Although she is a general, she is still a woman in essence. Being tied up like this, being... blindfolded...she will be afraid...she has never experienced such a thing.

Although she has a child, the child was also separated from her Nascent Soul...

Her mind is not as deep as that of her young lady and the queen mother, she just obeys the young lady's orders, and she is only responsible for killing everyone who stands in the way.

At this moment, she became weak and powerless... like a helpless girl, frightened and flustered.

And hidden in the deepest part of my heart... looking forward to.

This expectation is hidden in the deepest part.

She is going to die... Her life span is only the last seven years, but she is a woman, but she has never experienced the pleasure between a man and a woman. To be honest, she is curious. shouldn't be like this!

She doesn't want to say that she has the upper hand, but, but at least it should be normal... under the circumstances, experience it once, and then die without regrets, why, why is this so! !ow…

This pain is nothing, compared to being pierced by a knife, this pain is nothing at all, but... what is lost...



The sky was getting darker and darker, and after about two hours, the sky had completely turned dark, from night to midnight.

Wu Muqing was still restrained, her expression was a little numb:

"Are you satisfied? Enough..."

His voice was hoarse, obviously too hysterical to want to make a sound.

"The night is still long, General Wu."


When the sky turned blue and hazy, Wu Muqing felt a puff, something was released, it was the rope on her wrist, which was cut by spiritual power, and she fell directly on the wooden floor.

The black cloth strips still covered her vision, making her unable to see clearly, but even if she took off the blindfold now, I am afraid that her vision is blurred and she cannot see clearly. It's hot.

But her whole body completely lost strength.

Even the strength of an ordinary person was gone, she fell sideways on the ground, her arms overlapped, her thighs were slightly bent, one on top and the other on the bottom, and black and white silk stockings were worn on her thighs.

Her hair was messily scattered along the ground, her lips moved slightly, but she couldn't say anything.

Vaguely, she heard the rustling sound of a man putting on his clothes, as well as the sound of footsteps.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Remember when I was looking for you last night? Tie it up yourself and wait for me."

"... If you are disobedient, then tomorrow the news that General Wu is a daughter, and the news that General Wu is unable to use all his spiritual power, will spread throughout the Dongxuan Dynasty!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Ze Yu walked away slowly.

You can't do it all at once, you have to take it slowly, and it takes time to completely sink a person's heart.


Wu Muqing didn't speak, just listened to the sound of footsteps, and after hearing the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, she tried her best to raise her hand to the back of her head, trying to remove the blindfold.

But no matter how she tried to untie it, she couldn't untie it. The blindfold was just tied in a knot. It was a very simple knot, and it should be able to be undone with a single pull, but it couldn't be undone.

This is natural, only Ze Yu, who is a doctor, can take off this blindfold, otherwise no one can take it off.

After knowing how to put on the blindfold, Wu Muqing's hands were completely weak and lay flat on the ground, and she didn't want to move at the moment.


After uttering this sentence weakly, Wu Muqing fell into a deep sleep.



"Hey! Why haven't you got up yet! Get up quickly! What time is this! Didn't I tell you that I'm going to get up at dawn?"

As soon as Ze Yu came back, Bai Xiaoyu pushed open the door of Ze Yu's small room and walked in. Seeing Ze Yu leaning on the bed, she frowned.

And Ze Yu also smiled helplessly, he knew that Bai Xiaoyu actually cared about him a lot, in that case, let her forget about it.

Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoyu looked at each other, and were about to speak to express a psychological hint, but at this moment.

He frowned tightly, then covered his forehead, and before he could do anything, his eyes became confused again.

"Hey! What about you! Are you still lying down?"

Bai Xiaoyu puffed up his cheeks: "Why do you have a very strange smell, and it's very strong... What are you doing?"

"You..." Bai Xiaoyu's face turned slightly red, and she could guess that Ze Yu must have secretly done some ulterior things by himself last night.

But looking at Ze Yu's stunned expression, she sighed again: "Okay, okay, who said you are a patient with amnesia... In this way, you, you can sleep for another hour at most, is one hour enough? Sleep Enough is enough, remember to wash it briefly, the smell is very strong!"

Bai Xiaoyu covered her red face, closed the door and ran out.

She is still a big girl!

And with a confused face, Cho Yu still couldn't figure out the current situation.

"What did I... do last night?"

"Why is my memory of yesterday blank?"

"Where the hell did I come from?"

Ze Yu felt so insecure in his heart, why he suddenly lost his memory again, so confused...

"Forget it, let's get up first."

Ze Yu shook his head, then went to wash his body, put on new clothes, and went out.

Follow behind Bai Xiaoyu.

"Count you are hardworking."

Bai Xiaoyu muttered softly.

Then Bai Xiaoyu walked into Bai Xiaoxiao's room, and dressed Bai Xiaoxiao.


Soon, noon.

As a servant, it is naturally impossible for Cho Yu to dine with Bai Xiaoyu and Bai Xiaoxiao.

Although Bai Xiaoyu is a maid, she is also surnamed Bai and was given a surname, so her status is naturally much higher than that of Ze Yu.

And Ze Yu was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, but as he walked, he heard voices coming from behind several walls. Although he lost his memory, his state would not change, but his hearing became farther away when he had thoughts in his heart .

"Brother? What are you talking about? I'm about to become the fiancée of Wu Su, the son of General Wu? Why? Why did you choose me?"

Bai Xiaoxiao's voice was obviously a little...frightened.

Bai Cheng said softly: "Because of the marriage, you married in the past, which shows that our Bai family has a great connection with General Wu, and also has a great connection with the Queen Mother, and they are one."

"……I see."

"Do you have any dissatisfaction? Little General Wu Su, I heard from my colleagues that he is as upright as General Wu."

"...No, no, I'm just a little surprised."

Bai Xiaoxiao's voice returned to its usual softness.

But Ze Yu, who was eavesdropping, could hear something was wrong, Miss...not surprised, but scared, his intuition told him so.



321 Restoring Memory Again

That night, Ze Yu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, he was always thinking about Miss Bai, thinking that she was going to get married.

He didn't fall in love with Miss Bai or anything, he thought, that shouldn't be the case.

It's just that he thinks that Bai Xiaoxiao's smile is very gentle and beautiful. If Wu Su is a scumbag, then the young lady will probably lose this kind of smile after marrying...

While Selecting Yu was tossing and turning, Wu Muqing, the mother of Young Master Wu Su, also couldn't sleep all night.

Wu Muqing thought that this was what Ze Yu had arranged for her... She wanted to kill her patience and play with her mind, but she couldn't see it, but she felt that maybe Ze Yu was standing behind her at this moment, looking at her shameful and shameless face. Unbearable appearance.

Playing with yourself wantonly.

But she was wrong, and Ze Yu really didn't come to her all night.

She tied herself up like this, so shameful, she hung herself until three o'clock in the morning, but she still didn't hear any movement. In the end, she had no choice but to bite off the rope bit by bit, tossing until almost daytime, and finally escaped.

"Bastard... playing with me!"

Wu Muqing slammed her fist on the bed fiercely, but no one responded to her, she could only get angry by herself.

Now she can't sleep.


In the evening of the next day, Ze Yu finished his dinner and left work early today, so he returned to his room.

Just as he was about to lie on the bed and continue to feel sad, he suddenly covered his forehead, and something changed in his eyes.

Memories flooded into Ze Yu's mind all of a sudden, making him understand what he had experienced in the past few days.

"Damn it, there are still sequelae?"

"In other words, I may not know when I will lose my memory again... What a trouble."

Ze Yu sighed, and didn't know how to solve this matter. The Boundless Sea is an area where no one sets foot. When encountering a storm there, if something goes wrong, there is no one who can solve it.

Except for the system.

He tentatively asked the system, but unfortunately, there was no response.

The system doesn't seem ready to help him.

"But according to the system's habits, I should be rewarded only after I complete the treatment. It probably won't help me solve this problem until I complete the treatment of Wu Muqing, right?"

Ze Yu guessed that this was just a possibility, but he couldn't confirm it.

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