Ruonan glared at Cho Yu, and looked at Nangong Zi Nai complicatedly. She was obviously an omnipotent and extremely powerful empress, but at the moment she was wavering in front of men and daughters, her alluring jade body was thin and weak...

The helpless black silk jade legs were stretched across the bed, and the black silk beautiful feet were placed on both sides at a loss.

"Are you so wicked? Is that what you like?"

"I'm such a bad taste, but what can you do with me?"

"Bastard! Scum!" Nangong Ruonan cursed viciously, but she really... had no choice but to compromise.

But she really didn't want to do this, to choose Yu in front of her daughter... This kind of thing, this kind of thing is too shameless, her skin is very thin, and she can't bear her daughter's disgusting gaze.

And my dignity as an empress, and my conservative ideas... are all collapsing and being destroyed step by step.

"I, I'll call you husband, okay... Wait a minute, wait until Zi Nao is gone... Tonight, I have been calling you husband, calling you husband... You, whatever you want, I will cooperate with you... But in front of Shino, let me kiss you, I really can't do it...I can't do it!"

Nangong Ruonan was about to cry... The majestic Empress Fuyao was about to cry, one can imagine how broken she is now facing this sense of shame and immorality.

And she didn't know at all... Her so-called "love" for her daughters was all because of false hints.

Otherwise, she would really be a ruthless Empress Fuyao who didn't care about anything. In the past few days, most of the Demon Cult might be wiped out by her!

"...Forget it, let me explain for you."

Seeing the mist in Nangong Zi Nai's eyes, Ze Yu couldn't bear it, he didn't care what happened to Nangong Ruonan, but he couldn't see Zi Nai crying, so he said softly:

"Zino, I threatened your mother, she didn't do it voluntarily... I'm sorry, I let you see this scene."

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