Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"I go to the toilet." Tong Qiao said to Lu Ziqian and got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Lu Ziqian looked at Tong Qiao's angrily leaving his back, lifted his short legs and followed.

When Tong Qiao finished lifting his pants, he found that the crotch was a little red, and he felt a little bit hungry. He mentioned that half of the pants hurried down again. Look carefully. The blood is actually blood.

The stomach did hurt when she fell a while ago, but she was angry and ignored the little pain. At this time, she saw the blood, and Tong Qiao really felt it. It turned out that her stomach had been a little bit of pain. .

Will the child be okay?

Tong Qiao was so pale that he quickly put on his pants and ran towards the bathroom door in a messy pace. He ran too fast. He didn’t pay attention to the water under his feet and slipped on his soles. He almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Tong Qiao quickly supported his eyes. The sink next to it.

However, the body shook a lot, and the pain in the stomach was more intense, and there seemed to be a heat flow suddenly below.

Tong Qiao was terrified and didn’t dare to move again. She leaned on the sink while holding her belly. She wanted to borrow someone to call Lu Jinshen. She didn’t bring her cell phone with her to prevent radiation after pregnancy.

But at this time, everyone was participating in activities on the playground. There was no one in the bathroom. Tong Qiao slowed down in the sink before walking slowly to the door.

Tong Qiao went out and saw Lu Ziqian waiting at the door. She hurriedly straightened her back. She didn't want to scare him and smiled at his little back: "What are you doing standing at the door of the women's bathroom?"

Lu Ziqian was teased by Tong Qiao, his face flushed immediately, and a pair of dark eyes scrambled everywhere, "I... I went to the toilet." After a lifetime of fear that Tong Qiao didn't believe it, a pair of urgency looked around the crotch and turned towards the man Run over the restroom.

Tong Qiao took her lips lightly and felt warm in her heart. She knew that Lu Ziqian should care about her and followed her on purpose.

Lu Ziqian gave a little raindrop in the bathroom, but when he went out, he saw Tong Qiao holding the wall with one hand, touching his stomach with one hand, and slightly bent over. It looked like a pain, and hurried over, "Tong Qiao, what's wrong with you? "

Tong Qiao smiled for a while, her smile paled against her pale face, "I'm fine, I'm too tired to leave, can you go to the teacher and borrow your cell phone to call your dad and let him pick me up?"

Lu Ziqian felt that Tong Qiao was fooling him. She didn’t look like she was okay. She looked at Tong Qiao’s stomach. The black grape-like eyes were full of fear and confusion. Alright?"

Tong Qiao shook his head, "No, go call your father, I'll wait for you here."

Lu Ziqian turned and ran forward, and ran into the classroom closest to the bathroom. He immediately came out with a chair about his height, which should be the teacher’s chair. He moved a little hard, and his small face flushed. But those little short legs moved quickly.

He placed the chair next to Tong Qiao, "you sit first, I will call my father now."

Then he turned and ran forward quickly.

Lu Ziqian wiped tears while running. When he ran to the playground, he saw a familiar figure. The man in a combat uniform, tall and tall, was particularly conspicuous. He should have just arrived and stood on the outermost edge.

Lu Ziqian ran towards that figure.

Lu Jinshen was looking for the figures of Tong Qiao and Lu Ziqian. He was suddenly pulled out and pulled out. He looked down and saw that Lu Ziqian's eyes were red and his eyes were full of tears, and his heart was startled, even though Lu Ziqian was so anxious that he couldn't speak. , But he seemed to guess something, and he walked with Landis Qian and asked, "Where are you going?"

Lu Ziqian's small hand pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and Lu Jinshen pulled his leg and ran towards the bathroom at the speed of a sprint of 100 meters.

Lu Jinshen stopped in front of Tong Qiao and ran too quickly. The bully in his chest was intense and his breath was light. "How do you... sit here?"

Tong Qiao was surprised, Lu Ziqian just ran out for a while, why did Lu Jinshen come so soon? Did this man come on a rocket? But she has no time to take care of these now. What she is most worried about is the child in her stomach.

Tong Qiao looked at Lu Jinshen in a panic look, and then looked at his stomach. "I just fell off and bleed below... what are you doing?"

Lu Jinshen bowed dignifiedly to hug Tong Qiao.

"You let me down, myself..."

"Shut up!" Lu Jin drank coldly, frowning with frost, and hurried forward.

Tong Qiao shook his body slightly with a roar, and all emotions of fear, fear, and grievance hit his heart, and his eyes were instantly hot.

She was terrified of bleeding below? Waiting for a few minutes was a torment for her, and she always had the idea in her mind whether the child would just disappear.

The child has been in her tummy for almost eight months. They breathe and sleep together. Recently, the child has become more and more active in her tummy, and the belly is often propped up.

She seemed to be able to imagine the child stretching her small hands and legs in her stomach, and the child had already become a part of her life.

Now that there is a problem, she is more worried than anyone else, he does not comfort her, so how can she yell at her?


Lu Jinshen saw that Tong Qiao really didn't talk, she looked down at her, she drooped her eyes slightly, and there was water mist on her long and curled eyelashes, and under the light of her eyes, the crystal seemed to project into him. In the bottom of his heart, his heart seemed to be squeezed hard, and it hurt a lot.

Just want to say something, Lu Ziqian ran over, "Dad, Tong Qiao is all right?"

"With me there, nothing will happen." The words answered Lu Ziqian, but Lu Jinshen's eyes fell on Tong Qiao's face.

The black Land Rover galloped all the way to the Capital First People's Hospital.

On the way, Tong Qiao's hands stroked his stomach all the way back and forth. She said in her heart: Baby, don't be afraid, it won't be a problem. Mom has been with you.

Lu Ziqian sat next to Tong Qiao and kept his head down, his little hands disturbed his little suit.

While driving, Lu Jinshen watched the child seat in the rear seat through the rearview mirror from time to time.

The car is quiet and the atmosphere has a dull and suffocating sense of oppression.

Before Tong Qiao pushed into the examination room, Lu Ziqian held her hand tightly, crying and shook her shoulders, "Tong Qiao... I'm sorry... You don't have anything... I'm scared..."

Tong Qiao touched Lu Ziqian's hairy little head and forced a smile, "Stinky boy, why are you so counseling? I just went in for a routine check, it's okay, don't be afraid, I'll be out in a moment."

Lu Ziqian nodded vigorously, Jin Doudou also violently fell off.

"Qiaoer..." Lu Jinshen opened his lips slightly, and wanted to say something, but Tong Qiao had turned his face away, looked at the nurse and said, "Go in."

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