My heart was beating, but when I heard about the shares that Zhenxing Electrical Appliances and Zulong Technology wanted to take, Panda Electronics was still a little hesitant.

It is not so easy to accept control from others.

Although they seem to have no other way now.

They invested too much in this price war, and to this day, they have long been unable to escape unscathed. All the home appliance brands participating in the war now feel a little helpless. The reason why they persist until now is because they expect their opponents to run out of money and fall first. If you fall first, all the money you burned before will be wasted. But if you persevere, then the future is yours.

But if they don’t retreat, if their opponents can persist longer than them, they will eventually die more and more miserably.

This is Schrödinger’s price war. Before the results come out, you may soar and become the winner, or you may be among the miserable ones.

Of course, the key to whether it’s a disaster or not is how much money they have left to invest in this war.

Panda Electronics!

I have already been heavily in debt!

They need money badly.

However, they are still very uncomfortable if Zhenxing Electrical Appliances and Zulong Technology take away most of the shares.

Zhang Tongchen was not polite and asked Panda Electronics to take care of things.

Panda Electronics completed the joint-stock reform three years ago, and its current largest shareholder is actually the Jinling Municipal Government.

The negotiations did not go so smoothly and lasted three days.

The key to Panda Electronics’ decision to accept investment was Duan Yongping’s. Because Zulong Technology can come up with a technology that can change the fate of Panda color TVs-LCD display technology.

LCD technology is a patented technology owned by a technology company called Shengbao that Lin Shen asked Sun Qianyi to acquire for him in Sakura Country after the stock market collapsed in Sakura Country (see Chapter 163 for details). However, this technology was not available at that time. After the research yielded results and Lin Shen acquired the company, the research continued. Just in the middle of last year, good news came that LCD technology had made breakthrough progress.

Lin Shen knew that the emergence of LCD monitors would change the ecology of the entire color TV industry.

This technology has always been Lin Shen’s magic weapon, and it is also the main reason why he wants to enter the color TV industry.

When this technology was revealed, the shareholders of Panda Electronics were speechless.

If this technology is really applied to current color TV displays, none of the domestic color TVs will be able to display it! This is a technical crushing and a technical beating. Today’s color TVs are still large-head TVs, which are extremely bulky and unsightly. If you can really take out this LCD TV, it will be an epoch-making technology.

It was this technology held by Zulong Technology that convinced Panda Electronics’ executives that they could let Zulong Technology and Zhenxing Electric Appliances control Panda Electronics.

Because, if they cannot master this technology themselves, then they will be defeated by this technology in turn.

In addition, there are two benefits to letting Zulong Technology and Zhenxing Electrical Appliances invest. First, they will obtain funds to continue the price war. Secondly, they will permanently have a super stable sales channel of Zhenxing Electrical Appliances, which will improve their future prospects. Unlimited.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with letting them hold a controlling stake. On the contrary, the future is bright.

Because the holding is holding, but the operation is still done by the original company team, and will not be replaced by people from Zhenxing Electrical Appliances or Zulong Technology.

With such favorable conditions, in the end, Panda Electronics agreed to accept investment from Zhenxing Electrical Appliances and Zulong Technology.

Zulong Technology and Zhenxing Electric Co., Ltd. invested a total of 300 million soft sister coins, accounting for 51% of the shares of Panda Electronics, which can be regarded as gaining a controlling stake in Panda Electronics.

This price is actually not high, mainly because the addition of Zhenxing Electrical Appliances and Zulong Technology will bring extremely high value to Panda Electronics. This part of the value can also be regarded as part of the investment.

In this way, Lin Shen indirectly owned the company Panda Electronics.

The funds of 300 million soft sister coins soon arrived in Panda Electronics’ account, and with these 300 million soft sister coins. Panda Electronics is reborn.

Even though their company valuation is high, if you suddenly get a cash flow of 300 million soft sister coins, you won’t know how to spend it.

Because we have been fighting a price war during this period, we owe a lot of money to our upstream suppliers and have not yet settled it. Now that we have money, we will immediately pay back the money to our suppliers. Otherwise, the suppliers will cause trouble. After all, your price war has been going on so far, and your suppliers are still on tenterhooks, fearing that you will go bankrupt that day.

Now that we have money, we should first appease these suppliers and tell them that we can still fight this battle, and you can just keep up, and we will not be short of your money.

Then, for the factories and equipment that were mortgaged to the bank, some of the money that was due was paid first.

Now, Panda Electronics can continue to compete with home appliance brands such as Changhong.


Ni Changhong of Changhong Color TV, after half a month of hard work, finally attracted another investment of 30 million to his company. As a price, he paid 10% of the shares of Changhong Company.

However, with these 30 million, Ni Changhong is confident that the price war will be completely settled.

With the price war reaching this point, Ni Changhong believes that other domestic brands have already run out of ammunition and food, and will eventually fall one by one or leave sadly. The winner will be decided in the last month.

After taking the 30 million, he first paid the supplier, and then paid one month’s salary to the workers in the factory. After all, the workers’ wages have been in arrears for the past two months. Workers are not very motivated to produce now, so they must stabilize their emotions, otherwise there will be a strike.

If the workers go on strike, they will still produce chicken feathers.

The price war continues, and it has reached its most brutal moment.

Finally, Konka TV could no longer hold on, and they quietly withdrew from the war and chose to stop their losses. Although the Konka TVs on the market have not returned to their original prices, there are not many available anymore. They won’t fight for this market.

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