Record of Chaos

Chapter 920: The end of the road

   (920 battle, the end of the road is poor, and the road ends)

   As soon as this thing appeared, the blood and lifelessness wafting through the entire array immediately had its master, and it was no longer an unowned thing. Even if Xuantuo is released, Goblin can no longer absorb it casually.

   And after the blood fog thickened, he found that the Dark Night King, who was just a short distance away, had disappeared. He couldn't even detect his consciousness, let alone Lian Ling who was following in the distance.

   This mist has the same effect as Yin Dan's cunning, can it isolate the people in the formation from each other?

   Fortunately, those two are both Jindan Sanhua, and the other party is at most temporarily trapping them. The primary goal of the master of this circle must be to find him. Because he is the only one who knows the weakness of this formation.

   "The old man is the patriarch and high priest of the carboxy tribe, Watanag, and has met this distinguished guest.

   Although this sheep head monster looks strange, but the etiquette is not bad, and it is a long time when you meet.

   "The protection ban within my carboxy family has had an accident and has not been repaired. I can't wait for guests at this time. Please leave the array temporarily..."

   But before he finished his words, he saw the other person's body blur, and then disappeared.

   Of course, this person is a shame, but he doesn't know the prince of the crane clan.

  Since Leng Lingqiu is trapped in a crisis, he certainly won't have any time to talk nonsense with him, and he will never talk if he can do it.

   Tokage smiled coldly, thinking that I am the master of the formation. This formation is like my mind. If you use a little concealment technique, can you escape from my mind?

   The blood mist condensed, and a blood-colored spear appeared out of nowhere in his hand. This spear is just like the sharpened wooden sticks used by the Carboxes to stab fish in the water. It has a very simple shape and a simple name. It is called the thorn fish blood spear.

   But in his hands, this is a terrible weapon full of death. It not only breaks the body protection mana of Xuanxiu, but also corrodes the opponent's body with blood poison.

   As long as the opponent grows up from flesh and blood, they will definitely be contaminated and become part of the sacrifice in this deer bone cemetery.

   What's more terrifying is that neither this weapon nor his flesh condensed in this blood mist are immortal existences. Even if one blow broke him up, as long as the formation was still there, it would still be able to condense again.

   Whether it's the goblin disappearing in the blood mist, or the specific positions of the other two monks, they are all under his control. He always held the thorn fish blood spear in his hand, just waiting quietly for the opportunity.

   Delaying time is exactly what he wants. On the other hand, as long as this person thinks he can't feel his presence, he will definitely come and attack him.

   Sure enough, before he breathed, the man detoured from behind him and came by surprise.

   He doesn't need to move at all. The hand holding the blood spear was loosened slightly, and the sharp blood spear that was three feet long shot out like a ray of blood, pouting for a lifetime, straight through the opponent's chest!

   "Since the guest does not want to wait, please stay here as a sacrifice to my carboxyl formation! Haha."

   After raising his head and smiling, he suddenly noticed something strange. This person's body gradually dissolved in the blood mist as he expected, but the blood on his body was too indifferent, just like a ball of clear water, without flesh and blood in it.

   The warning signs in his heart. Because the position of the opponent in his mind suddenly increased. One place after another, it was as if the opponent's number was increasing rapidly.

   After a while, he saw Taoist men who were also wearing blue armor, lined with dark robes and holding sharp swords, appeared in the blood mist, and walked towards him with smiles.

   Under a **** light, he shot dozens of blood spears in a row, and these weird men were pierced one by one. But their bodies were pierced by a blood spear, but they were tilted backwards, and they were forced to break straight, and then they continued to walk towards him.

   "What the hell!"

   Duying felt a panic in her heart.

   At this time, everyone on the opponent seemed to be releasing a circle of cold air, and the temperature in the large array dropped sharply. Under the superposition of these cold air, the dripping water turned into ice, and even the blood mist in the air was almost frozen.

   Duying hurriedly collected the power of blood and energy, chanting the tactics, planning to break the formation and leave directly.

   He didn't care about the prosperity and wealth of the Houtu city and the future of the Carbox tribe. As long as he could save his life, he would recognize it even if he escaped to become a wild monster and drink blood!

   However, the power of qi and blood on his body just surging and resonated with the formation, before he had time to send him out, he felt cold to his bones, and the movement of qi and blood became stagnant.

   A fierce ice dragon appeared in front of him out of thin air, rushing toward his brow. And his whole body was frozen, and he couldn't run the force at all!

   Immediately after that, his consciousness seemed to be frozen, unable to function anymore.

   At the same time, the Rong Qianzi in the reflection world in the lake is squandering the time that Duying has exchanged for life.

   Originally, his thirteen clones were distributed and reflected the sky above the world. Everyone punched the world to the ground without a few breaths. It is impossible for Leng Lingqiu to be found out by him.

   But his clone has a huge weakness, that is, although he has the body and mana of thirteen Sanhua monks, his spiritual consciousness is still as weak as when he was alone.

   As long as one of them is troubled, then the ability of others to control their own mana with divine consciousness will be greatly limited.

And his body is being seriously troubled by Ouyang Fan, an unkillable Originally he held this guy in his hand, and under a pinch, Ouyang Fan’s bones were already broken, and his internal organs were squeezed. Came out.

   But the magical thing is that an inexplicable change occurred in his body and he began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, including the vitality of Rong Qianzi. Then this guy actually started repairing, and he was in good condition soon!

   "Breakthrough? Achieve the golden core?"

  Rong Qianzi didn't expect that this human being would actually achieve Golden Core in his hands at this time?

Ouyang Fan and his natal magic weapon have almost become one, the whole becomes a round of fire-colored discs almost entirely composed of sword aura that rotates in the air, with golden light shooting all over, directly piercing a large hole in his palm , Made him feel a sharp pain.

   "Do you think that Jin Dan is my opponent?"

   Banyan Thousand Purples jump like thunder. He has never been so anxious. He hasn't suffered such injuries in years.

   In anger, his body expanded again, almost covering the sky. Countless air-growing roots, like branches, roots and hands, fell down.

   seems to fall down, but they actually stabbed straight down, swallowing the entire space like a rainstorm.

   The golden wheel that Ouyang Fan transformed was tightly entangled by these qi roots. The more entangled, the more and more, and finally it could not move.

   At the moment when he achieves the golden core, he will absorb a lot of spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth, and he can repair his physical injuries in that moment. But this opportunity is only once, and there is no possibility of a second time.

   Facing an opponent of Jindan Sanhua like Rong Qianzi, even if it is only a clone, he can at most delay a little time, and there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

   But this is what he meant.

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