The other party could only patiently ask:

"I wonder if you have any other requirements?"

"We want to directly package and get the exclusive broadcasting rights for the next four Olympic Games!"

The conference room was suddenly silent, with only the snoring of the fat financial officer.

Michael was already used to this. This was the financial officer of the big boss, and he couldn't say much.

"Sir, your idea is very bold. We need to discuss it internally first."

After that, several people went out and had a fierce quarrel outside the door.

I don't know how long it took before the quarrel came to an end.

The chairman of the organizing committee asked with a shameless face:

"Your company's idea is in line with our consistent ethics of advocating the Olympic spirit. We are very willing to establish a longer-term cooperation with Paramount Television.


I wonder how much your company is willing to spend to buy it out?"

Michael thought for a while and said:

"You also know that the offer of 1 billion US dollars is too high. We hope to win the exclusive broadcasting rights of four Olympic Games with a total price of 4 billion US dollars!"

4 billion US dollars is a number carefully calculated by Wang Lei.

According to the real bidding history, since 1996, the broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games have never been less than 1 billion US dollars:

1996 Atlanta Olympics 935 million US dollars.

2000 Sydney 1.3332 million US dollars.

2004 Athens Olympics 1.4985 billion US dollars.

The broadcasting fee of the three games added up is as high as 3.8 billion US dollars, not including the 2008 Kyoto Olympics, which is the highlight.

But the people in the Olympic Committee now naturally have no idea what the future will be like.

They never expected that after 2000, broadcasting the Olympics would have such great commercial value. Advertisers around the world almost broke their heads for broadcasting during the Olympics.

It is impossible to lose money.

Sure enough, after hearing the offer of 4 billion US dollars, the eyes of the other party were shining.

It was obviously a look of excitement.

1 billion has far exceeded their expectations. Now Paramount has given them a 4-fold surprise. How could they refuse? Such a sucker can't be let go.

So much so that no one refused for a while, even those who usually like to raise objections shut up.

The chairman of the Olympic Committee was still clear-headed. He calculated the account and immediately found the trick.

If Paramount hadn't intervened, the broadcast rights could have been sold for more than 900 million US dollars.

If the host country is not too rich and the event is not run too badly, there will be no surprises in the broadcasting fee, which will only increase and not decrease. So 4 billion seems to be less.

He paused and tried a new round of negotiations:

"Sir, we cannot accept this offer. How about you raise the price?"

Michael smiled and knew that 4 billion US dollars could not scare the other party. He held up four fingers:

"4.4 billion US dollars, our final offer."

Feeling that this sentence was not enough, he emphasized again:

"If you still want to raise the price, we are willing to pay the breach of contract fee and terminate this cooperation."

The people of the host committee were a little anxious when they heard this, and hurriedly advised their chairman, fearing that the old man would be confused at the critical moment.

Seeing that Michael seemed to have made up his mind, he naturally understood the principle of stopping when he saw the good.

Besides, who can tell what will happen in a few years? He may retire in two years. He doesn't care about the next thing. If he charges more money now, he will definitely make money.

"Okay, I agree to this cooperation on behalf of the Olympic Organizing Committee!"

After being pushed awake by Michael, the fat financial officer slowly took out the seal and check folder.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you. 4.4 billion is definitely not something that can be paid in one go. We hope to prepay 1.5 billion US dollars first, and every four years, a sum of money will be transferred to the account of the Olympic Organizing Committee!"

The people of the Olympic Organizing Committee were shocked again. They didn't expect Paramount to not pay in one go, which was different from what they expected.

What's the difference between this and the annual round of bidding?

They will definitely not agree.

Seeing through the minds of all the other parties, Michael said:

"It's not that we can't take out the money. To be honest, we are worried that this huge amount of money will disappear in your account. Who can we go to for justice at that time? No one will choose to pay in installments, right?"

This is very embarrassing, but it is also true, making these people blush. If they insist on paying the full amount, wouldn't it be confirmed that they want to take the money?

But there are also old foxes in the main committee. They said: "You said you have the ability to pay the full amount, but who can guarantee what will happen in the next ten years?At least half of the deposit must be paid before we can complete the deal. "

After a round of bargaining, they finally reached a consensus on paying 2 billion US dollars in advance.

Both parties wrote a high penalty for breach of contract on the new contract, and Michael signed it with satisfaction.

He reported the good news to Wang Lei as soon as possible.

"Boss, the contract has been signed, and Wang Finance is transferring the money. Isn't the price of 4.4 billion a bit high?"

Michael really felt sorry for the money. In his opinion, this business can only be said to be no loss for Paramount, but the profit is definitely limited. The only meaning is that it can attract a wave of traffic every few years.

"No, no, we must have picked up a big bargain.

The great Eastern power is rising, the economy of the United States is recovering, and the world economy is globalizing. I believe that advertising revenue will increase. By then, it will be others who will be jealous and regretful, not us! ”

This is also true. The broadcasting rights in 2004 were sold for nearly 1.5 billion US dollars, which is an ironclad proof. After tasting the sweetness, NBC TV even spent 12 billion to buy out the broadcasting rights of the six Olympic Games from 2012 to 2032 in two installments.

It has to be said that the Morgan Consortium is really rich!

Seeing that the boss was so satisfied, Michael also smiled happily.

"Next, you need to spread the explosive news that we have won the broadcasting rights of four Olympic Games. The newspapers I control will also fully cooperate with you. We want to let people all over the world know that the broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games in the United States have been bought by our Paramount TV."

Michael hurriedly said yes. So much money has been spent, and the publicity must keep up, otherwise the money will not be wasted.

Michael is still very experienced in marketing, and he guarantees that after the news is exposed, it will cause panic among the brand.

A piece of news immediately made the headlines of the Wall Street Journal:


Paramount controlled by the Wang Group has monopolized the long-term broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games.

From now on, the American people can only watch the Olympic Games on Paramount TV.

According to our reporter's interview with the president of Paramount TV, he said that Wang Group intends to consume all the advertisements during the Olympic Games alone! "

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