"Report, my radar has found an enemy aircraft, 600 kilometers away..."

"Simulated attack..."

"The enemy aircraft is 300 kilometers away from me, the second simulated attack is complete..."

In the command room, some simulated commands are constantly sent back. Listening to these commands, Xu Huasheng laughed.

Stitched, even Xu Huasheng was amazed at the madness of the Chinese military personnel.

H-6Q, the ultimate version of this six-master, is a stitched monster. Because this thing is no longer a simple bomber, it can even be said that it is no longer a bomber.

The crazy Chinese military personnel not only installed an active phased array radar on this fighter, but also installed a common patch radar.

What exactly is a common patch radar?

In fact, this radar is also an active phased array, but this thing is not used by ordinary fighters at all, but by future early warning aircraft.

With this radar, the early warning aircraft does not need to carry a large round plate. Instead, this radar is integrated with the aircraft fuselage. This radar can allow the early warning aircraft to detect farther and have more powerful performance.

In the future, China's early warning aircraft using radars with this technology will have a detection range of up to 1,500 kilometers for ordinary targets and up to 800 kilometers for stealth targets.

This is precisely because this technology was broken through by China, and then China's military personnel used this technology crazily.

After the transformation of the H-6Q by Chinese military personnel, this radar technology was used. The integration of these radars and the fuselage is like a few patches.

But it is these patches that make the Sixth Master become the Old Sixth Master, and let an old-fashioned bomber have many functions of early warning aircraft.

Although it cannot be compared with professional early warning aircraft, the Sixth Master using this radar technology has a radar detection range of 600 kilometers and a detection range of 200 kilometers for stealth fighters.

The most important thing is that this Sixth Master also has some capabilities of early warning aircraft. When flying in formation, the Sixth Master can not only be a bomber, but also do some work of early warning aircraft.

If it is a drone, the Sixth Master can command a large group of drones and command drones to fight, which is very abnormal.

This model of the Sixth Master directly canceled the internal magazine. The fuel reserve was increased, and a new engine was installed.

In this way, the range of this model of the Sixth Master reached 12,000 kilometers, and it can also be refueled in the air.

The most important thing is that the weapons mounted on the Sixth Master are more sophisticated. In 2035, before Xu Huasheng traveled through time, the weapons mounted on the Sixth Master were diverse.

It can carry ballistic missiles to carry out nuclear strikes, and can also carry ultra-long-range anti-ship missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometers to directly carry out super strikes on enemy warships.

The most sophisticated thing is that this model of the Sixth Master can also carry air-to-air missiles and be used as a fighter. The bomb load of the H-6Q is only 16 tons, which is very low for a bomber. This is the bomb load after the new engine is installed. Before the replacement, the bomb load was even lower. Think about the payload of the White Swan, which can reach 45 tons, and you will know that the bomb load of the Sixth Master is relatively low.

But compared with fighters, this 16 tons is not low.

The H-6Q has eight weapon racks, which may not seem like much. But you have to see what is on the weapon racks.

Ordinary bombs will definitely have low combat effectiveness, but if it is equipped with ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles, it will be terrifying.

In the original time and space, the H-6Q can be equipped with this thing, the ultra-long-range air-to-air missile PL-25, with a range of 400 kilometers and an attack speed of Mach 6.

With this thing on the H-6Q, plus the radar on it, a Sixth Master dares to fight a squadron of enemy fighters.

The radar found that the enemy aircraft started to launch ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles when it was 400 kilometers away.

The most disgusting thing is that after launching the missiles, the Sixth Master can also use his powerful radar to conduct electronic interference and electronic attacks on the enemy. Unless it is a professional electronic warfare aircraft, many ordinary aircraft can become blind and deaf after being interfered and attacked.

In the original time and space, when the Sixth Master went out, he usually carried a group of drones behind him. That scene was really disgusting.

Even if the enemy's early warning radar sees Master Liu early, it is difficult to deal with him.

Stitched monster, but the combat power of this stitched monster is quite terrifying. There are very few countries that can deal with this thing. In the future, only the United States has the ability to attack this thing with ultra-long-range air defense missiles, and other countries have no such ability.

In fact, there are many stitched monster Master Liu in the original time and space.

H-6Q is a stitched monster, and H-6P is also a stitched monster. H-6P is an upgraded version of H-6G. The weapon rack of H-6P does not hang weapons, but electronic pods.

Eight weapon racks, eight various weapon pods, directly turned into an electronic warfare aircraft. This electronic warfare aircraft also made Europe and the United States curse in the original time and space.

Hanging a bunch of advanced electronic pods, it wanders around people's doorsteps when it has nothing to do. And behind it is usually a group of drones protecting him. In electronic warfare, it is more useful than the electronic warfare aircraft modified from fighter jets. After all, the bomber engine has high power and large power generation, which can provide more energy for radar and electronic warfare equipment.

And this idea was finally learned by Europe, the United States and the Russians. The Russians also directly modified an electronic warfare aircraft with the White Swan, but the Russians' radar technology and electronic technology are not good, and the combat effectiveness is not strong.

Now that China has the White Swan, the White Swan will also be modified to follow this route in the future. With the performance of the White Swan, coupled with China's awesome electronic technology, the modified electronic warfare aircraft will be able to kill the opponent.

In the command room, Liu Ye finally returned, and many performances have been verified. The appearance of this Liu Ye looks similar to the ordinary Liu Ye.

But the interior has completely changed. The fuselage is the latest composite material, the radar is a new radar, the fire control system is a new fire control system, the display system is a new display system, the engine is a new engine, and the range has also been greatly improved.

A range of 12,000 kilometers is enough for China at present.

An old horse is still ambitious, and Liu Ye can still use it for decades. Who says that the combat effectiveness of an old aircraft is weak? It depends on how you use it. It doesn't matter if the aircraft is old, because in future air battles, what is being compared is less and less the performance of the aircraft, but the performance of the missiles, radars, and loyal wingmen.

In the future, let alone bombers, even if it is a large transport aircraft, as long as it carries a powerful enough radar, powerful enough missiles, and enough loyal wingmen, it will be equally powerful. Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng couldn't help but think of the giant An-225. If that giant is modified, I don't know if it will become crazy.

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