Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6998: : The enemy

boom! With a loud noise, with my palm as the midpoint, a black thunder light burst out in an instant. The thunder light condensed into a cluster and rushed forward frantically!

And Qi Jun shot at almost the same time, and the water attributes he gathered turned into a shock wave, suddenly converging with the black thunder light!


The two powers are intertwined, but the strange thing is that my lightning did not conduct electricity into his body. Instead, it is like two swords facing each other directly against the wheat, and they are violently consuming each other's power!

"It's useless, the pure water is specially designed to deal with Lei Xiu like you! You're done, Lord Dongren Valley!" Qi Jun smiled coldly, and immediately continued to increase the penetration of power. The next moment, he has a great spiritual realm. The power of the Consummation Realm was completely exposed, and this power made the entire hall burst into a strong blue light!

The conflict between the two energies caused all the Water Mist Immortal Family present to cheer with excitement. Even Gong Ming jumped up with joy: "In order to deal with Lei Xiu, Brother Qi Jun has cultivated to pure water for many years, even if it is The Thunder of Attribute Restraint cannot be cracked, let alone other attributes!?"

I can’t help but admire Qi Jun’s ingenuity, knowing that 100% pure water is not conductive or conductive is particularly poor, so I cultivated the water properties to the purest realm, but even if this guy knows this, he still takes this. The move swept many immortal families of the same level, but he probably didn't know that my attributes were not pure.

The black water attribute energy was immediately dyed black by the black lightning, and the poison attribute gradually polluted the pure water attribute to black. Just when Qi Jun constantly wanted to squeeze out pure power to block these toxins, My aggression never stopped!

The light of thunder could not be transmitted in the pure water attribute, but it could raging freely under the contaminated water energy. The black position was already dark thunder rolling, and Qi Jun's face was shocked. If not for him, he still had it at this moment. A lot of pure power, it is estimated that he has turned around and fled.

But now it depends on my mood if he wants to escape. Obviously, I am not in the mood to keep a hand.

This Gong Ming thought that his lover was going to be serious, and he said happily: "Senior Brother Qi Jun, you can show your skills so that the daoists of Tianludao know that you have avenged them!"

"Dong Ren..." Mei Yao looked worried, and Gong Ming said quickly: "Sister Yao'er, the Valley Master of Luo Mugu dared to hit our righteous land with a big deal, and it would have to happen to you. Brother Jun, otherwise it will be really bad. In this right way, I am afraid that only you, Senior Brother Qi Jun, can stop it."

Upon hearing this, the worry on Mei Yao's face became obvious, and she hurriedly shook the other's hand and said, "But... Sister Gong Ming, or else, let Brother Qi Jun... spare Dong Ren..."

"Ah? What are you talking about? Meiyao, do you know what you are talking about? He is the leader of the evil sect! Eliminate evil!" Gong Ming said hurriedly, but he didn't know that Qi Jun had cold sweat on his face.

I sneered coldly. This black lightning is actually a compound attribute attack, but it's not just the Thunder Spirit roots. A lot of attributes are hidden inside, which makes the water attribute energy mixed with my attack to become terrifying. Conductor.

With my gradual pollution and the next moment I ignite, Qi Jun instantly frightened and turned around. After all, my power was too strong. He couldn't compete with just one pure water attribute. I have three spiritual veins. With the spirit, the strength has far surpassed the later stage of the spirit, so when all the spiritual roots are activated with all their strength, the power brake will push Qi Jun's face greatly.

Qi Jun, who hurriedly turned around, could not think that my impact was far beyond his ability to bear. Even with the use of water escape, he could not escape the bombardment of the black gods. The next moment he was attached to the gods, and then his body was covered in pieces. Blast, after he activated the treasure body, Gu Ling was still blown out!

The whole audience was mottled with blood, and Gong Ming was splattered all over, and all the surrounding fairy houses avoided far away. As for the blood splashing towards the rose medicine, they all blocked me with a six-color umbrella, and she stood. In the position close to me, I was hugged into my arms.

Seeing that Qi Jun exploded the composite energy so that only the wounded spirit was left, Gong Ming finally screamed after stunned.

I propped up the umbrella, and the blood was still raining from the roof tiles, the beams of the house, and tickly on the umbrella, on the ground, looking strangely terrible.

It doesn't matter that the spirit realm is already spiritualized, but the spirit channel also needs to be carried by the body. The energy body is also a substance like blood. It is not surprising that it explodes like this.

"Leaving you a small life, but it doesn't mean that I am afraid of your Water Mist Alliance, but just want to make the transaction more peaceful, the elder of the camera, are you right?" I looked at the shocked camera who was still there. The elder of the hospital.

The old lady in the hospital swallowed her saliva and reacted, and quickly said: "The owner of the valley is right, in fact, the owner of the valley is misunderstood. Everyone generally supports the owner of the valley to borrow our magical secret realm... right? Haha, right? Everyone?"

"Of course, the Lord Dongrengu came from afar and brought such an expensive gift. How can we not welcome it?"

"Yes, that magical secret realm is usually there, no one uses it at all, why not lend it to the owner of the valley? Who dares to have an opinion on the owner of the valley is to have an opinion on us!"

"My Beiluzong agrees to the Valley Master to borrow our Water Mist League's Sealed Demon Realm!"

"We Qi Hezong also agree!"

A group of sects suddenly expressed their determination loudly. The old lady in the cinema immediately agreed with her words, and she added a lot of oil to these sects. This also made the public opinion of the entire Water Mist League uniform. Only me. Knowing that this old lady in the hospital earned six Yangshen Pills alone, this old lady is amazing.

Although I don't know how she will allocate it in the future, at least I can be seconded to the Secret Realm of Containing Demons, but I don't know exactly what the tricks of the Secret Realm of Containing Demons are with this Holy Water Beetle.

Gong Ming has already rushed out and rescued Qi Jun's seriously injured Ling Ling. His whereabouts are unknown, but if he wants to recover, he must first detoxify. This threshold is enough for the couple to bear, and I am not obliged to stand for one person. The right or wrong pays the bill.

Mei Yao's face was confused at this moment. She didn't know why it seemed that I was about to lose. How suddenly I turned defeat into victory, which really surprised her.

"It's useless to have pure water properties. Water can dissolve all substances. I just used its properties in reverse. In fact, my energy was far surpassing him just now. I just deliberately drove the enemy deeper." I smiled. Explained the reason.

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