Mo Fan’s fleet quickly moved away, did not enter Fishman Island, and sailed directly into the big hole under the sea.

This big hole connects the two sides of the Red Earth Continent, which can be said to be a natural large tunnel, and the other end is the sea area of the New World.

Not long after Mo Fan’s fleet left, in the sea area near Fishman Island, a sea ship came out from behind a boulder, and Doflamingo was standing on the bow.

At this moment, this powerful Qiwu Sea looked at the rich blood-colored sea area in the distance, and his brows were furrowed.

“This kid’s sword technique is actually so strong!” Previously, Doflamingo hid in the secret, and naturally saw the scene of Mo Fan’s attack.

The power of Mo Fan’s sword just now, even if he felt the danger of death, this was still a situation of bystanders.

“Is this his strength? Fu !! It’s stronger than expected! ”

“However, if it is this level of strength, it is only a little troublesome to deal with.”

As a Qiwu Sea, Doflamingo is naturally not stupid, and the actual stupid person cannot be the Seven Wuhai, and even lives for a short time.

To be able to stand out among the pirates and become the Seven Wuhai, the strength and means are beyond doubt, if you do not meet someone who is stronger or opens the ‘protagonist hanging’, then the Qiwu Sea can indeed walk sideways in most of the sea.

Doflamingo specially observed Mo Fan’s strength before making a move, and in his capacity, this behavior can be regarded as extremely careful, after all, the person to deal with is just a freshly graduated naval rookie.

After this secret observation, Doflamingo also changed his original strategy and was no longer in a hurry.

But it’s just not in a hurry, not not not to do it, as a Qi Wuhai, someone robbed something, how can this field be recovered.

“Over the years, the students taught by Zefa have not been as good as each class, but I didn’t expect that a potential newcomer suddenly appeared… Fu !! It is a complete waste for such talents to stay in the Navy! ”

Thinking of this, Doflamingo’s eyes flashed, and he had a plan in his heart.


The second half of the Great Voyage, the New World.

Generally speaking, those pirate groups will choose a route after entering the new world, and there are a total of three routes for people to choose from, all of which eventually lead to the legendary buried One Piece King Gor · D. Roger’s wealth is also known as the Great Secret Treasure.

However, Mo Fan is not very interested in Roger’s wealth, at least for now, and he is not a pirate, nor is he looking for the Great Secret Treasure, so after entering the new world, he directly chooses the nearest route to the mission place – that is, the sea area where the Kaido Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates clashed.

“This conflict between the Four Queens has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people on more than ten nearby islands… It is already equivalent to the consequences of a war between two ordinary countries. “Mo Fan knows that this incident only belongs to the category of ‘small friction’, if the two Four Emperors forces really go to war, the impact will definitely not be only this, then at least tens of millions of people will be affected by the war.

The four emperor forces are behemoths that can confront the world government, and the world government is a nominal official organization, a regime that rules the world! It’s just its combat effectiveness….

“It was the red dog who handled this incident.” Mo Fan recalled the intelligence information provided by Zefa before leaving, and did not worry much about this mission, “Only sending a general to deal with the incident is most likely because it is indeed a small incident and a small friction. ”

If the two major and four emperor forces really go to war, it is obviously impossible to deal with the combat power of only one general, even if you add a group of lieutenant generals and hundreds of warships, the difference in top combat power is too much, and it is likely to bury these combat powers.

Mo Fan didn’t think that the high-level of the world government would send the general out to die, so the biggest possibility was: this incident was really just a small friction.

“I guess there will be nothing wrong with me then.” The higher the difficulty of the task, the greater the credit, and vice versa, but after all, the first time to perform the task, the credit or something, Mo Fan did not care too much.

After he crossed over, almost all of them were practicing, not many places, this time he went directly to the new world, and even could contact the two major four emperor forces, lucky, see the four emperors themselves, it may also be regarded as a kind of travel exercise.

And with his current level of strength, if he wants to protect himself, there should be no big problem.

“These days’ cultivation, armed color domineering and seeing color domineering have not improved much, maybe this mission is an opportunity to improve!”

“If it still doesn’t work, then you can only use water drops and stones to penetrate the kung fu, relying on the cultivation time to improve…”

Mo Fan pondered the way forward.

Just as he was silently considering, a hasty script suddenly sounded on the rear deck, and a communication soldier hurriedly ran behind Mo Fan.

“Report! A circular was sent from the scientific research base on the island of Punk Hassad, asking us to escort a team of scientists by the way! ”

“Punk Hassad? Scientific research base? When Mo Fan heard this, his heart moved, and he remembered that at this point in time, there had not been a poison gas explosion on Punk Hassad Island, which was the most important scientific research base, and the great scientist Vegapunk was on the island.

“Isn’t it supposed to escort Vegapunk?” He suddenly had this idea, but immediately dismissed it: how could it be so coincidental.

Subsequently, Mo Fan carefully inquired about the specific escort, but there was very little information from Punk Hassad’s side, and the entire content of the report was only: escort a team of scientists by the way.

I didn’t say anything else, I was very arrogant.

This is also related to Mo Fan’s rank level, a colonel, that group of scientific elites naturally will not pay attention – Mo Fan will not explain the reason to the latter when giving orders to ordinary soldiers, and the situation is similar at this time.

Although I can understand it, I still feel unhappy that things are spread out on myself.

Therefore, Mo Fan directly refused the other party’s request for escort, and the reason for refusing was very simple: the information provided was unknown, and a safe escort could not be guaranteed! Well, this phrase is a statement translated by the communication soldier himself.

Mo Fan’s original words were: Let them swim over by themselves!

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