Applying for a patent is just a layer of insurance. In fact, in this era, the Chinese people’s awareness of intellectual property protection is very weak, and they are not aware of what infringement is at all.

Since they are not aware of it, Zulong VCD will help them realize it.

This method involves suing all infringing manufacturers.

Lin Shen chatted with Duan Yongping again, and he was already in contact with his pager business. According to Duan Yongping and Lin Shen, last year, Yongcheng Bird Company successfully developed the first one in Longguo with completely independent intellectual property rights. Chinese pager. Duan Yongping planned to talk to the Bird Company. If that didn’t work, he would poach the Bird Company’s technical team.

As for the corded and cordless phones Duan Yongping wants to make, Duan Yongping has already set up a technical department and will start working on it soon.

It seems that Zulong Technology, under the leadership of Duan Yongping, has a very clear development direction, so Lin Shen does not need to worry too much.

Duan Yongping and Gu Meiren went back to discuss suing Jinke VCD.

Lin Shen rubbed his temples. He probably had a headache this year.

He thought for a while, took out a pen and paper, and started writing on the paper

《”On the whole process of the elimination of the Maxam brand by foreign capital”

Lin Shen wrote with the help of God, without adding any points, and finished it in one go. Lin Shen concocted a inflammatory article.

The content once again mentioned that after the national brand Maxam was jointly owned by SC Johnson, Maxam’s own brand was hidden by foreign investors.

In just a few years, Maxam disappeared from the market, and similar incidents are happening all over the country.

We should be wary of the looting of national brands by foreign capital.

This will lead to the day when all the money of the people of Longguo will be taken away by foreign capital, and from then on Longguo will not have its own national brand.

After writing one article, Lin Shen wrote another one, called”Two Cokes Flooded the ‘Seven Army’, Seven Major Domestic Beverage Factories Are Selling Their Lives, What Do You Want to Do?”

In this article, Lin Shen analyzed in detail, Pepsi-Cola And Coca-Cola is seeking a joint venture and controlling stake in the eight major carbonated beverage factories in Longguo. What is the idea behind it?

At the same time, the article also pointed out that not only Coke soda, but also Panda washing powder is being acquired by Stars and Stripes Procter & Gamble in a joint venture, Zhonghua toothpaste is being acquired by Unilever, Schulme is being acquired by Kimberly-Clark, and Xiangxuehai refrigerator is being acquired by Samsung Acquisition… are foreign investors really kind? So why start with Longguo, which is already a leading brand in the industry?

The central idea is still to be wary of foreign capital destroying national brands and then wantonly exploiting the Chinese consumer market.

After writing these two combat-like messages, Lin Shen called Li Xinya to come over.

Li Xinya arrived at Lin Shen’s office and read Lin Shen’s two messages to Li Xinya.

“Mr. Lin, what are you doing?”Li Xinya was baffled.

“Find an influential newspaper, sign it casually, and publish it one after another. Lin Shen said

“good. Li Xinya accepted the task, but still couldn’t help but ask,”Mr. Lin, what are your plans?””

Lin Shen wanted to publish these two articles for two reasons.

The first reason is that he really does not want to see national brands once again being eliminated by foreign capital using despicable means.

For example, Longguo’s Panda Laundry Detergent was jointly controlled by Procter & Gamble.

After that, the routine was exactly the same.

Panda laundry detergent was hidden by P&G, and P&G used the channel of Panda laundry detergent to start selling P&G’s own Bilang laundry detergent and Tide laundry detergent.

The second reason and the main reason was that Lin Shen wanted to start from Tianfu. Coca-Cola has obtained the formula and trademark of Tianfu Coke because the Ministry of Light Industry has signed a memorandum with Pepsi and Coca-Cola, and the two Coca-Cola companies have obtained the”Sword of Shang Fang”. Tianfu Coke’s fate of being sold out is irreversible. Lin Shen. I just want to try to steal food from the tiger’s mouth before that day comes.

Let’s see how effective these two propaganda articles can be.

“Of course it is of great use.”Lin Shen retained a little suspense.

“good. I’ll make arrangements.”Li Xinya said


Lin Shen returned to campus life, and his campus life was still so peaceful.

However, there are times when things are not peaceful, but this time, it is Lin Shen’s roommate Liang Feng who is not peaceful.

Lin Shen came back from school that day. When he walked downstairs to his dormitory, he saw a girl carrying a huge luggage downstairs. This girl looked dirty, her face was dark, and she was Clothes, patched. The luggage behind her was a woven bag of quilts and many souvenirs.

No matter how you look at it, this girl is not a student in the school, because it is not the freshman admission season.

This girl was downstairs in Lin Shen’s dormitory, looking around and looking around, as if she was looking for someone.

Seeing Lin Shen walking downstairs, the girl quickly stopped Lin Shen and said,”Hello, I would like to ask, do you know Liang Feng from the Chinese Department?”

Lin Shen was stunned, and he turned out to be looking for Liang Feng. He asked again He looked at the other person and said,”Who are you?”

“Ah, I am a friend from Liang Feng’s hometown. I came to see him.”The girl was a little embarrassed, lowered her head and said

“oh?”Lin Shen was a little hesitant.

Seeing Lin Shen’s expression, the girl seemed to believe that Lin Shen must know Liang Feng and said,”Brother, do you know Liang Feng? Can you help me call him down?”

“OK, I’ll go up and take a look. By the way, what is your name? You must tell Liang Feng who is looking for him.” Lin Shen thought about it and went back to the dormitory to tell Liang Feng that it was okay to see what was going on. If Liang Feng didn’t want to come down, he would have brought his words with him.

The girl nodded and said,”My name is Li Juan.”

“Okay, you just wait here for a while, I’ll go up and see if he’s in the dormitory. Lin Shen said

“Okay, thank you brother. Li Juan said, and then watched Lin Shen walk into the dormitory building.

Lin Shen returned to the dormitory, and Liang Feng was sitting at the table studying hard. Lin Shen patted him on the shoulder and said,”Old Liang, there is a woman outside looking for you.” She said she is from your hometown, her name is Li Juan, do you know her?”

Unexpectedly, after listening to Lin Shen’s words, Liang Feng stood up from his chair and said,”Who?”

“She said her name was Li Juan. Lin Shen said

“ah?”Liang Feng’s expression suddenly became very embarrassed. He didn’t even say hello to Lin Shen, and hurried out of the dormitory and went downstairs.

Looking at Liang Feng who hurriedly left the dormitory, Jiang Fei jumped up from the upper bunk and said :”what’s the situation? What’s going on with the third child! There is a little girl looking for the third child! This unscientific!”

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