In the distance, the area where the sea beast riot was sourced.

A gorgeous-looking sea ship was sailing at full speed, but behind the sea ship, there was a group, no, it should be said that a large group of sea beasts were chasing and killing madly.

“Bastard! Come on! Hurry up!! If you are caught up by those filthy sea beasts, you will all die! Everyone who has a relationship with you must also die!! ”

On the deck of the ship, a young man roared and cursed hoarsely, and by his special attire, he could tell that he was a Draco.

“Musgarud Saint, it’s the fastest speed now.” A guard reported cautiously.

“What?” When Draco-Musgarud heard this, he was immediately furious, but at this time, a roaring sound sounded from the rear again.

Musgarud subconsciously looked back and found that the group of sea beasts were approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he suddenly turned pale with fright, and his voice trembled: “You, you gang, bastards, I, I’m going to kill you…”

“Musgarud Saint, you can already see Fishman Island… Well, oops, the sea beasts are catching up with us! ”

Not only Draco-Musgarud, but also the rest of the ship were terrified, and they did not have the courage to face death.

And just when a group of people either closed their eyes and waited for death, or opened their eyes and waited for death with fear, an evil laugh suddenly sounded on the ship.

“Fu Fu !! Musgarud, your luck is really bad! ”

“Actually, dare to laugh at me, I… Well? It’s you? Musgarud turned his head to see the person coming, and suddenly frowned, “Doflamingo? Hum! You have been stripped of your Draco status, and you are now a pariah! ”

“Untouchables also dare to mock the great Draco? King Ben will execute you!! ”

“Fu Fu !! Draco’s identity? I don’t care anymore! Doflamingo’s voice became cold, as if remembering some things from the past, “I am now one of the Seven Martial Seas. ”

“His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas? Ha ha!! So what are you waiting for? Don’t hurry up and protect Ben Wang yet! Musgarud’s eyes lit up.

Although he was very unhappy with the unruly pariah in front of him, he also knew that he must have some strength to be selected as one of the Seven Martial Seas, at least it should not be a problem to deal with those filthy sea beast groups.

However, Doflamingo obviously did not mean to solve the sea beast group, and got up lazily, as if intending to leave.

However, before leaving, he left another message: “If you don’t want to die, go over there.” ”

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger to a location that was exactly where Mo Fan’s fleet was located.

“The Navy has an obligation to protect you Draco, go find them!”

After that, Doflamingo did not look back and left by boat.

“Damn bastard!” Musgarud cursed angrily, but helplessly, his heart couldn’t help but be more annoyed.

However, under the death threat of the sea beast group, he did not dare to stop for the slightest, and ordered his subordinates to turn the sea ship around and speed towards the location of Mo Fan and the others.

Far away, on the lead ship where Mo Fan was.

“Huh? Strange, those sea beasts seem to have changed direction and are rushing towards us! Ain had been observing the movements of the sea beast group in the distance near the bow of the ship, and at this time, the sea beast group had changed, and she quickly noticed it and reported it to Mo Fan beside her.

In fact, there was no need for her to report to remind anything, at this distance, Mo Fan was already able to slightly sense the movements of the distant sea beast groups, and even, he could sense the reason why these sea beast groups changed their movements.

“This group of sea beasts is chasing a sea ship.” Mo Fan said quietly.

“Chasing ships? Well, is someone really going to provoke this group of sea beasts? Ain couldn’t help but be taken aback when he heard this.

Of course, there is no shortage of strong people in this world, but dare to provoke the sea beast group, and it is still in this deep sea, which is generally a strong enough person with the ability to deal with the danger of the sea beast group rioting.

However, the people on the sea boat chased by the sea beast group in the distance obviously did not have this ability.

If you don’t have the ability to provoke, this is looking for death, and those who dare to find death are indeed surprising.

However, Mo Fan didn’t say anything about this, his face didn’t change in the slightest, and there was even a trace of killing intent in the depths of his eyes—because the other party actually wanted to lead the water to the east and wanted to lure the sea beast group to their side.

“I have to make a move!” The group of sea beasts rushed straight over, it was their sailing direction, they couldn’t dodge, and they didn’t have time to dodge, Mo Fan quickly made a decision in his heart, “Quick victory!” ”

Thinking of this, he raised his right hand and compared it to a sword finger.

This gesture was also what he remembered for a while, those sword pointing postures in the Earth Immortal novel, and then casually slashed forward.

It doesn’t matter how the posture is, the important thing is that he has a full level of swordsmanship!

Full level, the strongest level in a certain ability area! And in terms of the level of swordsmanship alone, even the world’s number one swordsman is not as good as Mo Fangao, but Mo Fan has not fully mastered this ability now, and the power of swordsmanship that can be exerted is limited.

But even so, with a stroke of his sword, its power is enough to be called earth-shattering.


I saw a sharp white light streak out, as long as a horse, rushing out of the sapa that wrapped the ship, and directly striking the sea beasts in the distance.

Phew! Whoops! Whoops!!

The sharp sound continued to sound, and it seemed that countless things were cut off.

In front of everyone’s eyes, the sea beasts that were close to 3 nautical miles suddenly separated a waterway, which was very clear, exactly like other calm seas.

However, on both sides of this waterway, there were huge pieces of flesh, the limbs of sea beasts, and a blood red color that was so thick that it was impossible to see other things, but neither sea beasts nor blood could invade the waterway, and the invisible sharp sword qi cut off everything close to the waterway.

Mo Fan led the three warships to sail straight in the waterway and quickly left this sea area.

When the fleet was gone, the invisible sword qi left on both sides of the waterway was finally exhausted and gradually dissipated.


The sea water on both sides squeezed over, quickly dyeing the waterway red, and this sea area was completely infected with blood after all, like the Asura blood prison.

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