< New Order (4) >

If there’s one thing I’ve realized, it’s that the people here are all representatives of a country.

So, as the head of state, take responsibility.

“There is a simultaneous outbreak of Venezuelan equine encephalitis in South America. US military biochemical warfare is suspected. It is a military class that the U.S. Army formalized as a biological weapon in the past.”

I glanced over

“The US military is researching Marburg fever and Ebola as well, so drinking water resources are scarce in the jungle, so it would be a pain to spread Legionella bacteria into drinking water sources in Central America.”

– There is a history of studying the Ebola virus in the Imperial Army. It was concluded that the record was too early to be used as a weapon. Attempts to alter the route of infection to make transmission possible by means other than bodily fluids have caused the virus to spread by other routes and thus lose its ability to infect. The same is true for Marburg fever. Better to worry about the virus leaking out of a lab that has lost control.

“I don’t know, if it is supported by evil, it may be released into its own territory and used to prevent it from advancing.”

I sighed and concluded.

“We don’t intervene, we can’t even handle the work of three continents.”

Asia, Africa, Europe.

Outside of these three continents, affairs are not involved. It is a return to the traditional sphere of influence.

The American Civil War, the problems of the African Confederation, and the problems of India and Southeast Asia, and even the problems of the Middle East.

The problems at hand abound.

As long as we have Ogas, we can wield powers that are no different from our previous lives. Actually, it is Ogas that rules over 80% of the three continents.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Europe is all on the palm of Ogas, and much of Asia is the same.

And that Ogas is loyal to me.

“But I have one question, is this the end of this life? Wouldn’t it be better to save it and use it again? This is the world we created, endure it with evil and fix it until the end, like this?”

“If, while suffering from the endless voices of the past, without the blessing of oblivion, I became a slave of fate, endlessly tormented by the ghosts of the past, and had to repeat it over and over again, I would go crazy exhausted to the point that I couldn’t even die, fortunately, this life was over. ”

“Germania didn’t say anything like that… I hope it’s not. It’s too bad that you can’t be freed without atonement because you’ve done it once, and you continue to suffer while being crushed by the ghosts of the past, without knowing the deadline.”

-As for the spiritual part, I don’t know anything about it.

“Do some research later, what a soul is.”

I jokingly looked down at the world.

“Yeah, that’s what Ogas looks like.”

-Actually, this is not accurate either. I tried to embody it as closely as possible to the extent acceptable to the human consciousness system.

“What is it, first of all, it is important that we can take a good look at this situation, from issuing orders with papers and training, to giving orders with hand gestures and device manipulation, and to be able to select the best possibility by simulating it. …is it more comfortable than before?”

Beneath our feet was virtual reality.

“If it’s purely about efficiency, it would be optimal for Ogas to put the entire human race in a sleeper and let the consciousness extracted from it live in this virtual reality, but that’s not the case.”

-My ethical reasoning system doesn’t allow that.

“After all, it is human beings who make that ethical argumentation program.”

“It wouldn’t be bad to live like that… Don’t be offended, it’s a compliment for creating this world. Here, what’s your name?”

– This is Avalon. The model was based on the real Isle of Man.


“It’s a name that sounds like a bad taste.”

Even if you don’t do farming, fruits and grains grow uncontrollably, so you don’t have to worry about eating them, and the people who live there live forever.

“No Morgan Le Fay?”

-This is a space created after the image of paradise that promises eternity. Morgan Le Fay or whatever you want, you can make it happen.

“It’s just been said. Hmm, Avalon. No Camelot.”

I looked up at the night sky filled with dazzling stars.

Under the infinite Milky Way, the aurora shone like a curtain of angels, and beneath it was a flower garden full of blue roses.

-The blue rose is the unattainable, the impossible, the miracle, the love that does not give up. It’s appropriate to show that this is a space that doesn’t exist.

“It was impossible until now, but it is a miracle that will soon become possible.”

I saw those stars.

Each of those stars was human.

-The number of stars is equal to the number of humans I manage.

“A long time ago, my mother used to say that when a person is born, a star appears, and when a person dies, a star disappears.”

And, when that star falls, if even just one person sheds tears at the farewell, that person’s life is not a failure.

– That’s a good thing, what kind of person was your grandmother?

“How can you describe a person with only one side?”

I smiled bitterly and lifted my body.

“uh? uh? How do you do that?”

“Imagine, this is a virtual space?”

Immediately after that, a scream rang out.


I sighed as I watched Ogas’s gaze, which appeared as a hologram, turned into the air in the distance.


– We deal with urgent matters first. As I said, there was a coup, and the king was shot on public television.

“I wasn’t a bad person, though.”

I lay in a sitting position in the air.

So, while the body is in the air, the back is level with the floor and sits as if sitting on the floor.

And when he reached out towards Aurora, a part of Aurora was sent like a screen to show the shooting scene.

-And there was a rocket attack on a Russian base in the Arabian Peninsula. All were intercepted, but there were quite a few civilian casualties from debris in the surrounding area. Medina became a sea of blood.

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Medina, the capital of the Arabian Kingdom, became a sea of blood. Much secularized, but by the same Muslims.

-The target is supporters of the former monarchy, minority ethnic groups, and minority sects, and it seems that there are some extremist imams behind them.

“Didn’t the Hashim family call themselves caliphs?”

-That’s right.

In a religious sense, extremist bishops, promoting Christian fundamentalism, instigated a coup d’état, arresting the Pope and firing them on public television.

Of course, you cannot put Christianity and Islam on the same line.

“Mom, ah ah ah ah ah!”

The distant scream came closer again, pierced through my body and burrowed into the ground.

“Are you going to put him on the ground?”

-All right.

Immediately after Ogas answered, Yelena appeared, lying on the floor.


“Are you okay?”


– As the Russian Empire, we have no choice but to intervene. Obviously, the second religion within the Russian Empire is Islam. In addition, it is free to travel to and from Arabia at the level of an open border, while extremist sects take power in Arabia.

“It needs to be wiped out, nothing more crazy than religious extremism.”

-The German Special Forces KSK (Das Kommando Spezialkrafte: Commando Spezialkrafte, Special Warfare Command) and the Russian Army will conduct a joint operation. Currently operating in the Atlantic Ocean.

“What operation?”

-The last nuclear warhead that was not consumed this time was missing, and there is an 89% chance that it was now mounted on a cargo ship floating in the Atlantic Ocean. The recorded ship’s navigational target was Arabia, and for that reason, the KSK strike force attacked to kill the crew and seize the nuclear bag. Operation is currently in progress.

“Wow …”

I patted Yelena on the back who was nauseous, and I opened my mouth again.

“Pride is pride, but you have to act pragmatically, but the Vostok faction said that they would annex Arabia this time? Does that make sense?”

– To be more precise, we are going to create a national federation. It is closer to the CDP than the CDP, so most of the powers are delegated to the central, de facto Russian government. If their plans come true, the empire’s borders will look like this:

To the west it begins in Greece, bordering Germany and Austria-Hungary, in Anatolia, Egypt, the entire Arabian Peninsula, from Persia to the Indus River, and again along the mountain range to the north, up the border with Tibet, and goes all the way to the Far East. huge empire.

-Their purpose is to unify Europe by including the European Union, and to acquire Iceland and Greenland.

If all goes according to their plan, the countries that will not be part of the newly established New World Order in Eurasia are the Commonwealth of Independent States, Taiwan, India, Indochina, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and the Ryukyus. These are also countries that are not free from Russian influence, and if the US is eliminated, Russia’s potential adversary, which is almost alone in the world, is the African Federation, which has severe internal problems.

The plan was that, after sufficient suppression, Russia could leisurely cook the United States during civil war and rule as the absolute ruler of the world.

“One swipe is enough to kill millions of people.”

If there’s one thing I haven’t been able to deal with before I die, it’s Russian nationalism and militarism.

No matter how hard I try individually, there is a clear precedent, so it’s a pain in the ass.

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Militarism, imperialism, and fascism can only be cured by proper physical therapy. If there is, it is only the United States, but that is a problem that will lead to the destruction of the world.

“This is the worst problem the Russians have, they have come too far to stop the war with fear. No matter how much the car they were driving ran like crazy, they became complacent, wondering if it would kill them. The threshold to feel threatened is too high.”

“It must be Russia.”

– It is the dark season. It is a prelude to Fimbulbert and Ragnarök, which cannot be found by reason. I exist for man’s sake, and I have a duty to stop him if he tries to destroy himself.

“To put it in your words, yes, not only the Russians, but the majority of people around the world have forgotten the preciousness of spring, which promised warm sunshine. There was a generation that didn’t even know it was spring, and a generation that had never seen the light of day. Still, it wouldn’t be too late. The embers still remain, and they are not yet extinguished. The fire is still burning, so it can light up.”

“Besides, the heroes come back and prepare to spread their wings, and you will be furious the moment you see this with your own eyes, and you will never be able to sit still while your heart beats.”

If you don’t light it, you can’t win, but if you light it, it can end suffering. And the embers were still by my side, in the form of a white-haired girl.

And I was the only one who could lead her.

“Irina, did you predict this and let me go? It’s like an ice girl at room temperature.”

Reminiscent of her, who was as transparent as a diamond from the mine, but weakened by melting, I looked at the abyss of information she would have asked if she had been with us.

“I’m not from Russia, I’m too sloppy.”

“I am moving not just for Russia, but for the world. father.”

At her words, I laughed.

In the midst of the corruption that spreads like mold and injustice in the shadows, rather than strangling each other in the increasingly aggravating conflict and inequality, it prevents us from going down the path of destruction by nibbling on what is allowed for mankind little by little in distrust and strife. It’s not about choosing the lesser evil of maintaining the status quo.

If our end were not to end in irresistible disaster, self-inflicted decline, flashes and mushroom clouds, and the painful death that followed, the best thing existed.

So if the future is allowed for mankind.

Then one more life could be spent.

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