Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1013 The remaining power is still there (4k)

Yike was shorted, Yike won, and Yike released a new machine.

Mr. Fang met in New York, Mr. Fang returned home sadly, and Mr. Fang suddenly exploded.

This is a huge change in the perception of Yi Ke and Mr. Fang in both the media and the public in the past week.

This week has been so dreamy.

Are short sellers going to kill themselves?

Did Yike Bubble make Mr. Fang the richest man?

What's going on?

It was not until President Fang held a victory press conference that the whole incident settled, and everyone seemed to have completely come to their senses. The wave of short selling receded, and President Fang was once again standing at the forefront of the trend wearing victory shorts.

It is difficult to summarize domestically, it is difficult to penetrate the fog, and it is difficult to give a true description.

As a position to support Mr. Fang, Zhihu made a forced summary.

Simple version: Mr. Xiong was silent and Wang Gou shed tears.

Conspiracy version: Mr. Xiong raises funds at night, and Wang Gou sacrifices himself.

Praise version: Mr. Fang cleverly arranged a short squeeze formation, and the short sellers were arrogant and went to death.

Vernacular version: I’m crazy, I’m crazy, is this okay?

Regret version: I was deceived by lard, I was snoring with my eyes open, I should never have listened to the temptation and went short Yike!

Fanatic version: Mr. Fang, you are my god!

There are too many game forces involved in one week, and there are also inconsistencies in various heavy media. In this situation, it is difficult for Zhihu to sort out the situation. According to the past, the report of the "Wall Street Journal" can be regarded as Zhihu's credibility. A relatively high citation, however...

This time, Mr. Fang was clearly labeled as a fraudster, but the person who wrote the report resigned...

No matter how talented Mr. Fang is, can he still control it to this extent?

The water is obviously too deep, and I don’t know what kind of exchange of interests is going on behind the scenes.

In three days, the craziness of hundreds of billions of dollars in Nasdaq was exchanged for Huaxia Coin. Yike directly had a paper market value of more than one trillion. This thing... This thing has made ordinary people lose their awareness. Without the coordinates, it is impossible to have a real feeling at all.

No matter how many people work in the industry, most of them can only be dumbfounded, watching the stock prices soar and then fall, and in the end they can only do some emotional output.

As soon as the disposable equity of Yike was reversed, as soon as the stock market opened on Monday, and as soon as the world's richest man was born, the more people in the industry were shocked, the more they could only click likes, watch the hype, and wait for the matter to end before thinking about it.

When the new phone is released, and when Mars and Selfy appear, the aura of Yi Ke that people dare not look at seems to have slowly faded away. It is no longer an existence that the financial circle is scrambling to discuss or sigh about, but has re-revealed its original appearance. face - a mobile phone company.

Although the Mars series has made Yike a dark horse in the mobile phone industry, and although Selfy seems to have caused a lot of discussions in the mobile phone industry,... this is like a normal world order, and it makes people feel that all perceptions are in line with the rules. of.

"Mr. Fang is really capable of stirring up trouble. After a week like this, I came back to my senses and remembered a comment I made in the industry a few years ago."

"Oh, it must have been seven or eight years ago. At that time, Mr. Fang was shameless and black-hearted and forced to acquire Sina. People in the industry said that he was good at dancing in the capital market. Even Duan Yongji, who was good at this, fell into his hands."

"I didn't expect that this dance would reach this point. Many things about Yike's short squeeze must still be unclear, but Mr. Fang's plan has been planned for a long time, and it is 100% certain."

"I want to say that it's okay for Mr. Fang to be bad at first. It's really not easy to continue to be bad like this."

An anonymous user who seemed quite senior came to his senses and made a sincere comment.

Mr. Duan was a very powerful figure back then, but later he was very angry after being plotted against by Mr. Fang, and was sent to the hospital for a time.

Now it seems that even these large international institutions have not escaped Mr. Fang's plot. It was really an honor for Mr. Duan to lose to Mr. Fang back then.

Only a small number of people on Zhihu are discussing Yike's new machine, and more people are still immersed in this week's short squeeze.

Just when they were trying to dismantle and analyze it carefully, Paulson's re-emergence seemed to gradually cause new changes.

Last week, Zhihu reported that Paulson was still the "king of short sellers" and "the number one hedge fund person." This week, the news about him has become "unlucky Paulson" and "unworthy of the name Paulson." He was also nicknamed It was given a Chinese name, called "Bao Xinxin".

In view of Baoxin's past performance, although it is roughly estimated that this loss will be at least US$1 billion, the issues he mentioned are still worthy of attention - has Yike resolved the ITC's ruling?

Along with such questions and his continuous output of opinions, and, most importantly, the excellent parameters of the two Android phones Samsung presented on April 26...

Some short-selling institutions with blood on their lips raised the same question openly or covertly. Can Yike really continue to hold on to the market in the future?

Samsung's new phone launch conference, a flagship phone, named Trump, which means ace, main card, with a price tag of US$399.

An entry-level machine, named Kitty, is priced at $199.

Samsung has launched a new series and launched its own Android "ace". The price is directly comparable to that of Yike Mars. The meaning is obvious. Its entry-level phone Kitty is only priced at US$199 on the official price list.

According to the information displayed at the press conference, the subsidized cooperation price of this US$199 product with channel vendors will be US$99.

With a price of less than 100 US dollars, it is still a big brand like Samsung to try out mobile phones equipped with Android system.

The launch of this entry-level phone is believed by the industry to have a huge impact on Yike’s position in the Android camp.

Before the launch of Yike, the industry generally believed that Yike would launch a mobile phone with a price below $300, but Selfy still stayed above this, which was inevitably seen as a lack of market expansion.

Does the Android camp need entry-level phones?

Of course it is, that’s HTC’s positioning.

However, HTC does not have the same bargaining power with telecom operators as Samsung. The lowest price of its mobile phone in the channel is US$169, which is 1.7 times that of Samsung's Kitty.

The person who presided over the Samsung new phone launch conference this time was Samsung Prince Lee Jae-yong. He did not mention the existence of competing mobile phones throughout the whole process. He only said meaningfully at the end: "We at Samsung just want to make good products and bring more products to the market." Consumers are using smartphones, and no matter how well companies perform in finance, they will still have to face a cold market."

There is no doubt that Lee Jae-yong is talking about Yike, and this time Samsung is also targeting Yike mobile phones.

Due to multiple factors such as the decline in the stock prices of Samsung, Paulson, and Yike, as well as public opinion in the mobile phone industry, the Nasdaq exchange once again disclosed short positions at the end of April, and Yike really reappeared as a short seller.

The news that stirred up the dust most came from ITC officials on the evening of April 30. They confirmed that they would issue a final ruling on Yike’s infringement of Nokia by May 15 at the latest.

Talking about ITC, ITC is really coming.

This is not a decoration, this is a real institution with embargo rights.

The news about ITC was like a heavy defibrillator, electrifying the hearts of many organizations.

Can it be done? Can it really be done?

Some small and medium-sized institutions went bankrupt, and some stood up again.

However, major institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater Associates, and Carlyle, which were previously exposed to be involved in shorting Yike, are standing still. They seem to be waiting and watching, and they seem to be brewing.

Since Yike's late-night temporary press conference, Goldman Sachs and other institutions have suspended their ratings of Yike. Even if Yike conducts block trades and option settlements and the whole matter comes to an end, the agency's rating has not been restored.

Eastern Time, May 1st, 12:00 noon.

Kong Yu, the head of MIGA Fund, dialed the boss’s phone number.

In recent days, he has been cooperating with the procedural reviews from the SEC and Nasdaq to confirm that he has not conducted illegal operations, and has also witnessed that the situation seems to be changing.

Changes are coming a bit fast, and the main ITC is a fierce catalyst.

Kong Yu talked with his boss about regular work, and then tactfully talked about another matter: "Mr. Fang, I haven't seen Ashan recently."

The calls he used were processed and encrypted, but still subconsciously processed by himself.

Ashan is from Northern Trust and has handled investments from Xiao Ao. She is also a client of the MIGA fund, but the scope is relatively marginal.

Kong Yu is relatively familiar with Ashan because of his business and special client assets.

In particular, he recently discovered that some familiar people in the United States were gradually disappearing, so he silently recalled the situation in his heart.

Fang Zhuo knew what the gasoline man meant, and his answer was also euphemistic: "Subjective initiative is not just five words."

He and Kong Yu talked about the subjective initiative of Lu Peining and others. This was not a compliment, but an objective description. They really knew how to move, and they had already moved.

Where has Ashan gone?

I don’t know, but Lu Peining has repeatedly stated on the phone earlier that he will provide protection so that MIGA Fund does not have to worry.

Maybe Ashan went abroad for vacation.

Kong Yu licked his lips and did not continue the topic.

He was silent for a while and said: "In the past two days, some fund managers have been talking about Yike's stock price."

Yike's stock price rose to a maximum of 753.6 US dollars. It fell back to 450 US dollars as soon as the settlement options news came out. It has continued to fall in the past few days and is now 139.25 US dollars.

Before the temporary press conference, Yike’s share price was US$89.67, and it is still 1.55 times.

During the financial crisis, Yike fell along with the market and has been rebounding in the first quarter. Is the current price of 139 a normal price that it should rebound to or is it the afterglow of a short squeeze?

Fund managers from some small institutions insist that it is the latter, and believe that it will continue to fall back below $100.

"It's better not to let our stock price be suppressed now." Kong Yu believes that this is not conducive to subsequent development.

"Well, I'm watching the news from Goldman Sachs and others. These small and medium-sized institutions..." Fang Zhuo is handling work in Shanghai these days, while also paying attention to the signals released by large institutions. He even thinks that these small and medium-sized institutions may be from Goldman Sachs and others. The driving temptation.

He thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Kong, you are on the front line in New York. What do you think of my current reputation?"

Although Fang Zhuo has a smooth network, he is still separated by an ocean.

"Mr. Fang, although you have no new news these days, everyone is still talking about it. I feel that the organization is still afraid of you." Kong Yu said his true feelings.

"Then let me give it a try and see if there is any residual power." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

There is a lot of daily work, and Twitter has not been patrolling recently. Since Mr. Kong has sent instructions, let’s give it a try.

Two o'clock in the morning in Shanghai is one o'clock in the afternoon in New York, and the Nasdaq is still open.

Fang Zhuo logged into Twitter and briefly searched for news related to Yike Bubble.

Then, he selected a repost with a relatively recent date and a lot of comments, and simply gave a response and put a question mark.

——Fang Zhuo:?

The mysterious man reappeared on Twitter, and the first update was related to the Yike bubble. Although it was not as popular as before, it quickly attracted onlookers.

Just as everyone was speculating on Mr. Fang's intentions, Yike's official website announced a message that the stock repurchase entrusted to Goldman Sachs has not been suspended, and it will still actively safeguard the interests of shareholders.

In just ten minutes, Goldman Sachs, who received the notice from Yike, was still asking questions in his mind while fulfilling his employer's wishes and continuing to take orders to repurchase shares.

Just over a week has passed since the Yike short squeeze. This is a week that many people are recalling and pondering. It is also a week of silent reflection and pain for many institutions.

With Mr. Fang's question mark, and as Yike Company continues to buy back, the pain and madness seem to be coming again.

Retail investors remembered the name of the "King of Retail Investors", their passion was rekindled, and they poured into the stock market one after another.

Yike's stock, which had been falling recently, suddenly and unexpectedly rose a small amount in the afternoon, closing at $146.8.

Such abnormal performance quickly triggered the stress response of small and medium-sized institutions, quickly reminding them of the YIKE stock price chart during those dark three days. Some people thought of the days when Shanghai was a walking dead, and some thought of jumping from the building. A friend who went down.

The rooftop is too high and the wind is too cold.

Forget it, forget it, stop playing, stop playing!

The water here is deep. You big institutions can continue to play. We are looking for other prey. The secondary market of Yike is too bizarre, too irrational, and too risky!

Scary, let’s go!

That night, many small and medium-sized institutions that had emerged on Twitter invariably returned to silence, and some bluntly stated that they could not understand the Yike market and were not familiar with the mobile phone industry, so they should mainly wait and see.

Paulson, who has been active recently, saw Mr. Fang online and immediately shouted on Twitter: Yike Company has no more means, Fang Zhuo’s stocks are locked up, the ITC’s final ruling is about to come down, these irrational retail investors will Backfired by themselves!

However, the small and medium-sized institutions that had previously actively interacted with him fell silent, and only a few responded. Most of them did not want to get involved in Yike's muddy waters anymore, and did not want to be ganged up by irrational retail investors to drive up the stock price, causing huge losses.

Judging from the recent situation, emerging media platforms seem to have given retail investors more irrationality and easier to be coerced, and the mysterious man seems to have some experience in this.

When Paulson saw this situation, he directly @Fang Zhuo, the party involved: YIKE will fall as soon as the ITC ruling comes.

Fang Zhuo typed a few words on his mobile phone, "Paulson, remember to apply for a visa this time." But he felt it was inappropriate, so he deleted all the words and no longer responded to the short-selling king, leaving only the concise tweet. question mark.

It’s useless to apply for a visa this time, so don’t worry about “guaranteeing your confidence.”

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