Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 112 The Scenery Of The Electronics Factory! Users Around The World Are Madly Complaining Abo

Faced with everyone's gratitude, Luo Yang accepted it calmly!

At least his hard work was not in vain!

"You are all veterans, but there are some things I still want to say up front!"

"I am indeed prepared to vigorously support domestic brands, but there is a premise for this, that is, product quality must pass! In addition to our supply chain, other aspects of product quality must also catch up!"

"For those companies that put food in front of them and have to wait for someone to feed them, I will not stop and wait for them!"

Luo Yang glanced at everyone and directly stated his bottom line!

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then a burst of support erupted!

"Mr. Luo is right. Beichen Technology has already achieved this level. If it is still too muddy to hold up the wall, then it's okay not to let this domestic enterprise go!"

"That's right! Such companies will only embarrass domestic brands!"

Everyone responded!

Faced with the opportunity for their rise that Beichen Technology brings to them, they are absolutely unwilling to miss it!

This dinner can be said to be a feast for both the guest and the host. For these more than 600 companies, there is basically no chance to meet Luo Yang alone on weekdays, so today we can say that we have tried our best to hope to further deepen our relationship with Beichen Technology. cooperate!

It would be even better if I could gain Luo Yang's friendship!

The banquet lasted until "607" in the evening. Everyone who drank too much did not go back and checked into the hotel directly.

Luo Yang returned to COFCO Seaview with the support of Lin Ya.

The next day, major manufacturers returned to the company one after another and started a series of preparations!

The entire mobile phone and computer industry chain in Longguo has been operating rapidly due to the entry of Beichen Technology. Behind more than 600 companies is an entire complex industry chain!

For example, the equipment and metal raw materials purchased by the hardware manufacturer that provides screws to Beichen Technology have driven a series of industries!

For example, BYD and Fushikang randomly started large-scale recruitment after convening high-level company meetings!

"BYAT Electronics Factory is recruiting people. The monthly salary is XXX, which can be said to be the best in the industry, and they are qualified to buy electronic products at employee prices!"

And Fu Shi Kang is not to be outdone!

Zheng City, Fu Shikang Factory!

Due to the epidemic, during the off-season business some time ago, the number of employees in this factory was reduced from 200,000 to 150,000!

The electronics factory is a special landscape in the economic development of Longguo!

Ten years ago, many young men and women entered the electronics factory to work, and were jokingly called "factory brothers and factory girls" by the outside world. Most of these young people had no experience in the world and plunged into this place for various reasons.

Many male and female employees met and fell in love here, and eventually came together!

Because the proportion of female workers is relatively high, many male workers even pay to find relationships in order to find their spouse, and finally join the electronics factory!

Now, ten years later, there are far fewer of these young workers.

The young factory girls at the beginning have now become middle-aged and elderly aunts!

Under the impact of the impetuous society, most of today's young girls are running to become Internet celebrities. They can become popular by shooting a short video and make a lot of money. Not many people are willing to enter the industry anymore!

"Xiao Liu, our factory has received a new mobile phone order from Beichen Technology! A total of 4 million units! It will take about 20 days to operate at full capacity!"

"In addition to us, the factories in Pengcheng and Qingshi have also received orders for 4 million units! We must recruit people first to complete this performance!"

An executive is giving instructions to the head of the human resources department.

"Okay! I'll start recruiting people right away!"

Thanks to his actions, skilled workers at the electronics factory who had temporarily left their jobs during the off-season immediately returned to the factory after learning of the big orders!

In just a few days, the number of employees in this huge factory quickly increased to 220,000!

A total of 70,000 more people!

Several other major factories are also recruiting people aggressively, and the total number exceeds 200,000!

BYD is also increasing its recruitment efforts, eventually recruiting about 130,000 employees! The whole Pengcheng has become a lot more lively because of this!

Apart from anything else, this batch of orders from Beichen Technology alone has created at least 330,000 jobs!

The daily expenses of hundreds of thousands of people are a very huge expense, which has driven a series of local industries and economic income!

It took the two major foundries less than three days to complete all the production lines, and the major suppliers also completed adjustments within three days, and all parts and components also passed the strict acceptance of Beichen Technology!

The national OEM industry chain quickly began to operate!

On September 7, Fu Shi Kang and BYD produced the first batch of Beichen mobile phones!

"Hiss! Is this Beichen's mobile phone? It's so shocking!"

On the production line, countless workers looked at the crystal-like mobile phones in their hands and exclaimed!

It’s as if fruit mobile phones were born for the first time in an era when keyboard machines were rampant!

"The line leader said that the glass of Beichen mobile phone is made of graphene glass, which has extremely strong toughness and hardness! Even if it is dropped directly on the ground, there will be no problem!"

“You can’t see the metal middle frame, it feels great!”

"It's a pity that it hasn't been flashed into the system yet, otherwise it will definitely be more beautiful after booting!"

Everyone gathered together and happily shared their opinions!

As employees of mobile phone OEMs, it is a special benefit for them to have early access to new mobile phones that are not yet on sale!

Of course, in order to prevent leaks, all employees must sign a very strict confidentiality clause. Once the secrets are leaked, they will need to pay huge compensation, so no one is too hot-headed to reveal the news!

Wanwan area, Heshuo factory.

"It's incredible! The technology on the other side has actually developed to this extent!"

Countless female employees were shocked at this moment!

Heshuo received some orders for mobile phones and half of desktop computers, and quickly started production after the supply chain was in place. This series of products directly shocked countless Wanwan employees!

Similar scenes are happening at the same time in all major foundries!

The Fruit Company has been notified by Luo Yang and decided to hold the autumn press conference in advance to avoid a collision with Beichen Technology’s press conference!

September 8, Fruit Company Headquarters, United States!

The press conference anticipated by countless fruit fans is being held, and it is the early morning of Dragon Kingdom!

After passing the tablets and smart watches in front, Cool finally entered the final stage!

"I believe you have been waiting for it for a long time, so let me introduce to you a new friend, Fruit 13 mobile phone!"


The press conference was plunged into darkness, with only the video playing on the big screen!

After a while, a mobile phone appeared in everyone's field of vision!

After a moment of silence, sparse applause erupted from the press conference! And in the live broadcast rooms of major platforms, countless comments bombarded the entire screen!

"Gan! I knew it would be like this! The fruit company squeezes out toothpaste as always!"

"It's still the same big bangs that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, but the area has shrunk a bit!"

"Hey! The lens design at the back is even more ugly! Originally, the vertical arrangement of 11 and 12 was barely acceptable, but now what the hell is the diagonal arrangement! Obsessive-compulsive disorder means that I want to smash this phone!"

"Hahaha! The fruit company has mastered the essence of Intel and can already become the second largest tooth in the world!"

Countless users who stayed up late to watch the live broadcast strongly complained!

"This applause is too little!"

At the press conference, everyone's reaction made Ku Ke's face stiffen. Although he had expected this scene, it was still difficult to accept it!

Fortunately, the fruit company had arranged for someone in the audience to take the lead in applauding!

For the sake of politeness, other audience members had no choice but to applaud, which relieved Ku Ke's embarrassment!

"It made me laugh so hard. Look at Ku Ke’s smile just now. It’s hard to handle the audience this time! Hahahaha!"

Everyone vomited happily!

"This phone is the product of many years of preparation, and we have prepared two versions for sale!"

"The first version uses silicon-based memory and Sony's CMOS. It has been discontinued and we will not continue to manufacture it after the sales are completed!"

"The second version is graphene memory, plus Yutu CMOS developed for future optics. This version will be on sale in three months!"

"In terms of selling price, the graphene memory version is 1,500 yuan higher! Due to production capacity, the graphene memory version is not currently on sale, and only full payment reservations are accepted!"

After half an hour, Ku Ke ended the press conference in a somewhat embarrassed manner!

The next day, the news of the press conference spread all over the world. Countless fruit fans around the world complained about the fruit company's toothpaste squeeze!

But as expected of a fruit fan, I opened the website and placed an order while vomiting!

And what’s extremely weird is that even though silicon-based memory has been eliminated, the Hui version of the Fruit 13 mobile phone is the most popular!

But everyone can see that the influence of the fruit company is getting weaker and weaker!

Well-known overseas evaluation agencies in the industry are not very optimistic about Fruit Company. In the latest news, they have lowered the sales forecast for the fourth quarter of Fruit Phone!

"We believe that the sales volume of fruit phones is only one-half of last year, or even less! Because according to our 5.4 survey, those who are rushing to buy fruit phones are loyal fruit fans, and more mobile phone users are silently waiting for another brand s arrival!"

"That's Beichen Technology!"

This organization has a strong reputation and the forecast reports it publishes are generally very accurate....

After this report was released, the fruit company's stocks fell!

However, the majority of investors have become accustomed to it. Every year when a fruit company releases a new machine, its stock price will fall. The outside world is not optimistic about it, but it will not be long before a surge in price!

After the news spread to China, it attracted the attention of many melon-eating people!

In a self-media interview on the street, a user of Fruit 12 Extra Large Cup made a strong vomit!

"Made! I got a headache when I saw the oblique lens design of Fruit 13. The bangs design is symmetrical [I really can't accept this lens design!"

"Then will you still buy 13?"

The Internet-famous host asked coquettishly.

"I don't plan to buy it! It is said that the upcoming Beichen mobile phone will have an under-screen camera design, and there are many unreleased graphene technologies, so I decided to take a look before talking about it!"

On September 12, amid increasing speculation from the outside world, Beichen Technology finally began its all-round publicity!

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