The withered old man stared at Ling Xiao, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, and our Ten Thousand Ghost Sect appreciates you."

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and he was secretly relieved. It seems that he should be able to save his life.

"Give you a chance to survive, seal your cultivation base, and I will spare you not to die!"

The withered old man said to Ling Xiao.

When Ling Xiao heard this, his body trembled fiercely, and said, "Is it true?"

"Haha! Our dignified ghost sect, it takes no effort to kill you, how can we lie to you?" The withered old man smiled grimly.

Ling Xiao nodded, saying that there are two real people in this group. It is too easy to kill him, why bother?

So, he slapped his abdomen with a palm, and issued a sealing technique, locking the true essence.

"Haha! Not bad, not bad, for you are so obedient..."

The withered old man smiled coldly, his eyes burst out with cold light, and then said sharply:

"Send you on the road today!"

The voice fell, and the withered old man rushed out, the black wind raged, and the nearby woods were hunting and hunting, and there was the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

His bone-like claws buckled directly at Ling Xiao's forehead, bound to explode with a blow to his head.

"Ah! Senior, you lied to me! I am not reconciled!"

Ling Xiao hissed screaming.

Only at this moment did he understand that in front of Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, he was a stupid pig who could play around at will, too stupid to be stupid!

Lin Hao shook his head silently, so naive, he actually believed the words of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect.

Although he doesn't know the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, he can tell from the name of this sect that this is a swindler, and he can't believe a single punctuation mark when he says it!


It seemed to confirm Lin Hao's conjecture. When the withered old man's claws were about to fall on top of Ling Xiao's head, he quickly shot a few flying needles out of his sleeves and shot them at Lin Hao at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the withered old man's offensive direction changed, and then he killed Lin Hao!

His real purpose is not to kill Ling Xiao, but to kill Lin Hao!

"This kind of trick, do you think you can fool me?"

Lin Hao had expected that the other party thought he would relax his vigilance, but in fact Lin Hao was highly concentrated at all times.

While the opponent was throwing the flying needles, Lin Hao shook his wrist, and the sword light screamed, rushing out, hitting each flying needle with precision.

"Ding! Ding! Ding..."

With a few crisp hits, the flying needle suddenly exploded at the moment it collided with the sword light, exploding a large group of black mist.

The black mist spread out in an instant, blocking the sight of a hundred meters in a radius, and even the divine consciousness was shielded. Without any disturbance, Lin Hao was completely enclosed in the black mist.

Even in the dark fog, even the consciousness is gradually blurred! This is a black mist that specifically restrains the power of the soul!

I'm afraid the flying needle shooting Lin Hao is fake, and the black fog is real!

"It's a bit famous." Lin Hao secretly said.

I have to admit that this attack by the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is a bit famous! Pretending to kill Xiang Ling Xiao, in fact, he secretly attacked Lin Hao. First, he used a flying needle to create a black fog to shield Lin Hao's perception, and then rushed into the black fog to take the initiative.

Lin Hao was in the black fog, and any perception disappeared. He didn't know from which direction the opponent would come in, so he couldn't stop him.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated Lin Hao.

"Broken Dragon!"

Lin Hao's throat swelled, and the true essence and dragon bloodline in his body were connected together in an instant, and a loud dragon chant resounded through the clouds.

Ling Xiao, who had escaped from the dead, shrank back a few steps. He watched the black mist bursting nearby, and cold sweat came out.

"Fortunately, it wasn't me, it was the kid who was killed. Even I was deceived. That kid should be over."

Ling Xiao looked at the **** mist and said inwardly.

But in the next second, suddenly in the black mist, a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept out in an arc like crazy, sweeping across the wasteland.


An indescribable terrifying sound wave shook the earth. It shattered all the black fog on the spot, the ground underfoot shattered, the forest was uprooted in pieces, and the ground was lifted up by a layer wherever it passed.

The power of a roar, the world has changed drastically!

When the black mist dissipated, one could see that the withered old man's claws were only an inch away from Lin Hao's forehead!

This inch is separated by the sky.


Broken Dragons roared at such a close distance. The dry old man's skin exploded, his eyeballs protruding, and blood burst out. He opened his mouth and let out a sharp and unpleasant scream. He flew backwards, and hit the ground with one head.

When he stood up, his clothes were tattered, his dry and cracked skin was exposed, and he was bleeding.

"What sound wave is this? It can suppress my soul-killing fog!" The withered old man's eyes were horrified.

Lin Hao didn't answer. He held the Thunder Sword in his hand, pointed it far ahead, drew a mysterious arc, and instantly swung it towards the withered old man.

"Let's go together, cast a hundred ghosts and soul refining array!" The withered old man shouted violently.

Insidious tricks can't work, only the ones that came to light, he still doesn't believe them, they are two mortal men, why can't they be resistant to a little! "

Many people in black robes rushed out.

The withered old man took out a clay pot and was about to smash it, but suddenly felt that his body could not move.

Can't move at all, as if locked in the void!

"The third type of the real thunder nine swords, the sword locks the void!"

Lin Hao's unremarkable sword fell, and at the moment he swung it, the space in front of him suddenly solidified.


The sword light fell, slashing straight down from the top of the withered old man's skull, and the crazy sword aura strangled him into nothingness on the spot.

It dissipated completely, and nothing was left except the blood!

A real person, just like that, was killed by Lin Hao's sword.

Lin Hao took a volley and sucked in the dry old man's storage ring.

Until then, the group of people in black robes were still in a dull state.

As for Zi Yao and Ling Xiao behind them, they were completely numb, as if they had seen a ghost.

"You killed Brother Liu!?" one of the men in black roared, he was also a real person.


Lin Hao's backhand struck again with a sword, and also a sword to lock the void.

The sword lock void is different from the previous two styles. The first two styles, whether it is "Sky Falling Thunder" or "Earth Cliff", are extremely destructive and can split a vast abyss.

Sword Locking the Void is just a sword of locking, and the special place meets the Locking Void again, so that the opponent cannot escape! This is the sword of murder, and its destructive power is weaker!


Without any accident, Lin Hao's sword was chopped into nothingness as soon as he finished speaking.

Lin Hao took another volley and sucked the storage ring in his hand.

The audience was dull and silent!

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