Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1012 Evil Intent (4k)

Starting a business requires a project and funds.

It just so happened that the small demands from within Yike included both the smartphone project sponsored by the company and the starting funds provided by Mr. Fang after he started the short squeeze, which was very suitable.

It was too late, and Fang Zhuo did not have an in-depth discussion with Liu Yongsi. He only roughly knew that there were four other people who had the same intention as him, and a total of 90 million Huaxia coins were collected, all of which were timely sales of this stock.

According to Liu Yongsi, the 90 million was like a windfall, which ignited their desire to start a business. Even if they lost all, the savings they had accumulated over the years would not affect their normal life.

In this case, the company does not target the entry-level market. They are willing to give it a try, and it is natural that they will join the Android YMS certification promoted by Yike in China.

Fang Zhuo did not agree immediately and asked Liu Yongsi and the others to think about it again, but he had already agreed in his heart that he unexpectedly resigned.

Two of these five people, including Liu Yongsi, have signed non-competition agreements, which is also the significance of this phone call.

However, this does not matter, the world is a big place, and it is good that they are willing to go out and see it.

But Fang Zhuo is still a little embarrassed. He has a deep impression of Liu Yongsi. He can often hear his voice during R\u0026D meetings at Yike, and he will never be seen again using spaces to break sentences without punctuation marks. reported.

Fortunately, this sadness was quickly diluted by the news of Nokia Kallasvuo's resignation heard late at night.

Kangkang resigns now? Why so suddenly?

I also want to see his reaction after knowing that the ITC ruling was rejected.

Kallasvuo didn't survive until that time. Wouldn't Simons, the CFO who is now temporarily in charge of Nokia, be unlucky?

Before going to bed, Fang Zhuo glanced at Nokia-related news reports and found that someone had already called Kallasvuo the worst president in Nokia's history.

This kind of media and public opinion environment...

You thought Kallasvuo was the worst CEO at Nokia.

In fact, this is already the best for Nokia in the next ten years. Oh no, Nokia's mobile phone business may not have ten years left.

Fang Zhuo put aside his concern for Nokia in his sleepy state, and suddenly came up with an idea that made him fall asleep completely.

Let’s wait for Xiaobao’s confidence number.

Stock delivery, customers collect money, options are settled, and new machines are released.

Since returning from the United States, Fang Zhuo has been juggling work in two time zones, and has to patrol Twitter from time to time, which is really hard.

After the press conference, he slept until midnight, and when Fang Zhuo woke up he was glowing again.

When he saw the second warning from the SEC, he became more energetic.

The SEC's first warning came from the recommended stocks at an online press conference, and the second warning was directed at Fang Zhuo's public fundraising for the MIGA fund.

Because of the widespread attention caused by Yike's short squeeze, relevant SEC officials told the media that the matter would need to be verified with the MIGA Fund and would never go unnoticed. Once violations were determined, heavy fines would be considered.

The night before Fang Zhuo fell asleep, there had been heated discussions on Twitter about several things, and all of them were extremely supportive of SEC supervision.

——Well done to the SEC, fine him heavily, fine him a million dollars! Punish him to death!

——The SEC finally stood up when Mr. Fang criticized the lack of supervision of naked short selling. This is very SEC!

——Since the SEC can see the press conference, please answer Mr. Fang’s question. There is already a temporary ban on naked short selling, so why does it turn a blind eye to the actions of Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater Associates and other institutions?

——We firmly support the SEC’s investigation. Mr. Fang only opened access to the rich. It’s so unfair!

Fang Zhuo ate his brunch slowly and read the comments from netizens. Some people repeatedly brought up the factors that appeared in the first half of the press conference and asked why the SEC did not take a stance on "Goldman Sachs violated the law."

Seeing this, Fang Zhuo suddenly remembered that there were still such things that needed to be dealt with.

He called his secretary and asked about the bankrupt Mount.

"We have Mount under control, and he is very cooperative." Liu Zonghong mentioned this work mistake and apologized again, "Mr. Fang, this is a serious mistake in my work, which disrupted the progress of the press conference."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Who in the company would have thought that it would be like you running in front of the camera and saying that I broke the law."

Liu Zonghong looked ashamed. He had been in a cold sweat since what happened yesterday, and he had been tossing and turning all night. This was a very high-profile press conference that was rare for Yike and even global manufacturers, but something went wrong.

"President Fang, Goldman Sachs contacted me twice at night, and Philip called again an hour ago." He reported the new situation.

Just as Liu Zonghong was about to continue talking, the phone in his hand happened to receive another call from Phillip.

Seeing this, Fang Zhuo motioned for him to pick him up, and then heard Phillip's serious voice.

He immediately said dissatisfied: "Meet me, you want to see me every day, am I the CEO of your Goldman Sachs? After such a thing, how do your Goldman Sachs usually deal with customers? After all, Mount is also one or twenty A fund with a capital of 100 million, my dear, you Goldman Sachs really don’t take it seriously! It’s too shady!”

"You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, I am also a client of Goldman Sachs, and I am disappointed when I see what happened to Mount this time. So what if the SEC is looking for you? Shouldn't they be looking for you? How many illegal operations have you done?"

"You ask me what to do? I'm also asking you, do you want me to sink Mount into the Huangpu River? If he doesn't leave, what can I do?"

"Come on, come on, fly over and take him back. I'm not that capable."

Fang Zhuo hung up the phone and threw the phone to Liu Zonghong.

He asked a little strangely: "Why is Mount so staunch? This time the impact has been heard by the whole world. Isn't he afraid of other small actions by Goldman Sachs?"

Liu Zonghong replied: "I asked people to understand the situation. He is a playboy in New York. He is not married. His parents are not here, and he does not seem to have any relatives. According to his own words, he just can't swallow this breath this time."

Fang Zhuo said "Huh". After Mount went bankrupt, he probably couldn't survive in the industry anymore. He was really barefoot and wanted to cut Goldman Sachs into pieces.

Unfortunately, this is only a minor problem for Goldman Sachs, but for Mount, this is all it can do.

"Let him go and let the SEC get his evidence quickly. The SEC is investigating the institution. If it can cause more trouble, it will cause more trouble." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, "I was so harsh and harsh just now, but Philip's attitude is still very docile."

He said slowly: "Goldman Sachs must be so meek and have evil intentions."

Liu Zonghong was stunned. If we talk about evil intentions...

"I will contact Mr. Kong at 12:30, and I will go to the company in the afternoon to hold a new product analysis meeting. In the evening, I will talk to the leaders of the Capital Division about some investments in domestic semiconductors. You should say hello in advance, and don't be too sudden. "Fang Zhuo arranged his work for today.

Liu Zonghong recorded it in his mind and arranged the emergency sequence.

He handed over two important documents, one was the response to yesterday's new machine launch, and the other was the progress of Ice Core's Luzhou No. 1 factory and Lin'an No. 2 factory.

Fang Zhuo briefly reviewed the public opinion situation after the release of Yike's new machine.

The Mars and Selfy launched this time are a flagship and an imaging sub-flagship.

The former has been recognized by many consumers. Although this is a regular upgrade, due to the increasing market trends of 3G and smart phones, it will be no different.

The response to the latter's first release was critical. For its top-notch lens and related optimizations, Selfy almost completely redesigned its internal design, sacrificing a lot of space, so it couldn't be moved to Mars. It was already Yike's best effort. The best.

Judging from the current progress, next year’s Mars 4 is expected to use its own chip + continuously optimized imaging capabilities.

"It's okay. There are good and bad. The things captured by the lens are relatively easy to compare. This meets our expectations." Fang Zhuo looked at it carefully for a while and said, "The negative comments about hardware and premium are a bit unobjective, not Yike wants to squeeze toothpaste into the hardware, but we haven’t reached the point where we can squeeze out toothpaste, so we can only do this. Moreover, Sony’s stacked sensor is not cheap, and it takes a lot of effort to adjust it.”

Selfy tried a new stacking process from Sony and used a periscope lens, which required an additional set of lenses and refractive lenses. Both the hardware cost and the cost of manufacturing processes skyrocketed.

Both of these still have a lot of room for improvement in the future.

In order to continue to improve the imaging capabilities of mobile phones, Yike is now actively contacting Leica and Zeiss in order to obtain help from them in improving optical design.

When light passes through the lens, it will undergo complex refraction before reaching the image sensor. This process will cause a gap between the sensor's imaging and the theoretical results of Gaussian optics, which is the so-called aberration.

There is no perfect lens in the world because "aberration" cannot be completely eliminated, and optical design is to try to achieve the best effect and achieve a balance.

At present, the response from Leica and Zeiss is lukewarm. They both have their own big customers and fixed cooperation.

Selfy is the product of this situation. It is Yike's exploration, digestion and display of imaging capabilities.

However, Fang Zhuo feels that optical design will get better.

As soon as Nokia died, everyone went up to eat together, and the cooperation with Zeiss became a matter of course.

"Oh, yes, before we call in the evening, take the time to meet Liu Yongsi and the others in the company. They are going to start a business, and the company will also invest 10% to provide resources." Fang Zhuo thought for a while and remembered what happened yesterday.

Liu Zonghong wrote it down.

Fang Zhuo put down the document and thought about checking the pre-sale situation tomorrow.

A new message popped up on Liu Zonghong's work notebook. After taking a closer look, the other manager immediately said: "Mr. Fang, Paulson just accepted an interview and picked up the Yike bubble argument again."

He paused and continued: "He said he would continue to short Yike."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and signaled Xiao Liu to sort out the relevant situation first, and then read the second document himself.

The report of Luzhou Factory No. 1 talked about the technological progress of 45nm, while the report of Lin'an Factory No. 2 was more content, involving both Qimonda's patent processing and the construction and planning of the ice core storage team.

In the entire Fanyike system, the ice core manufacturing process is a basic and important piece.

Like 45nm, the stacked process proposed by Sony for CMOS sensors, using their solution, there is still a lot of room for optimization in Selfy's innovation.

It is necessary to use 65nm for the photosensitive area and 45nm for circuit processing based on the current 65nm. This stacking will increase the photosensitive area and produce more pixels.

At the same time, this reduces the size of the camera, and its functions and performance are enhanced.

Sony's own Sony Ericsson mobile phone believes that this technology route has promising prospects, but Sony's CMOS is not as good as the American Howey's image sensor, so it purchased the image sensor from Howey and let Yike provide feedback and optimization of the new technology.

In the end, Yike lived up to expectations and came up with a new series, hoping to continue technological linkage and squeeze the reduced-volume stacked sensors into the design of Mars 4 next year.

Things between technologies are more complicated.

Fang Zhuo briefly reviewed it and marked the key points, planning to wait for Mr. Qiu to come back from Germany to give him lessons.

"How many hundreds of millions did Xiaobao invest again this time?" He put down the second document and asked his secretary with a smile.

Liu Zonghong immediately handed over the compiled information and replied: "He did not disclose it this time, but his attitude was very firm in front of the media. He reiterated the ITC's ruling. This is the first person to publicly stand up and belittle us after the option settlement." Short."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Xiaobao's interview twice and sighed: "Xiaobao is so tough. This is no longer hiding evil intentions, but putting evil intentions on his face."


He himself was a little doubtful, who was Xiaobao?

"Where are those old friends from Qiaoshui and Yingshiman?" Fang Zhuo asked again.

"Yingshiman's attitude is also a bit revealed. Some executives informally said on Twitter that Yike's bubble is obvious." Liu Zonghong said carefully, "Bridgewater and others have not made any moves. They did not short and sell last time. Small and medium-sized institutions that want to regain blood are a little bit ready to take action."

Fang Zhuo used a press conference that followed almost as a victory display of Yike's short squeeze, as if to bring an end to this incident.

However, there are always organizations that are unwilling to believe that this is the upper and lower parts, and the overall incident must be evaluated in two parts.

"Come on, Yike has to go through ups and downs before it can stand. Nokia is ups and downs, and short selling institutions are also ups and downs." Fang Zhuo sighed, "On the other hand, Yike is Nokia's ups and downs, and it is also the institutions' ups and downs, it depends on who is it. The wind and rain are getting worse.”

Liu Zonghong has unparalleled confidence in his boss.

As soon as the Yike press conference ended, Paulson came back to life on Twitter. Judging from the two time zones, he may have been unable to sleep at night and continued to output his opinions online.

Fang Zhuo ignored him and wanted to take care of the work at hand first.

After a busy afternoon, new things came into view. There were only two days before Samsung's press conference. The biggest rival in this camp was about to launch new products.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Yike's senior management meeting ended. Huaxia President Liu Qiangdong reported the situation to Mr. Fang alone, and also mentioned the new product launch conference he was going to host in China.

"Mr. Fang, how are we going to hold this meeting?" This is Liu Qiangdong's first time hosting a press conference. Although he is doing a local supplement to his boss, he is still a little nervous.

"Just be serious and don't be too serious." Fang Zhuo replied.

Liu Qiangdong was shocked, Mr. Fang, you also know that you are not serious this time.

However, it was okay for Mr. Fang not to be serious, but not for himself.

He also watched his boss's online press conference in full yesterday, but after reading the reactions on Zhihu today, there was a voice: Mr. Fang is frivolous, please kill the secretary.

Without the secretary opening the door, there would be no illegal entry by Goldman Sachs.

This is how a serious press conference by Mr. Fang was spoiled!

I have something unexpected to do today and I don’t have time during the day.

But I decided to stay up late and code one more chapter, so I could read the next chapter in the morning.

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