Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7112: : Lei Zhan

Li Feng’s roar came with a commanding tone. Other schools must be very upset with the command of the palace master. After all, saving people is not necessary. It can even be said to be a kind of charity. In addition, the previous Bi Xie killed me. Who dares to be this early bird?

However, there are also Nascent Soul Realm Fairy Clan of Enlightened Wind City who dare not listen. There are three or four in this Fenglan Temple that are not low in level. They should have the strength of the middle stage Nascent Soul Realm, but I have already taken care of these. The dressing up was similar to Li Feng, so one of them had just rushed out and hadn't even started, so I took the lead with a deconstruction technique to hit Yuan Ying!

The next moment the screams seemed to cut through the night sky, and the Yuan Ying of the Immortal Family of Wufeng City ran out of her body in an instant, and then her body swelled and compressed violently.

"Elder Xu Teng! Hurry up!" One of them couldn't help yelling, but my blow was different from the one I had just attacked with a sharp wind, and I was going to solve it with a sword, so I hit it with all my strength. And the recruit was not a middle elder like Bi Xie, so after suppressing the bulging a few times, only a loud bang was heard, and the balloon filled with water fell to the ground and directly exploded. Splash blood!

No need to scream, no need to roar, everyone listened to this sound as if they were punching their hearts. This was shocking enough, so no one would dare to rush out to die again.

Li Feng looked at this scene and was shocked in disbelief, but now being chased by me, he didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy, which also scared Wo Sheng who had just raised the question.

"Don't be afraid! It is this time that we should be united. If we are scared by him, what kind of face do we have in this Fenglan City to sacrifice the blood of the immortal!?" Li Fengqing is extremely anxious, but at this moment, besides calling for help, he has already He doesn't have the ability to summon everyone, because since he couldn't protect his siblings, the entire force lost control.

"In the face of absolute strength, the way to solve the problem is not to find a way to solve the problem, but to solve the person who created the problem. This is actually a correct solution?" I can't catch up with the speed of Li Feng, and he also goes around. The entire Fenglan Temple lobbied other immortals for help, so I don’t plan to continue playing eagles and catching chickens with him. The bracelet on my arm flickered, and the spirit of the immortal family in the Yuan Ying Realm who was present would inevitably sway. Want to get out of the body!

Including the violent wind, when he was called by the spirit in the rush, his eyes were splitting, and his spirit was about to get out of his body. At the extremely fast speed, the body was slightly out of control, and it was inevitable that he would stagger for a while!

Just when he could not control his body in time, I directly hit his head with a deconstruction technique. Yuan Ying can sometimes run around in the body, but there is only one head. Lost the head and the body. It collapsed. Since this guy can hide so well, I have to try another way to kill him!


Li Feng's head instantly swelled and exploded into energy gas. Finally, the underneath of his neck gradually disappeared. His body rolled directly on the ground, and after several laps, he knocked down the wall and stopped, and the Yuan Ying inside was also tight. Then escaped.

I had expected this result a long time ago, so I did not hesitate to trade out the Heavenly Lu Divine Sword!

I got this sword when I killed the Dao Zun of Tianlu Dao, but it has not been used officially. Now that the living iron sword in my hand has been cut off and its power is greatly reduced, then I have to use this Tianlu Excalibur.

The moment I grasped it in my hand, I found that its thunder attribute power was really strong, even far exceeding the energy of the wind thunder spear and wind fairy. This kind of magic sword definitely has the ability to kill with one key, so I was immediately excited. The potential of this sword has even poured into my own unique spiritual root power of the earth.

For the immortal family of Yunmozhou, this sword is simply an unparalleled divine weapon in the sky, but in my hand, it is actually useful and useless, so I don’t hesitate to strengthen its power. At that time, the thunder broke out instantly, directly piercing the glazed tiles overhead, and all the Yuanying realm fairy houses were frightened and fleeing, including Li Feng Yuanying also screamed, and then fled towards the distance!


"Tianlu Miedao!" I shouted, and all the immortals around me couldn't help but look back and watch the killing chicken for the monkey, and my sword was cut off on the spot without any doubt!

The terrifying power of thunder cut out a hideous crack directly from the entire Fenglan Temple to the gate! As for Li Feng’s Nascent Soul, not to mention, it has already turned into dust in an instant!

Of course, I squeezed out the power of the sword, and the damage to the sword was too great. This Heavenly Lu Divine Sword was quickly drained of water and cracked!

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