
Suddenly, a nearby spider silk exploded, and it turned out that Ling Xiao broke it with a sword and walked out.

"We want to catch the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider alive, you killed it?!"

Ling Xiao stared at Lin Hao and said viciously.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, what is this?

"Senior Brother Ling Xiao, Fellow Lin Daoyou saved us, we almost died, killing the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider is reasonable!" Zi Yao said.

"Yes! Senior Brother Ling Xiao, this time I should really kill the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider!"

Qiu Hu also got out of the spider silk and said to Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao snorted angrily and stared at Lin Hao: "He is just a casual cultivator. How can he have such strength and want us to lead the way!? I think he should be a spy who is plotting against us!"

Zi Yao and Qiu Hu were all dumbfounded and at a loss.

Ling Xiao's buckling of hats like this is unreasonable.

Ling Xiao thought that he would be no worse than anyone of his age. If he had control of the flame will, he could completely suppress the nine-eyed dragon spider. Lin Hao relied purely on the advantage of the flame will. Moreover, if the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider relaxes his vigilance, he can also succeed in one blow!

He has full confidence to solve Lin Hao!

Lin Hao's expression remained unchanged due to this slander, and he calmly said to Ling Xiao, "Are you finished?"

"Huh?" Ling Xiao was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Why, do you have any questions about what I said just now?"

"No doubt." Lin Hao said.

Such an answer made Ling Xiao couldn't help being stunned.

No doubt, this is an admission?

He just buttoned his hat indiscriminately, did Lin Hao admit it?

"Hahaha! Little beast, I have discovered that something is wrong with you a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to admit it!"

"That's good, break your arms, abolish the cultivation base, and come with me! When I go to the Nine Suns Sword Sect, honestly confess, maybe I will leave you a dog's life!"

Ling Xiao sneered and was overjoyed.

Ziyao and Qiu Hu didn't understand, so they looked over, and saw Lin Hao staring at Ling Xiao and repeating: "Did you finish?"

Ling Xiao found something wrong, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "What did you say?"

"I ask you, are you finished with your last words?"

Lin Hao said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, Ling Xiao's face instantly turned red, and he realized that he had been tricked!

"Haha! Last words? Do you think that by relying on the suppression of the will of the flame, if you lucky enough to kill the nine-eyed dragon spider, you can compete with me?"

Ling Xiao said coldly: "If it weren't for that I couldn't solve the spider silk, with my own strength, I could also kill the nine-eyed dragon spider, you can't be my opponent at all!"

Lin Hao shook his head and said no more.

"Okay, take my sword." Lin Hao held his hand on the hilt.

"Hahaha! Just shoot, if you..."

Ling Xiao laughed, but before he could finish speaking, Lin Hao suddenly took out his sword.

With this sword, he was too late to react, only to see the sword light flashing, Ling Xiao's breathing stopped, and his pupils protruded violently, almost shouting.

But just when this sword was about to fall on his neck! Lin Hao suddenly turned his sword and quickly hit a spot of light from the attack.


There was a sharp metal collision, and only a flying knife was seen, which was flew back by Lin Hao's sword, and it was inserted into a stone.

After the flying knife stabbed on the stone, it exploded instantly, blasting the boulder to pieces.

"An enemy attack?"

Zi Yao and Qiu Hu looked panicked and looked around.

Ling Xiao also drew back, his face pale, and he had lingering fears about the sword heart he had just made.

That sword was so fast, he couldn't react to it!

Had it not been for a flying knife to attack Lin Hao just now, Lin Hao would have killed him with a single sword!

At this time, a group of black-clothed figures suddenly appeared on the high slopes in all directions. After counting, there were six.

It was the group of people that Lin Hao had discovered before.

This group of people wore black robes, and only one of them showed their dry palms, like dead wood, looking particularly hideous.

"Lin Hao, there are really people! I didn't find it just now!" Long You behind was surprised.

Lin Hao stared at the old man among the men in black. There were three flying knives in his hand, sandwiched between his fingers, with a jet of black luster.

"It's you who attacked me just now!" Lin Hao said coldly.

"Yes, I didn't expect me to fail! You can withdraw the sword in time and block my throwing knife. The reaction is good!"

The old man heard a hoarse voice, like bones rubbing, extremely unpleasant.

Before, he took advantage of Lin Hao's sword to attack, and the timing of that moment was perfect. The moment Lin Hao killed Ling Xiao, Lin Hao was killed by his flying knife, which made sense.

Lin Hao was able to detect in that situation and withdrew his sword to block it. This shows that this person's soul power is probably very strong!

"What is your purpose?" Lin Hao stared at him, his tone without any emotion.

"This nine-eyed dragon spider is a spiritual pet we raised, but you killed him. The sin is punishable. Of course, I have to catch you to **** the soul." The withered old man let out an unpleasant treacherous laugh.

Lin Hao could feel that everyone's eyes were focused on his body, with greed in his eyes.

Moreover, this group of people has quietly followed them. The so-called "retaliation for killing the pet" probably doesn't exist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The target of these people is him!

"Soul sucking!"

Ling Xiao heard this word, but his face changed wildly and exclaimed: "You are from the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect!"

In his memory, only the frightening Ten Thousand Ghost Sects can **** their souls.

"Haha, I don't think anyone still knows us! That's right, we are the disciple of the spider sub-rudder of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect in Nanzhou." The dry old man smiled.

The headquarters of Wan Guizong is in Xizhou, but there are sub-rudders in all major states, and the sub-rudder of spiders is located in Nanzhou. This is something that many powerful and senior officials know.

"Ten Thousand Ghosts!"

Hearing these three words, Ling Xiao's mentality instantly collapsed, and he collapsed!

"Senior, it's none of my business!"

Suddenly, Ling Xiao knelt on the ground and pointed at Lin Hao and shouted, "It was he who killed your spirit pet. It has nothing to do with me. We just passed by accidentally and have nothing to do with this person. If you want to kill, kill him!"

With that said, Ling Xiao cried to his father and shouted to his mother, and shifted all responsibilities to Lin Hao.

Such ugliness makes Zi Yao and Qiu Hu both disgusted. How can there be such shameless people? Lin Hao rescued him, but immediately renounced the relationship, and fell into trouble!

"Senior Brother Ling Xiao, Lin Dao saved us friendly, and the strength of these people in black is not too strong! Together, we might be able to contend." Zi Yao gritted her teeth.

"Shut up and dare to fight against Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, are you looking for death!"

Ling Xiao was immediately furious, stood up, slapped in the air, and slapped Zi Yao with a "pop", leaving a bright red slap print.

Zi Yao touched her face, crying aggrievedly.

Qiu Hu couldn't see it anymore, but when he was just about to say something, he looked at the crowd of Ten Thousand Ghost Sects who couldn't be far away, and swallowed the words again.

It's true. At this time, if you clarify your relationship with Lin Hao, there may be a way to survive.

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