"What a country fears most is a gambling mentality. The Japanese and Germans have gambled on their national destiny, and everyone should know what the outcome was. Mr. Xu is a businessman. If he loses the bet, the worst thing is to start over. But we are different. If we lose the bet, we will be the sinners of the nation. That money is the hard-earned money of countless people..."

In the conference room, after thinking for a long time, Director Yun raised his head and said solemnly that he also wanted the country to make a fortune, but he knew that there were some things that could not be done.

Even if he won the bet this time, but with this bet, would he want to gamble next time he encountered similar things?

For a country, if it loses once out of ten bets, it may lose its national destiny, so the country should not gamble unless it is absolutely necessary.

Director Yun's words made everyone in the room think, and they all nodded after thinking.

Yes, countries and enterprises are different. Enterprises can gamble, and if they lose the bet, the worst thing is bankruptcy, and the boss becomes a pauper. But countries cannot gamble like this. Stability is the most important thing for a country. If a country is addicted to gambling and goes bankrupt, the consequences will be too serious.

If Xu Huasheng loses the bet, the worst thing is to start all over again. The only impact is Xu Huasheng himself.

But if the country loses the bet, the foreign exchange earned by countless Chinese people who tightened their belts will be lost. Not only did they lose money, but it also affected the overall development of China.

"Director Yun, I know what to do..."

A middle-aged man nodded. Although the profit was very tempting, Director Yun's words also made them understand.

A country cannot be willful. Every step taken by the country must be down-to-earth and cannot have a fluke mentality.

At this moment, everyone is looking forward to Xu Huasheng's gamble. If Xu Huasheng wins the bet, will he have a lot more US dollars in his hand? At that time, if these US dollars are converted into RMB, these foreign exchange will become the country's.

After all, Xu Huasheng is also a Chinese. Thinking of this, everyone laughed.

This meeting caused a lot of heated discussion in China. In order to verify what Xu Huasheng said, the relevant departments of China took action. After an investigation, China soon found something unusual on the Iraqi side.

The negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait were not going smoothly, and there were signs of intensified conflicts.

Not only that, Iraq's troops also began to move to the border. All signs showed that Saddam wanted to use force against Kuwait.

Iraq's actions attracted the attention of countries around the world, and there were more news about the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait in the media.

With the outbreak of these news, international oil prices began to rise. Although the increase was not too large, compared with June, oil prices had risen a lot.

Time passed quietly. In the early morning of August 2, 1990, a piece of news alarmed many people. After receiving this news, China held an emergency meeting.

In the early morning of August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Xu Huasheng's predictions some time ago actually came true. Xu Huasheng's strategic vision shocked the Chinese side. At this moment, Xu Huasheng's position in many people's hearts began to change.

The news of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait shocked the world. They didn't expect that Saddam would be so stubborn.

With the news, international oil prices immediately started to rise.

Western countries also began to strongly demand that Saddam withdraw his troops immediately. Iraq instantly became the focus of the world, and the media from all over the world focused on it.

Xu Huasheng was relieved after receiving this news. The great history did not change because of his little butterfly. This is the most important thing.

It's still this time, it's still this invasion. As long as the great history does not change, he will win this time.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng couldn't help but get excited. This time, the gamble is basically a sure win. Wait a few months, when the United States takes action, it will be time for him to reap the harvest.

"Hello, Mr. Xu..."

Xu Huasheng came to the company headquarters in a good mood.

At present, the framework of Huasheng Group has been built, and a building has been rented directly in Shenzhen as the headquarters.

Seeing Xu Huasheng, the company employees greeted Xu Huasheng enthusiastically. Everyone knows Xu Huasheng's identity, the company's vice president, the only son of Mr. Xu, and the company will belong to him in the future.

Everyone respects Xu Huasheng, not because of Xu Huasheng's unique identity. The most important thing is Xu Huasheng's ability, because Xu Huasheng is the company's product design director. The biggest credit for the company's current scale is Xu Huasheng.

Air fryers and fascia guns are hot-selling all over the world, and everyone is very busy every dayBusy. But everyone is happy to be busy, the reason is very simple, the salary in Huasheng Group is high.

Take the most ordinary front desk as an example, the front desk of other companies in Shenzhen may only make 200 to 300 yuan a month. But in Huasheng Group, the basic salary is 400, there is also a full attendance bonus, free work clothes, free dormitory, and three meals a day.

Most importantly, the company also pays social security. You know, now in Shenzhen, many companies don’t pay social security at all.

And in Huasheng Group, overtime is rarely worked. Even if overtime is worked, there is overtime pay.

In a word, high salary and high welfare. In summary, the salary of Huasheng Group is about twice that of other companies.

Of course, Huasheng Group’s requirements are also very high, and various rules and regulations are very strict.

But even so, the employees are very happy to work. As long as the money is in place, these rules and regulations are not a problem at all. If you don’t want to work, you think it’s too strict, you can leave, there are many people rushing to work.

"Mr. Xu, the technical department said that the compressor samples are out..."

Seeing Xu Huasheng, Xu Huasheng's assistant Song Qian said with a smile.

"Oh, let's go and take a look..."

Song Qian's words made Xu Huasheng laugh, and he took Song Qian directly to the technical department.

In the technical department on the third floor, a group of technicians were discussing the samples that had just arrived.

Seeing Xu Huasheng coming, all the technicians had smiles on their faces.

"How are the various data?"

Xu Huasheng asked, looking at the compressors on the table.

There are some compressors placed in the room, and these compressors have only one function, that is, refrigeration.

These compressors are used in air conditioners and refrigerators.

At present, there are few domestic brands of the same type of products. Compared with foreign brands of compressors, domestic brands of compressors have high energy consumption and loud noise.

Simply put, the technology is backward and there is no competitiveness.

This also leads to the fact that many domestic brands of refrigerators and air conditioners currently use foreign compressors. There is no way. If you use domestic compressors, consumers will not buy it. Except for some very cheap cheap brands, there is almost no market for domestic compressors.

Take refrigerators for example. When the refrigerators use domestic compressors, the noise is like that of a tractor. And it consumes a lot of electricity. As a consumer, if you have a little money, you will definitely not buy such products.

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