Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1294: The person who stabbed others in the face (4k)

Sohu is the doyen of the Internet.

The business is failing, the market value is failing, and even the leader’s mental and physical health seems to be failing.

Since the Duji incident, and since the imminent figure of the Yike department has surfaced, more and more people outside the industry have been paying attention to Yike's actions, and have naturally talked about Sogou. Likewise, Duji has attributed Sogou to The scope of Yike Department.

However, Zhang Chaoyang stood up and made a voice that shocked the industry as the chairman of Sogou. He said that there is no morality and Sogou is willing to cut it down!

Who owns Sogou?

Sogou belongs to Sohu and Zhang Chaoyang!

Whoever I love today, I, Sogou, will cut off my arm first and see if I can splash blood on your face!

Of course, Zhang Chaoyang relieves his anger and Sogou is passionate. Blood is hot in the air. Whether it cools down when it falls to the ground is another matter.

Sogou axed medical advertising. In addition to Fang Zhuo's praise, there were also waves in the circle of friends. Most were shocked and agreed, and a few were worried about the business model.

Ding Lei: In my impression, I rarely see Lao Zhang being so rude. Maybe I learned from Mr. Fang, but I feel strangely relieved. Putting aside the search market, I probably can’t. I want to give Lao Zhang a round of applause.

NetEase is also a veteran, and Ding Lei has a close relationship with Zhang Chaoyang. His circle of friends quickly received many responses, and someone also raised a question that may be more realistic.

——Mr. Ding, will NetEase follow up?

NetEase also has its own search brand "Youdao", but its market share is less than 5%.

Ding Lei directly answered in his circle of friends: It is worth considering.

In addition to friendship and moral aspects, Youdao, which has a small share, will cut off medical advertising. It is not like Duji, which has a revenue scale of tens of billions. If it is small and big...

The key is, can we win the big one this time?

The controversy over Zhang Chaoyang's coming forward is still brewing. As the other party involved, the atmosphere inside Duji is very solemn.

Two weeks have passed, and the incident has calmed down. No one expected that Zhang Chaoyang would make things worse in this way, without any grace!

He doesn’t have the demeanor of a leader at all!

Speaking of Potian, isn’t it still for your Sogou?

However, this questioning angle was even blocked by Zhang Chaoyang at the scene, "We welcome more search brands to follow us to gain fame and reputation."

It can be seen that Zhang Chaoyang had already planned this time and had considered all aspects, aiming to make the matter bigger.

Unfortunately, he succeeded.

Li Yanhong felt very heavy, but he did not blame his subordinates for this. The activity process was all confirmed in advance. He was afraid of changes because of the previous public opinion, but he was afraid of what would happen...

The old and sick Zhang Chaoyang has a mouth full of ivory...

The top priority is still how to deal with it.

Li Yanhong held the meeting only the day after he was questioned. Firstly, he wanted to sort out his thoughts, and secondly, he also wanted to see the reaction of the industry and public opinion.

When the meeting started, his expression was very calm, completely different from being publicly humiliated yesterday - it should be considered humiliating, not only Zhang Chaoyang's question, but also the spontaneous applause from the audience.

The meeting didn't discuss it for a while, but the topic still came up unconsciously. Some executives talked angrily about Zhang Chaoyang's inappropriate behavior yesterday.

"Zhang Chaoyang is such a toy! If you have the skills, I'll see you in the market! It's an inferior trick! Even Sogou can do this!"

"Zhang Chaoyang is now colluding with Fang Zhuokang!"

"They are a team now!"

Vice President Lu Zhendong said quietly: "We have been in the same group for a long time. Sogou was invested by Sohu and Yike."

There were more voices of condemnation in the conference room. The so-called master humiliated his ministers to death. The leader was treated like that yesterday, and the surrounding public opinion stirred up new waves. As a senior executive of Duji, I felt very uncomfortable.

Lu Zhendong listened for a while and raised a question that everyone seemed reluctant to ask: "Sogou no longer displays medical advertisements today. They have really cut off this area. We..."

Before he could finish his words, Xiang Hailong, the senior vice president sitting across from him, said categorically: "We must not be fooled! How many ads can Sogou accept? How many can we accept? If we follow the rhythm of the opposite party, we will be fooled." Got it!"

Xiang Hailong was responsible for the search business, which was directly impacted this time, so he expressed an extremely determined attitude.

As soon as we got down to business, the conference room became quiet.

Regarding the handling of medical advertising business...different people have slightly different thoughts.

"This year's revenue from medical advertising alone has exceeded 10.3 billion as of today." Xiang Hilong passionately defended business interests, "It is expected to continue to grow next year, and the increase may exceed 20%, and..."

He emphasized his tone and looked around at his colleagues: "In the next five or ten years, advertising in this area will continue to increase. Is this an issue worth discussing?"

Whether to cut business or not should not only be calculated based on current income, but also future expectations.

Duji has been established for more than ten years and its business model is mature, which means that the revenue in this area is stable and easy to estimate. A simple calculation shows that in the next five years, this will be more than 50 billion in revenue.

In the next ten years, this is more than 100 billion in revenue.

These are not illusory, but money that can be recorded almost over time. It can effectively support the operation, development, R\u0026D investment, capital market performance, etc. of Duji.

Xiang Hailong's eyes were stern, and every colleague he glanced at more or less avoided looking, as if they had been severely warned.

50 billion, 100 billion, who dares to move?

Whoever moves, leaves!

Lu Zhendong licked his lips that had become dry at some point, and said after careful consideration: "Now we are afraid that Sogou and others will join forces. Maybe we can avoid public opinion for the time being. After all, the Internet is always hot."

Xiang Hailong stared at Lu Zhendong with a tough attitude: "I'll say it again! This is a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap! Sogou's revenue from this business is not much. It wants to use inferior horses to exchange our superior horses. How is that possible? ! If you are still thinking about it here, you are just racing with them!"

“Let’s not get into this horse racing situation!”

Lu Zhendong looked a little ugly.

"Okay, it's not Mr. Lu who cut off Sogou's business, and it's not him who stirred up public opinion. If you are angry, just attack Zhang Chaoyang or Fang Zhuo. Why are you angry at him?" Wang Zhan, another senior vice president, said. Voice.

They are both vice presidents, but their status and qualifications are different. Lu Zhendong was just promoted, but Wang Zhan is different. He joined Duji in 2000 and is an absolute veteran.

However, the commercial operation business that Wang Zhan previously held was transferred to Xiang Hailong's hands, and the two of them were more or less at odds with each other.

Xiang Hailong was in the limelight within Duji and was not afraid of the elders. He asked directly: "Mr. Wang, what do you mean? You can't see that this is Yike, Sohu, Sogou, Zhang Chaoyang, and Fang Zhuo. A trap, right? They just lure us in!"

"It's not about them now, it's about seeing whether it will have an impact on our company as a whole. Today we are discussing countermeasures, not arguing. I know you are worried about the medical advertising business in your hands, but we have to consider the entire company now!" Wang Zhanye He said bluntly, "Now that the public response is so great, is it possible that it won't move at all?"

He continued: "What did Mr. Lu say wrong? Shouldn't we avoid the limelight? Let me tell you, if we are offline for ten days and a half, or even three and a half years, we will still be us after we deal with this offensive. Still number one in the market.”

Wang Zhan emphasized: "The most important thing now is to stabilize our overall market on the PC and mobile terminals. If the market is robbed, do you want to repeat the Penguin Road?"

It’s hard not to mention Penguin’s dejection. Its competition with Yike in its core business has been repeatedly mentioned in many classes and business trainings.

Yike and Penguin competed fiercely in the communications field for two years, and then they suddenly had a clear upper hand. Penguin suddenly lost its position and is bleeding to this day, still struggling to catch up.

However, Yi Xin seems to have found very wet snow and a long slope. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum is unstoppable.

It was such a record that Du Ji was very wary of the emergence of Yike from the beginning, and only included Sogou in the scope of Yike for evaluation. From this, he determined to spend huge sums of money to win over mobile resources such as Samsung, Apple, and UC, and resolutely Maintain competition in core business.

One is an entrepreneurial veteran, and the other is a powerful person.

The two glared at each other, and everyone else in the conference room silently waited and watched the direction of the wind.

The boss, Li Yanhong, spoke: "Medical advertising..."

But he only said these four words and then stopped.

He was equally confused.

Real benefits are right in front of you.

At this moment, Li Yanhong suddenly realized that the company had received a lot of money from medical treatment, but it seemed to be trapped by the money. If...

It would be nice if the company could successfully carve out a second growth curve before.

Many thoughts flashed through Li Yanhong's mind, but he still had to return to the status quo.

He frowned, pondered again and again, and slowly said: "We need to re-examine the business model of all our products and examine whether the user experience is affected by monetization."

"Zhang Chaoyang's question to me yesterday shocked me greatly."

"I noticed that public opinion is very strong against our company, and the company must carry out business reforms that may be painful."

"Is there a problem with the company? There must be a problem."

"How big is the problem? You have to really analyze the problem and dare to propose solutions to the problem."

"In the past few years, many companies have carried out structural reforms. Our company also needs to carry out reforms in this area in parallel with its business, so that we can better keep up with this increasingly competitive era."

Li Yanhong made a phone call, acknowledging the existence of the problem, asking senior management to analyze and solve it, using words like "dare", and also proposed structural reform, a change that may affect everyone.

Lu Zhendong listened to the leader's speech, and his mind was racing. What does it mean? Are you really going to move? Robin this is...

Whoever can confront others for their faults will be rewarded?

Yesterday, I was stabbed by a friend and businessman, so I couldn't reward him, but within the company, I can still reward him...


Lu Zhendong was scolded by Vice President Xiang just now, so he would be more patient. Anyway, his business has been completed well recently.

"Mr. Li! Since we talk about customer first, I'm not going to complain!" Vice President Qi Shaoyu, who was also relatively junior, suddenly spoke up, attracting everyone's attention with different meanings.

Li Yanhong said calmly: "Shao Yu, tell me."

"I think medical advertising will cause bigger problems sooner or later. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. It is better to take this opportunity to give up." Qi Shaoyu said in a blockbuster, "The damage this kind of advertising will do to our company's reputation is difficult to estimate."

Xiang Hailong's complexion immediately turned black.

Qi Shaoyu continued: "It certainly accounts for a certain proportion, but now that Sogou is making moves, there is Yike behind it. We have to take the move. If it wants to cut, then we will also cut. This move will naturally force us back." It’s resolved.”

"Our most important task now is to ensure our leadership in the mobile market. The next investment from partners such as Samsung, Apple, and UC and us will continue to compress Sogou's development space."

"As long as Sogou is suppressed, the future will be determined by Duji. The growth of the entire search market in the future will still be far greater than that of individual medical advertising revenue."

He ignored the unkind looks from Xiang Hailong and others and only looked at the leader, Li Yanhong.

Seeing Qi Shaoyu stop, Xiang Hailong said in a deep voice: "Mr. Qi, you said it easily, this..."

Qi Shaoyu interrupted: "Mr. Xiang, I haven't finished speaking yet, let me finish!"

Xiang Hailong gave a soft "hum" and asked him to finish.

Qi Shaoyu looked at his boss and finally said: "Last week, my daughter was ill and I did a company search, but the results... were not satisfactory."

He took a breath, spread his hands and said, "I'm done, Mr. Xiang, you go ahead."

Xiang Hailong was choked by Qi Shaoyu's last sentence, but he quickly spoke: "If you have a problem, deal with it in business, don't mix it up. When you go to the barber shop, the barber says your hair is a bit long, you Just say, cut off my head, what’s the point?”

Qi Shaoyu stood up to speak, but did not sit down after speaking. He looked at Vice President Xiang, who was refuting him, and then at the leader, who only responded with silence.

Li Yanhong was stared at with such silent eyes, as if he had returned to the uneasy scene yesterday.

He shifted his gaze and looked at Hailong, Wang Zhan, and the senior executives. He pondered for a moment and proposed a specific plan: "Can we establish a one-vote veto system related to user experience review, with a dedicated department? Responsible for supervision and veto anything that goes against the user experience.”

After Li Yanhong said this, he looked at Qi Shaoyu who was still standing and said gently: "Shao Yu, please sit down first."

Qi Shaoyu did not sit down and asked seriously: "Mr. Li, I think today we can determine one thing more straightforwardly. Does medical advertising violate the user experience? Can we do this?"

Xiang Hailong couldn't help it anymore and criticized: "Qi Shaoyu, don't magnify a problem. Go to Google. Does it do medical advertising? Go to Sogou. Has it done this before? Go check it out. Yisou, Kanyoudao, Kan360! Who is better than whom?"

Li Yanhong remained silent.

"OK, I can't decide what others do, I can't decide what the company does, I can only decide what I do." Qi Shaoyu shrugged, "Sorry, I quit."

He turned around and left, as if he had made up his mind.

Xiang Hailong stood up and angrily shouted at Qi Shaoyu's back: "Qi Shaoyu, what do you mean? What's your attitude?"

Qi Shaoyu didn't respond, opened the door and walked out.

The atmosphere in the conference room dropped to freezing point. Just as I didn't expect Zhang Chaoyang yesterday, I didn't expect anyone inside to give such advice today.

"The company has developed for so many years and has encountered many problems, solved many problems, and accumulated many problems." Li Yanhong glanced back when Qi Shaoyu went out, then turned his face and said seriously, "We must proceed Drastic and painful but also patient change.”

Lu Zhendong pursed his lips quietly after listening to the leader's words. It was really a hearty facial stabbing.

No, buddy, Robin asked you to stab, and you really stabbed...

Back then, it was the boss who convinced the board of directors to insist on introducing bidding rankings, and vigorously promoted Xiang Hailong, who was doing this...

I really thought it was all caused by the traitor next to me, right...

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