"Why should I tell you? The majestic General Wu turned out to be a woman disguised as a man... If the soldiers know this, what will they think of you?"

Cho Yu tore up Wu Muqing's clothes one more step, and then slapped Wu Muqing loudly on Wu Muqing's round, jade, buttocks, even a red slap was printed!

This made Wu Muqing extremely ashamed and angry, she is the general of Dongxuan Dynasty!Command thousands of troops!Kill countless enemies!Countless people are terrified!

However, at this moment, she was blindfolded and spanked by an invisible strange man!




[Good night pinch ~ ticket ~]

318 The Blindfolded Female General~

"This general killed you!"

Wu Muqing was blindfolded, but there was a killing intent bursting out from her whole body, it was the evil spirit cultivated from killing enemies all the year round, but... except for releasing the killing intent, she seemed unable to do anything.

"What's going on...my body? Why?"

Wu Muqing frowned slightly, as if her hands and feet were bound at this moment, she could not use her spiritual power at all, and her body was also slightly weak, because her physical body was strong, so her body was weak, and she became like an ordinary person.

But ordinary people are like small fish on the sticky board in front of a cultivator in the realm of transformation of gods, ready to be slaughtered!

"you guess?"

Ze Yu came to Wu Muqing's back, then reached out and stroked her cheek.

Wu Muqing immediately turned around, wanting to grab Ze Yu, but Ze Yu went around behind her, held her hair, and sucked deeply. "Although it's been fighting all the year round, the smell of hair is very fragrant." What...is it sweet-scented osmanthus?"

This blasphemous action made Wu Muqing very angry. As a general, how could she be blasphemed by a man like this?

She turned around again, quickly and simply, grabbed Ze Yu's neck, trying to strangle him.

But Ze Yu let her choke him: "Take it harder, haven't you eaten? General Wu?"

"You villain!!"

Wu Muqing gritted her teeth and opened her mouth, her face flushed red, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake Ze Yu even a little bit, and no matter how hard she pricked her nails, she couldn't pierce Ze Yu's skin.

"Have you not figured out the status quo? General?"

Ze Yu pinched Wu Muqing's arms with his backhand, and then firmly held him down. No matter how hard Wu Muqing struggled, he couldn't break free. Then, Ze Yu directly lifted Wu Muqing up, and the majestic general was picked up by Ze Yu. It's like picking up a soft girl.

But Wu Muqing is a general who killed hundreds of millions of enemies!

At this moment, he has no power to resist, and is being played and played wantonly by others!

"Let go of me! Bastard!"

Although her body is weak and her spiritual power cannot be used, Wu Muqing's endurance is still at the level of transforming gods. She will not die if she is lifted up and suspended in mid-air, but will only feel pain.

Wu Muqing could bear the pain, but... this kind of humiliation made her go crazy.


Wu Muqing's jade body fell heavily on the ground, which made her feel a little numb in the roundness, but soon she was forcibly grabbed again, and she couldn't resist.

"You, what are you going to do? What are you holding? A rope? You are going to tie me up? Hey!! You... What are you going to do?!"

Holding the rope, Ze Yu directly gave Wu Muqing a tortoise. Jia. Binding, then tied the last rope around Wu Muqing's wrist, and hung the rope on the beam of the house.

At this moment, Wu Muqing's hands were raised behind her head, her tender and white wrists touched together, tied with a rope, and suspended in mid-air, while her eyes were covered by a black cloth, so she couldn't see clearly what was in front of her, and there was only darkness in her vision , and in front of him was a strange man!

This made her feel... a little panicked, a little scared.

There is only one thing... because she has never experienced such a thing, she has been tied up before... But in this way, her whole body was torn apart, and the weak parts of her body were roughly beaten. Everything was naked. Naked. In front of others, she still behaves like a woman!


Wu Muqing's breathing became short and unsteady: "You, what are you going to do... who are you? What is your purpose?! You talk!!"

Cho Yu didn't make any footsteps, which made Wu Muqing even more panicked. He could only look left and right, looking for Cho Yu's location, but being blindfolded, he couldn't tell at all!

How uncomfortable is it to lose sight, hear human voices, and have your hands and feet bound?

Again... how frightening.

And Ze Yu just didn't make a sound, raised his hand, and brushed his finger across Wu Muqing's shoulder...

Scratching across the delicate skin, itching and uncomfortable, the profanity from strangers, the touch from strangers, with undisguised desire.

Fingers slid across Wu Muqing's body all the way, just like this, touching lightly, faintly...from one side to the other...

This made Wu Muqing's delicate body tremble uncontrollably, feeling uncomfortable and afraid.

"Hey... you talk! You, what are you going to do to General Ben?"

No response.

It's just that her body was still being touched, and the two hands were kneading her body, which made her very uncomfortable and very scared.

"Do you want my body? Or do you want to ask something in this way?!"

"If you want to ask something out of my mouth, I will never tell you, even if you take away my innocence, do anything, and severely punish me, I will never tell you!!"

Wu Muqing's snow-white body bound by the rope was tense, and she tried to struggle, but instead she rubbed against the rope more and more, and her body was scratched with many red marks.

"I didn't want to ask anything."

Ze Yu spoke.

Wu Muqing hurriedly looked in that direction, but the next moment, the direction of the voice changed again. This time, she died behind her and was tied up. The big hand on my belly!

She was a little nervous, a little panicked...

So scary... She kept her innocence for over 1000 years.

Could it be... is it going to disappear?

"What I want, I've got it now."

"You just want my body, right?"

The blindfolded Wu Muqing gritted her teeth and asked.

"you can say it this way."

"Prostitution. Thief!"

To be honest, Wu Muqing really never thought that one day, she would fall into the hands of such a prostitute!

It never occurred to her that her body would be targeted.

But the reality is that someone used this kind of conspiracy to rape her for her body!

"You are in the God Transformation Realm...you come from another world, who are you?" Wu Muqing tried to ask Ze Yu's identity.

"Why should I tell you? Now, you have been slaughtered by me!"

"Let it be slaughtered by you? Hehe... Do you know that this is the capital of the king! The capital of my Dongxuan dynasty! The empress dowager sits here!"

"So? Can she save you? I can leave now that I have taken your innocence, so can the Queen Mother catch up with me?"


Wu Muqing originally wanted to threaten Ze Yu, but who knew that the other party was not afraid at all, completely unscrupulous!

A person in the realm of transforming gods is completely free in the four realms, he can run if he wants to, and he can leave if he does something bad!

What's more, he is really at the mercy of others now!

"Call master!"

Ze Yu slapped Wu Muqing's upturned head hard, and a red slap was slapped on the white part.

One is not enough, there is one on the left, and another one on the right!




The whole thing is red!

"I want to kill you!! Kill you!! How dare you do this to me? To this general? You bastard! Shameless villain! After I break free, I will kill you with all my might!!"

Ze Yu pinched Wu Muqing's chin. At this moment, the blindfolded female general had no power to resist: "We'll wait until you can break free."

With that said, he took out black knee stockings and helped Wu Muqing put them on.

Feeling her beautiful feet being touched by someone, and something slippery stretched up her calf, Wu Muqing suddenly screamed in panic:

"What are you doing to my leg? You, you don't, you can't... I, we can trade! I'll give you something else, don't you take away my innocence!! What did you put on my thigh? Slippery and tight... Hey! Speak!"

Wu Muqing was panting heavily, her eyes were blindfolded, and her face was full of panic.



319 I will come again tomorrow, tie it up and wait for me!

"What do you ask so much for? You only need to scream and roar in horror, and then I will deprive you of everything and play with your body. If you do these things well, that's enough."

Ze Yu said with a low smile, this further deepened Wu Muqing's inner fear.

"Scum! Disgusting! Thief! Shameless! Villain!"

Wu Muqing cursed, was blindfolded, her vision was pitch black, she couldn't see Cho Yu, she could only look left and right in horror, her slender wrist was suspended in the air, and her soft body was restrained by the rope, highlighting her beautiful beauty. curve.

"Call it, the more you call it, the more excited I am."

"Bastard... bastard!!"

Wu Muqing roared, her voice was a little hoarse, and her jade body was trembling all the time.

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