Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1394: Tong Tong’s tongue was numb by Lu Jinshen before he reacted

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At the entrance of the inspection room, Lu Ziqian pulled Lu Jinshen's sleeve and asked in a crying voice: "Dad, Tong Qiao and the baby will not be okay?"

Lu Jinshen put his hands in his trouser pockets, and the palm case was deformed by him. He looked down at Land Ziqian, "No, you tell me, why does Tong Qiao fall?"

Lu Ziqian narrowed her mouth while sobbing and said, "I blame me bad... Tong Qiao was to help me out... only wrestled..."

Lu Jinshen didn't understand it. He led Lanzi Qian to sit down in the waiting chair next to him, pressed his small shoulder, and twisted his eyebrows with a serious tone. "Tear your tears away, don't cry, and make things clear."

Lu Ziqian wiped her tears obediently, took a few deep breaths, and stopped crying, but still hiccups from time to time. He repeated the incident from beginning to end. Although the narrative was not clear, he made a rough estimate.

Lu Jinshen fell silent.

Seeing Lu Jinshen's face sullenly, Lu Ziqian gently pulled his clothes, "Dad, will you punish me?"

Lu Jinshen turned his head and saw Lu Ziqian's eyes full of self-blame and fear. He raised his hand and patted Lu Ziqian's small shoulder. "Don't be afraid, they will be fine."

It didn’t take long for the door of the examination room to open, and Lu Jinshen hurried over, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

The doctor said: "There is no danger, the mother and child are safe, but from now on to the birth before the pregnant woman must have a good rest, it is best to stay in bed and rest."

Lu Jinshen's tense nerves suddenly loosened a lot and nodded, "Thank you."

The doctor smiled, "You're welcome, this is my responsibility. The pregnant woman needs to be hospitalized for a few days. Will you go with me for the hospitalization procedure?"

Lu Jinshen, "Okay."

Lu Ziqian looked up at the doctor in a white coat with his head tilted up, "Uncle, can I go in and see?"

The doctor smiled and nodded. "Yes, you and your aunt nurse will accompany your mother to the ward."

"Thank you uncle." Lu Ziqian ran into the examination room.

Lu Jinshen completed the hospitalization procedures and came to the door of the ward, where Tong Qiaozheng and Lu Ziqian were talking.

"Why are your eyes red and swollen?" Tong Qiao asked knowingly.

"No," Lu Ziqian did not admit.

"Obviously, don't believe you go to the bathroom and look in the mirror."

"I said no, no, why are you so annoying?"

"If you care about me, you care about me, and you are not embarrassed. Why don't you admit it?"

"I don't care about you, I am the most..." The words "I hate you" came before, and Lu Ziqian couldn't say anything at all.

"What's the most?"

"It's nothing?"

"I like me the most, right?"


"Spoken by heart."

"Tongqiao, are you annoying, can't you be quiet when you are sick?"

"No, I have to take a picture of what you are now. It's so cute."

When Lu Jinshen pushed open the door and entered, Tong Qiao was pretending to be looking for a cell phone. She saw him, her hand stopped, and she turned her back to him.

The lively ward just quieted down in an instant.

Lu Ziqian turned and saw Lu Jinshen shouted, "Dad."

Lu Jinshen nodded and walked to Lu Ziqian, "Go and play in the corridor."

"Oh." Lu Ziqian walked out of the ward obediently.

Lu Jinshen sat down in the chair where Lu Ziqian had just sat, looked at Tong Qiao's back for a while, and said, "Is angry?"

Tong Qiao didn't hum.

Lu Jinshen's thin lips loomed, and he deliberately suppressed his voice. "Is it reasonable for you to run into Zi Qian's parent-child activities?"

Tong Qiao thought that Lu Jinshen would apologize, but he didn't expect him to say this to her, and the little flame in his heart rushed upward.

The dog biting Lu Dongbin didn't know well.

Tong Qiao was angry, turned around and glared at him, "Yes, I didn't care, I was full to go to participate in your son's parent-child activities, I wrestled, I was injured and I deserve it..."

"Qiaoer." Lu Jinshen twisted his eyebrow to interrupt Tong Qiao, "I don't allow you to talk like that."

"If you say no, don't allow it? Why should I listen to you?" The tears in Tong Qiao's eyes didn't hold back after all, "You go, go out, I don't want to see you."

Lu Jinshen stood up, bent over and stretched out his hands to try to wipe Tong Qiao's tears.

Tong Qiao waved his hand, "I let you go, don't you understand people?"

Lu Jinshenjian frowned slightly, "Qiao'er, stop it..."

"I'm making trouble?" Tong Qiao sneered. When people are angry, they will always associate all the bad things of that person. Now Tong Qiao is like this, "Why don't you say that your ex-wife came to the house three days and two days? Lu Jinshen, I won’t be with you anymore. The old lady is tired of this messy day. When I leave the hospital, I will immediately move out of the Lu family. What **** agreement, I don’t want to obey. Very annoying..."

Lu Jinshen bowed his head and kissed the chattering mouth, and the sound of complaints in the ward came to an abrupt halt.

Tong Qiao stared at the suddenly approaching Jun face, completely surprised to forget the reaction.

Lu Jinshen took advantage of Tong Qiao's surprise when her small mouth opened slightly, digging into her mouth and sucking the sweetness in her mouth, except for one night of indulgence that night, he never tasted her taste in depth.

Tong Qiao's tongue was numb by Lu Jinshen before he reacted, pushed him away, and raised his hand to give him a loud slap.

Lu Jinshen's angular face immediately showed a few bright red fingerprints. He looked at Tong Qiao deeply, "You really have to go."

"Who...who made you kiss me?"

Lu Jinshen stared at Tong Qiao for a few seconds, raising his hand to wipe her temples tears.

Tong Qiao thought that Lu Jinshen wanted to hit her and hurriedly covered his face with both hands. "What do you want to do?"

Lu Jinshen took Tong Qiao's wrist and took her hand away, "Do you think I want to hit you?"

Tong Qiao didn't speak, but her eyes explained everything.

"I'm not cruel to you, I can't give up my hand, and I can't bear it." Lu Jinshen wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his warm fingers.

"You deserve it." Tong Qiao didn't open his face and left his touch, but his voice was obviously quieter.

Lu Jinshen's hand paused in the air, retracted, pulled the chair behind him towards the bed, and sat down. "The doctor said you will stay in bed more quietly in the future."

Tong Qiao, "..."

"Don't go out after returning home, take a good rest at home, and tell Aunt Lin to do anything."

Tong Qiao turned his head to look at the man beside the bed, "Lu Jinshen, do you really understand people, or pretend to be stupid? I have just said that I will move out of the Lu family after leaving the hospital."

Lu Jinshenjian's eyebrows twisted slightly, his eyes slipped through Tong Qiao's eyebrows and landed on her lips.

Tong Qiao seemed to understand the meaning of his eyes and hurriedly covered his mouth. "Lu Jinshen, dare you kiss me again?"

"Dare you say one more word to leave?" Lu Jinshen said with Tong Qiao's tone.

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