Record of Chaos

Chapter 919: Steel nails have not been succumbed to the soil, and physical sacrifices are still dif

   (919 steel nails are not succumbed to the soil, and the flesh sacrifices are still difficult to fight)

   But Ouyang Fan in Rong Qianzi's boxing is completely different from hitting Du Shi.

   Hitting the crossing stone is hitting a living thing, and instantly disappears. When he hit Ouyang Fan, he felt that there was a pile of iron between his fist wind and the soft soil.

   This is Ouyang Fan urging the Jin Xing aura on the Jiuwu Duijin plate to explode, flooding his physical body, making his physical body strong, as if cast by profound iron.

   With the power of his Purple Mansion, no matter how he uses the magic weapon of his life, it is impossible to resist the full punch of the Golden Core Sanhua's Rong Qianzi. But the fist fell from the top of his head, and there was soil under his body, as long as he was harder than the soil.

   After the opponent's punch blasted him into the mud, the surrounding mud raged up to help him resist a lot of power.

   When Ouyang Fanyi appeared, the experienced Rong Qianzi had long known that he was a Jinxing monk. Therefore, he didn't suddenly exert his strength at the beginning, but continuously released his strength.

  He is squeezing the soil. As long as the soil layer is squeezed to be harder than Ouyang Fan's body, then this guy will die.

   This huge weight is like Mount Tai, directly on the top of Ouyang Fan’s head. And this person is like a steel nail, always perseveringly nailed to the depth of the harder and harder soil.

   For Ouyang Fan, this situation and demeanor in the depths of Beiming, under the huge water pressure, there is not much difference between Jin Dan.

The difference between    is that he has taken the best heavenly guide stone. Ouyang Fan has never used any foreign medicine at all. His virtual pill began to crystallize directly in the sea of ​​Qi.

   But under this tremendous pressure, his body has long been blurred into flesh and bones, and there is no longer a strict distinction. If you dig him out of the soil, you can only see a vague blood man.

   Banyan Thousand Purple can be felt. Tree people have relatively weak spiritual consciousness, but are very sensitive to vitality. He could clearly feel that the vitality of this young man's cultivation was fading.

   But he wasn't in a hurry and actually killed this person. He deliberately slowed down this process.

   "Haha, Leng Lingqiu, are you watching this guy die for you?"

   "Come out, he can still live."

   "If this continues, he will really die!"

   If it weren't for Leng Lingqiu's deathly trapped by Shu Ningzhu, his strategy would definitely be effective. Leng Lingqiu is very likely to come out and get caught in this situation.

   If this were the case, he would give Leng Lingqiu a thousand miles of soul needles, and Leng Lingqiu and Heiyewang explained the rest.

   It was said that Wu Xiuxian and others held Leng Feng and his wife, and Leng Lingqiu and Ouyang Fan and others came to rescue. In the end, Wu Xiuxian and others were killed, and Leng Feng and his wife, Ouyang Fan and others were also unfortunately killed. All sins can be transferred to the Five Elements School.

   As for the covenant between Emperor Kun Yuan and the Dark Night King, as long as there is a controlled pillow wind, Leng Lingqiu, it can be reached sooner or later.

   However, his voice transmission never answered. Leng Lingqiu did not reply to him like he was dead. This made him feel irritable.

   He received a message from Tokage, and knew that someone was already in the formation of the deer bone cemetery. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was almost certain that the Night King would be among them.

   is also an old demon of tens of thousands of years, he doesn't want to fight the Night King.

   When the Dark Night King was sealed by the former tree Emperor Mu Xun, he was the thug under the Mu Xun seat. Now he actually moved the night king's woman again. Adding new hatred and old hatred together, without even thinking about it, this resurrected old owl will definitely kill him.

   He sent a message to Watanag: "If you want to go to Houtu City with me, just use your brains and guard the formation. At most, the old man will be done in a quarter hour!"

   Then one by one the clones came out of him, exactly like him. As soon as they appeared, they automatically walked in all directions.

   Even if the monks of the general Golden Core Sanhua do not become the Nascent Soul, their mana can be increased unlimitedly. But the mana that their physical bodies can display is limited. So no matter how much his mana has, the power of supernatural powers is firmly limited.

   Rong Qian Zi can use the clone to carry these mana. He and Withered Wood Rong germinated at any time to produce clones. These clones of him existed for a long time, cultivated with him, and carried their respective mana.

   Each of the clones, like him, possesses the power of the Golden Core Three Flowers. He has a total of 13 clones, equivalent to the strength of thirteen Golden Core Sanhua monks!

   This is his ultimate mystery. If it wasn't for the moment, he wouldn't want to display it in front of anyone.

   The thirteen people swept the entire Lugu with heavy punches, and the speed would be much faster. It doesn't take a moment to wipe out the tiles. I am not afraid that Leng Lingqiu will not come out.

   And one of his avatars dug Ouyang Fan out of the soil, and then squeezed it like a bug.

   "Go to hell, kid!"

   killed this person first, then increased his speed, within half a quarter of an hour, punched all the open areas in the entire carboxyl part, forcing Leng Lingqiu to show up. This is his only chance.

   At the same time, the performance of the death wave at the Deer Bone Cemetery is far from what Watanagaku expected.

   The original turbid tide filled with the power of death could not be blocked by creatures at all, but it was blocked by the young blue turtle with a weird mysterious turtle.

   What's more terrible is that the mysterious tortoise took two mouthfuls inexplicably, and the dead air in this turbid tide faded quickly, and it lost its flavor like soup mixed with water.

   There are such creatures in this world that feed on lifelessness?

   Xuan Ming feeds on death. As long as death is enough, he can be resurrected countless times. This mysterious tortoise is a part of Xuanming, and of course it has the same characteristics It's just that the Carboxites live in the demon world, so they don't understand them.

   He hesitated for a while and walked directly onto the altar. In this way, his figure floated in the black mist on the altar, and soon disappeared.

   If these people are allowed to invade the lake, he will break his promise and lose the protection of Emperor Kun Yuan. Not to mention the Crane tribe, even the Carbox tribe cannot spare him. In that way he is bound to die.

   made himself a sacrifice, this was his last resort. Although his physical body will inevitably be destroyed, he will not die, but will become a formation for a while.

   If he can stop these invading monks until dawn and fulfill the promise to the Hou Tu Dynasty, he can still manipulate the formation to re-consolidate a flesh body with the deer bone remains and withdraw to the human world in time.

   In the deer bone cemetery, Xuan Turtle was full of breath, his whole body turned black and transparent, his small eyes glowed with bright blue light, and his face was intoxicated.

   It was about to take a few more breaths, and forcibly pushed its head back into the tortoise shell, and then disappeared.

   Although Xuangui can be said to be part of his anger, the stronger and stronger Xuangui means that his mana is getting stronger and stronger, but if Xuangui "grows" too fast, there will still be problems.

   Maybe this mysterious tortoise, who has no complete self-awareness for the time being, will be overwhelming, making him no longer a shame, but an incarnation of Xuan Ming.

   Right in front of his eyes, he saw the huge monster that was condensed from countless deer skeletons, which had been sucked by the mysterious turtle to the edge of collapse, but at this time it suddenly solidified.

   It is not only solid, but also condenses and shrinks piece by piece. Finally, a tall and strong man with a pair of horns on top of his head walked out of the **** mist that danced like a tornado.

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