"Dad, if Yingzi really got into trouble in Canada, I will definitely not be able to show up in a short time. You must go back to the company to support the situation. I dare not trust anyone else..."

Xu Huasheng returned to Shenzhen. He called Xu Dabao and Li Chan back. Then he explained the seriousness of the matter in detail.

After listening to Xu Huasheng's words, Xu Dabao's expression was serious.

"Damn, the United States is too shameless, isn't it?"

Xu Dabao cursed fiercely.

"Dad, those European and American countries have always been like this. If they can't play head-on, they will start to rob. If they can't beat you technically, they will change their routine. But we are not fools. Besides, at this time, there are more countries that suffer from the United States than China. As long as we master the technology and the industrial chain, the future development is nothing more than a pawn. We will move forward slowly every day, and we will become stronger and stronger in the end..."

Xu Dabao nodded at Xu Huasheng's words. He also knew that if it was really as Xu Huasheng said, then Huasheng Group would not have an easy time in the future.

You should know that the main profit point of Huasheng Group is export, making a lot of money from abroad. Exports to European and American countries account for the majority. If these markets are blocked, then Huasheng Group's profits will definitely fall sharply.

Not only that, Huasheng Group's current production capacity is very large. If the orders are gone all of a sudden, how can such a large production capacity be digested? What about so many workers?

Huasheng Group has strong profitability, but its expenses are also relatively large. There are too many things that Huasheng Group secretly develops, including employee expenses and R&D expenses. Although these things have Xu Huasheng's information, they also require large-scale burning of money.

"Dad, if this incident really happens. You will serve as the chairman of Huasheng Group and change our business strategy at the same time. All products adopt global pricing. European and American countries continue to exploit many countries with technological hegemony, so we will do the opposite. We will take the route of technological equality..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Xu Dabao curious.

"Dad, those European and American companies, relying on their own technology and patents as well as their country's military hegemony, make things that were originally very cheap very expensive here. For example, two years ago, we in China had to pay 5,000 yuan for the initial installation fee to install a phone. Did our operating company take this money? Not at all. That's because those companies charged us a few hundred dollars in patent fees for an interface of the telephone exchange. But what about now? We have independently produced domestic exchanges. Now Huaxin Company not only does not charge the initial installation fee for installing a phone, but also gives you a phone for free. This is because we have mastered the technology. And it is not just China that suffers from this situation..."

Xu Huasheng said directly, and Xu Dabao nodded.

Indeed, Xu Dabao knew this very well. Installing a phone used to be very expensive. In addition to the phone fee, you also need to pay the initial installation fee for installing a phone. The initial installation fee is as high as 5,000 yuan. 5,000 yuan in the past few years is very exaggerated. Many people do not earn that much in two years.

In just two years, now, let alone the initial installation fee, even the phone is free of charge. You can get a phone directly as long as you pay the phone bill on time.

This huge contrast is huge, so many families may not be able to afford mobile phones now, but wired phones are rapidly popularizing.

Installation is free, there is no initial installation fee, and a phone is also free. The phone bill has also been greatly reduced, and you can make calls for a long time with ten yuan a month.

Two years ago, if someone in the village had a phone, it would be something worth showing off, and you would walk with the wind.

Now, wired phones are rapidly popularizing, not only in cities, but also in rural areas. At the same time, the functions of the phone have increased a lot. Now the phone that Huaxin Company provides with the installation of the phone also has the functions of address book and caller ID.

You can't receive calls when you are not at home, but when you return home, you can see if anyone has called today and whether it is someone you are familiar with.

This function is almost the same as a mobile phone, except that it is not very convenient to carry. However, this can already meet the call needs of many families, after all, mobile phones are too expensive now.

Technological equality, this time Xu Huasheng is going to use technological equality to break the deadlock.

In this world, cost-effectiveness is the biggest killer. Since you European and American people have hurt me, don't blame me for turning the table. The market in this world is not just your European and American market. Although the size of other markets is not as big as yours, the total market is not small.

As long as they don't starve to death, Huasheng Group is not afraid of a protracted war.

What's more, Huasheng Group still has the basic base of China. China is now developing rapidly and the marketHuge. If Huasheng Group can't enter the European and American markets, then those European and American companies in the Chinese market can't even think of entering. Without any measures from the country, Huasheng Group can directly defeat them with its cost-effectiveness.

That night, Xu Huasheng and Xu Dabao talked a lot.

In Yanjing, in a mysterious residence, several old men talked all night.

"If the United States really takes action against Xiaosheng, it means that a different kind of war has begun. In addition to fighting head-on, we also need to act from the side. We have to find a place to pull the United States in..."

The leading old man whispered, with murderous eyes.

The same is true for other old men, all of whom have come from the revolutionary era, and none of them are easy to deal with.

"Then can we start..."

An old man whispered, only saying half of the words, but several people already understood what was going on.

"Let's get ready first. If it's really necessary, then start..."

The leading old man said directly, and an old man nodded.

How deep is China's layout? Except for a few people, no one else knows it.

What kind of country is China? It is a master who has been playing strategy for thousands of years.

If it were not a master of strategy, could China have gone from nothing to everything in just a few decades? To put it bluntly, when China was playing strategy, the Western people were still hunting in the woods with their butts naked.

China is not so easy to bully. After fighting with Western countries for so many years, how many chess pieces and cards China has, the Western countries don't know.

Do you really think that the disintegration of the Soviet Union is the credit of Western countries? Don't you see who is behind the Afghan war that dragged down the Soviet Union?

Look at the fighting style of the Afghan guerrillas, and then look at some of the weapons and equipment in the hands of the Afghan guerrillas, and many things will be clear. Otherwise, why did Mr. Ben, a rich kid who studied civil engineering, suddenly become a master of guerrilla warfare after the war broke out, and the combat mode is exactly the same as the guerrilla warfare method of the Rabbit family?

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