"Nonsense, do you understand military affairs?"

In the conference room, Xu Huasheng's words made a middle-aged man in military uniform shout angrily. But this did not scare Xu Huasheng, but made Xu Huasheng laugh.

"Leader, I don't want to argue with you. Can I ask you a few questions first?"

Xu Huasheng looked at the middle-aged soldier and asked, with a smile on his face and not angry at all.

"What questions?"

The middle-aged soldier looked at Xu Huasheng, his face was not very friendly. He felt that Xu Huasheng was too arrogant and a little ignorant of the world. A businessman in his early twenties, do you understand military affairs?

"Do you know what precision-guided weapons are? Do you know what electronic warfare is? Do you know what a stealth fighter is? Do you know what sea, land, air and space integration is? Do you know what informationized warfare is?"

Xu Huasheng's series of rhetorical questions not only confused the angry middle-aged man, but also confused everyone else in the room.

Some of them may have heard of these concepts, but most people really haven't even heard of them.

"What's the use of these things? The most important thing in war is the will of the soldiers. Weapons are for people. In the Korean War, our weapons were so far behind those of the United States, but we still drove the American devils away."

The middle-aged man said with his neck stiff. As soon as he said this, the others in the conference room couldn't help but nod.

The will of steel is the most powerful force of the army. In this era, many people in the Chinese army think that China is the most powerful, after all, it has won so many victories in recent years.

Even Vietnam, which almost dragged the United States to death, has been played by China for ten years and is almost destroyed. When it comes to fighting, China is not afraid of anyone now, including the Soviet Union and the United States.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Xu Huasheng sighed.

"Leader, how about we have a military simulation?"

Xu Huasheng asked, and this made everyone interested.

"Mr. Xu, do you also know military simulation?"

Director Yun couldn't help asking.

"No, I feel like this is just like playing chess. It's just exchanging pieces..."

Xu Huasheng's words almost made everyone in the room vomit blood. You young man, you are too arrogant, you treat war as a joke!

"You don't know how high the sky is, okay, I want to see today, what can you do, you arrogant little guy..."

The middle-aged man who refuted Xu Huasheng said directly.

Others in the conference room also became interested at this moment, and so did Director Yun. He picked up the phone and made a call to arrange it.

Only an hour later, it was already arranged in another room. Not only that, hearing that there was a military simulation, many military people also came to join in the fun, including some elderly people, who were also curious.

China also has some intelligence on the military forces of the United States and Iraq.

"Leaders, now assume that Iraq will fully invade Kuwait and occupy Kuwait..."

In the room, the military simulation officially began.

Although Xu Huasheng is not good at military simulation, he knows very well how the United States played the Gulf War.

"First, the US military launched an attack on the Iraqi army in the early morning, and first dispatched electronic jammers to conduct electronic interference on the local area..."

"Launch cruise missiles to carry out precision strikes on enemy radar stations, airports, power plants and other facilities. Then stealth fighters knocked on the door and focused on clearing out important local targets. With the support of precision-guided weapons, precision strikes can be accurate to the meter level..."

"After gaining air superiority, coalition fighters took off from aircraft carriers, Saudi Arabia, and Europe, and carried out saturation bombing on important local targets every day. It is estimated that about 3,000 aircraft are dispatched every day..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng's style of play stunned everyone at once.

Electronic warfare aircraft interfered with enemy communications, missiles carried out precision strikes, and then stealth fighters knocked on the door, knocking down the local command system and air defense system to gain air superiority.

Then there was an inhumane bombing, a large-scale, 24-hour, uninterrupted bombing. Use conventional weapons and precision weapons to carry out large-scale bombing of the Iraqi army and important places in Iraq. Weaken the war potential of the Iraqi army.

"This is cheating. How can the United States have such weapons? And stealth fighters, how can fighters be stealth? And these weapons and equipment, how much money do they cost?"

After seeing this fighting method, the soldier who was conducting combat simulations with Xu Huasheng said loudly with anger in his eyes.

It's too neat. According to the fighting method Xu Huashengsha said, it would be amazing if Iraq could last for two months.

"How do you know that the United States doesn't have it? Precision-guided weaponsIs it difficult to build a device? Don't forget that the United States has GPS. As long as there is a global satellite positioning system, we can also do this. "

"As for stealth fighters, the United States may also have it. The principle of this stealth fighter is to use stealth coating to absorb radar waves. It is technically possible..."

"As for money, does the United States lack money? You must know that the US dollar is an international currency, directly linked to oil. The United States can print it by turning on the printing press, and it can be used to buy things around the world. As for the inflation caused, countries around the world pay for them, otherwise why would the United States create a petrodollar system. Have you forgotten how the Bretton Woods system disappeared? Does the United States have any credibility? The United States has no shortage of dollars. As long as it controls the Middle East, it is equivalent to controlling oil. Oil plus dollars is the means by which the United States robs the world. Once the United States takes action, oil prices will soar. The American chaebols may make money if they make arrangements in advance..."

"If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can use firepower to cover. If you don't need to solve it, don't solve it. This is the American combat concept..."

Xu Huasheng refuted, and his words made everyone in the room quiet down.

Today, Xu Huasheng's words were really earth-shattering.

However, Xu Huasheng's words also made many people ponder.

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can use firepower to cover. Of course, they understand the meaning of this sentence. Soldiers intersperse, sometimes it is a kind of helplessness. Because that road was paved with the blood of soldiers, China has the most experience in this.

If China has sufficient aircraft, artillery, and missiles, China is unwilling to use tactics to intersperse in some wars. Direct firepower coverage, bombing the enemy directly into slag, isn't that good?

"Leader, don't be angry. Why do you argue with me? I just said my guess, as for whether it is right or not, I don't know myself. You asked me to come here today. I am just a businessman. You asked me to speak, so I can only speak..."

Xu Huasheng said directly, and the soldier who was fighting with him relaxed after hearing this. In fact, he was not really angry with Xu Huasheng, but was more shocked by Xu Huasheng's combat mode.

If what Xu Huasheng said was true, then the direction of China's military construction would be completely changed, which is too important for China.

Xu Huasheng left, but no one else in the conference room left, especially the soldiers, who looked at the map and the sand table and discussed one by one.

Xu Huasheng's words tonight brought them too much shock.

"What Mr. Xu said tonight, I think we need to investigate and study. We have our experience, and young people also have young people's vision. As for whether it is true or not, we will know after we wait and see..."

In the room, an old man said with a smile, which made everyone nod.

Yes, we will know whether it is true or not after we wait and see. If it is true, then it will happen soon.

"Director Yun, in terms of oil, are we..."

A middle-aged man looked at Director Yun and couldn't help asking. Xu Huasheng's words made him want to speculate in oil. Hearing this, everyone looked at Director Yun, and Director Yun's face was also serious, because this question was a very serious question.

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