"Everyone, today we are convening the board of directors to announce an important matter. Our President Xu will serve as the vice president of the group again, in charge of finance. When I am not here, President Xu will be the first executive of our company. If something happens to me, President Xu will be directly promoted to the chairman and president of the company..."

Huasheng Group held the highest-level meeting today.

Xu Dabao, who has been retired for a long time, has returned to the company. As for Xu Dabao's identity, these senior executives all know it. In the past, Xu Dabao was the chairman of the company. Now Xu Dabao suddenly came back, which made many people feel a little confused and full of doubts.

Because Xu Huasheng is very young and has done very well in the past few years. Xu Dabao has been doing charity work in the past two years, but now he has suddenly returned.

However, although there are doubts, no one objects. After all, the company belongs to others, Xu Dabao still has shares in the company, and Xu Huasheng is Xu Dabao's only son, and they are all family.

Besides, Xu Huasheng has said that he is only the vice president and in charge of financial work.

In addition to Huasheng Group, Xu Huasheng also convened a top meeting at Yunling Investment to make Xu Dabao the vice president of Yunling Investment. If something happens to him, he will automatically become the president and chairman.

Yunling Investment now has huge assets and has invested in many companies. In addition to the original subsidiaries of Huasheng Group, Yunling Investment has also invested in many assets at home and abroad. The total assets controlled by Yunling Investment are now quite terrifying. The total controlled assets exceed 150 billion US dollars. 150 billion US dollars in this era is quite terrifying.

What is the concept of this asset? You must know that the total GDP of China in the original time and space in 1993 was only 3.57 trillion yuan, and the exchange rate between the RMB and the US dollar in 1993 was 5.7 to 1.

In other words, in the original time and space, China's GDP in 1993 was only 626.3 billion US dollars. Now Xu Huasheng's Yunling Investment has assets of more than 150 billion US dollars, which is about a quarter of China's GDP. This does not count the giant Huasheng Group.

Including the giant Huasheng Group, the assets controlled by Xu Huasheng easily exceed 200 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to one-third of China's GDP. It is not an exaggeration to say that Xu Huasheng is now rich enough to rival a country.

However, these are all assets, many of which are fixed assets, and these assets are constantly expanding. Xu Huasheng donated 40% of the profits of these assets to Huaxia Electronic Technology Group, and the remaining money is used to support a large number of employees, charity, education, research and development, etc.

It is precisely because of Xu Huasheng's operation that the country protects Xu Huasheng so much. If Xu Huasheng is a profit-seeking businessman, his business will not expand so fast. The country will not protect him so much, protect Huasheng Group, and protect the assets in Xu Huasheng's hands.

Xu Huasheng and the country are now mutually accomplished. You have me and I have you. No one can do without each other, so it is not an exaggeration to describe Xu Huasheng as a national businessman.

As night fell, Xu Huasheng's villa was heavily guarded, and the security guards around him all looked murderous.

A car secretly arrived at the villa's underground parking lot, and a man in full disguise got out of the car and then entered the villa.

When the mysterious man removed his disguise, Xu Dabao and Li Chan in the room were both shocked.

Like, too much like, exactly the same. This is even more like twins, especially his temperament, which is almost exactly the same as his son.

However, if you look closely, Li Chan and Xu Dabao can still feel subtle differences. This difference comes from the eyes. In addition to confidence, Xu Huasheng's eyes sometimes have a calm and light look, as if he is detached from the world.

The substitute of this day also has a sense of confidence, but does not have that sense of detachment.

This feeling is very strange, and only those who are most familiar with Xu Huasheng and have been with Xu Huasheng for a long time can feel it.

"Sir, please accept my greeting..."

Xu Huasheng looked at the stand-in in front of him and bowed to him from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Xu, for the country, for the nation, I have no regrets..."

Shadow said directly. He knew some of what Xu Huasheng had done. He also knew how important Xu Huasheng was to the country.

So he was willing to take on this mission.

"I hope I'm overthinking it, but don't worry, even if the Americans are rogue, they can only find a reason to temporarily detain us. This is a protracted war, and we have a strong country behind us..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Shadow laugh.

The two of them brieflyAfter chatting for a while, Xu Huasheng disguised himself and went into the underground garage to leave.

From this moment on, Shadow is Xu Huasheng, and the real Xu Huasheng will disappear temporarily and become the most mysterious existence.

Xu Huasheng's value is not just the title of Chairman of Huasheng Group.

His real value is the technology in his mind and his vision beyond ordinary people. Xu Huasheng himself is the national treasure.

Xu Huasheng, who is hidden in the dark, may play a more powerful role. After all, if the United States does something bad and detains Shadow, it will definitely attack China next, especially the semiconductor industry and other high-end manufacturing industries.

At that time, the two sides are really angry, and even a war may happen. The United States is not a good thing. If starting a war can solve the problem, they will start a war without hesitation.

So next, China must not only comprehensively improve itself in economy, diplomacy, and technology, but also comprehensively improve its military strength, so that China can have a strong military force as soon as possible, and have a military force that can compete with the United States. Only in this way can both sides eat at the same table.

Xu Huasheng left home secretly, and even Han Ying didn't follow him this time.

He went to the airport under the protection of security personnel, and then took a military plane directly to Sichuan Province. Xu Huasheng planned to stay in the most secret base of the Electronic Technology Group for a while. Anyway, communication is convenient now. Xu Huasheng and Xu Dabao can communicate with each other not only by phone but also by video call through computer. For Xu Huasheng, where he is does not affect the layout of the company.

The next morning, Yingzi and Han Ying and their group left Huasheng Group and took Xu Huasheng's private plane directly to Canada to attend the World Semiconductor Association held the day after tomorrow.

At the same time, the Chinese government also began to prepare. If things are really as Xu Huasheng guessed, they will start the next plan, and a secret war is about to start.

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