< New Order (3) >

The imperial mausoleum was silent.

The guards and drones patrolling were all out and guarding the outskirts now, so I was the only person in the mausoleum.

<All-Russian Emperor, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kim, 1893-1978>

<All-Russian Emperor, Olga Nikolaevna Romanova, 1895-1978>

<When love grows, I don’t ask for love; when love grows, I just want to love more>

<The triumph of evil blossoms in the indifference of good>

I let out a sigh.

“…how have you been?”

Of course, I don’t think her soul is here.

But there was no better place to say this.

“You are really bad-tempered. If you’ve done this enough, I’ll have to leave the follow-up to the people here. Do you really want to pull me out and roll me? No, well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep and was brought out. , I was not an emperor until the moment I died.”

It was like the sound of laughter when the wind hummed and blew.

“Actually, I would be lying if I said there wasn’t anything I wanted to do, there were a lot of things I regretted, and… Crucially, I don’t think it would be very refreshing to see the people I once tried to protect themselves fall apart. And if you know this and send me here to fix it… you’ve succeeded.”

– Buzz-buzz-buzz!

A strong wind blew around the mausoleum like crazy.

“But I have one question.”

The moment he said that, the sound stopped like a ghost.

“Why me? So, not this life, but the previous life.”

The wind subsided, and there was no answer.

In fact, I wasn’t expecting it in the first place.

“Irina said, enjoy the third life, that must have been empty words. The third life was something I couldn’t enjoy, and you dropped it into an era that I wouldn’t be able to sit back and watch. I would have dropped it.”

There was no answer, but I felt someone looking at me and smiling shyly.

“Well, you guys have always been selfish.”

I got off the coffin and headed to the other side.

Others were buried there.

others I know.

I looked through their graves one by one.

When I finally reached the front of a tomb, I said in a locked voice.

“Are you okay? Isn’t it cold?”

<All-Russian Emperor Viktor Mikhailovich Romanov-Kim>

“What is the filial piety of a child, that when their parents return, only a large grave remains.”

Did you say it’s true? When a child dies before the parent.

Of course, in this case, the father time-slipped and came to the future after the child died, but that’s the case.

“Well, I’m just saying that, because you did your best.”

I said so, but it didn’t stop the tears from running down my cheeks.

“You did well. Now, let this father protect your inheritance… You disobedient son, shouldn’t your son be supposed to protect your father’s legacy?”

I was talking.

“I have good news. The world is safe, a civil war broke out in the United States, causing 10,000 nuclear weapons to lose control. The SLBM was neutralized by this father.”

SSBNs out of the Atlantic were buried at the discretion of the Russian government. The attackers who were tracking them beheaded them at once. Of course, historically, it will be recorded that it was sunk in internal rebellion and clashes between the US Navy or was self-made to prevent capture by rebels.

And all four nuclear submarines in Pearl Harbor disappeared. Faced with an official rebel attempt to capture a submarine, the US Navy arbitrarily detonated a mounted nuclear warhead after sending its last communication when it was cornered by the fact that a nuclear warhead might explode if it fell into the rebels’ hands. Four SSBN ships turned into molten metallic liquids. Actually? Ogas, who judged that there is a high possibility of stealing a nuclear missile, ran the system and blown it away.

As an added bonus, the destruction of the Pacific Fleet of the US Navy followed, but what was left was not enough.

In addition, in order to suppress the hijacked satellite weapon system, the mass driver was used to select and intercept the attacking satellites that had lost control by the American hands. Except for the 108 orbital laser satellites that were out of Cheyenne’s control and maintained control, the ground-launched nuclear weapons that were in the process of decommissioning, and the conventional mass orbital bombing satellites, all the strategic strike capabilities of the US military seemed to have been lost.

“So how could I not have moved, this is elder abuse, you bastard.”

There was no way the dead man would answer, but it seemed that he could hear laughter.

The graves of my children, some of the tombs buried in other villages, and the graves of children who lived as imperial families in other countries were not here, but nonetheless, I felt like the whole family was gathered here.

“I don’t know if it will be early or late, but if it is late, I will join you in 100 years.

A cold wind wrapped around my cheeks. It seemed to be a positive answer.

Then, footsteps were heard.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your good time, but there’s a problem. It appears that the rebels seized two nuclear cruise missiles that were being prepared for decommissioning in the United States. One Pluto, one Navajo, 17 nuclear warheads mounted there, and a nuclear backpack awaiting dismantlement are all the ground-launched nuclear weapons the United States currently has. Satellite weapons are still controlled by the federal government, so of course the data link is separated, so I can’t guarantee that it will also block gas.”

“… any signs of launching to the Old World?”

“There are signs of launch, but it is presumed that the launch direction is not from the Old World. However, the United States has been bombarding the South American continent with satellite weapons.”

“Then don’t worry.”

I caressed the tombstone as if I had heard it.

“The world is a turning point. In the US civil war, there is also a serious power struggle in Russia. Although the defense minister was assassinated, his faction still remains, and it would be easier if he started an all-out rebellion, but even because of my authority, I can’t dream of a direct revolt. Above all, the emperor has the power to wield real power, but he must not exercise real power. And because the prime minister is a human being chosen because of his popularity, he lacks political power.”

“At the end of the day, this old man has to run. Where did they all sell their conscience?”

Louise, who was listening to my grumbling, giggled.

“I can’t help it. That doesn’t mean we can’t detonate a nuke in Moscow, and one shot would have solved all the troubles, but the collateral damage is too great.”

“I know.”

I sighed.

“I want to meet you soon.”

“But there is work to be done, so they drove us here.”

“If I die, I must die… What kind of Qin Shi Huang am I?”


– It would be better to talk in the virtual world. There is no risk of conversation being leaked, and above all, it is a space where information processing power can be 100% or more efficient than the human brain.

“Virtual space? What is ‘The Matrix’?”

– If they are similar, they will be similar. It’s like the way I see it.

“To be honest, you’re not an AI, you’re a human hiding somewhere.”

-If you’ve accepted it that far, I’m happy, because my AI has made significant progress.

I could feel Ogas and Elizabeth’s laughter.

– Then I’ll go.


A flash of light flew in at great speed.

It was the official name BGM-112 Pluto, flying at a low altitude while cutting through the atmosphere at hypersonic speed under the power of a thermonuclear scramjet engine.

A missile equipped with 16 rounds of 1 megaton class warhead, the missile is not worth judging, so even if they fell into the hands of the rebels and fired at the opponent they should have protected, they could not resist.

Pluto, who used up all his warheads by dropping submunitions one by one, ascended vertically for the final mission.

Then, when he judged that he had climbed high enough, he began to descend vertically at full speed.

read at https://readwn.com

Mount Weather, the region where the brains of the United States were used as a replacement after the White House was burned in the riots, became the final destination for a ton-level missile that crashed at a speed close to 20 times the speed of sound.

Although no nuclear warhead was mounted, the superheat generated at the same time as the collision turned the entire missile into a mass of molten metal, and the liquid core pierced through the reinforced concrete, the ceiling of the bunker, using its enormous kinetic energy and temperature as a weapon, until the last moment. Somehow, everything in the bunker was vaporized, including key federal officials who were trying to stop the civil war and settle the situation peacefully.


Russian Empire, Kyiv underground bunker.

A quick report from Ogas, who watched it all by satellite, was delivered.

-Communist forces fired a nuclear missile in Salt Lake City, observed 17 explosions,

-Point of destruction analysis, Washington DC, New York, Mount Cheyenne, Colorado Springs US Space Force Command, Fairchild Space Force Base, New London Naval Command, Norfolk Naval Base, San Diego Naval Base, San Francisco Alameda Naval Air Base, Fairchild Space Force Base, Panama Canal, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Interim Congress West Virginia Greenbriar Hotel Underground Bunker, Jacksonville, Houston, Guantanamo, Mount Weather.

-Washington DC, New York devastated.

– Cheyenne Mountain bunker withstood a nuclear attack, but the communication system was destroyed and the situation is rich.

– Colorado Springs US Space Force headquarters destroyed, but the headquarters building was assumed to be unused. US Naval Command New London, Norfolk Naval Port, an important naval port for the US Atlantic Fleet, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Jacksonville, and Guantanamo completely destroyed.

– Due to the destruction of the San Francisco Alameda Naval Airfield, San Diego Naval Port, and Fairchild Base, federal military activity in the western region loyal to the federal government was reduced, and the US Navy was unable to connect with each other due to the destruction of the Panama Canal;

– West Virginia underground bunker, the destruction of Mount Weather expected damage to the US administration and legislature, the size of which cannot be confirmed, the destruction of the Houston US Space Force Command.

-As a result of the analysis, it is estimated that key areas maintaining allegiance to the Federation were destroyed, especially the collapse of the New York defense line maintained by the National Guard and the Federal Army, making it easier for communist forces to move south in the Great Lakes;

-Federal loyalists in the West also suffered massive damage, and it was difficult to expect support from the Navy and lost most of the aircraft.

-Conclusion: Without the federal government’s massive satellite weapons and biochemical warfare attempts or additional intervention, the collapse of the current federal government is certain.

-warning! warning! warning!

On the screen, which changed from yellow to red in an instant, a warning message was delivered to the Russian leadership in the bunker.

– One additional cruise missile launch, the defense is southeast, the expected target Georgia state.

– Complete identification of the model, Navajo cruise missile, warhead power estimated at 25 megatons. The federal military staging area in Georgia is presumed to be the target, and it is presumed that this is intended to disrupt the federal defense lines.

– Calculating estimated time of arrival.

“Oh God.”

Prime Minister Vladimir knelt and prayed for the lives that would have been lost.

Of course, the possibility of a preemptive attack by the United States is almost gone with this phone violation. The US satellite weapons consumed most of their ammunition while ravaging the South American Federation, and it would be difficult to re-supply in a short time since the main launch site was destroyed.

The entire South American continent had already been swamped with tungsten rods dropped by the US military from outer space, but nevertheless, the anger of the South American rebels was not easily manageable, and the US was barely stepping on the side of Colombia. .

But what if the naval power plummets and the Panama Canal blows away? The remaining American troops in South America will be annihilated.

It was a moment when the possibility of communism in the United States was higher than ever.

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