Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 681 Sensual Dog (two in one)

In the evening of September 13th, Sohu’s internal networking reception will be held at the Guomao Hotel in Beijing.

However, just when the reception was about to be arranged, the employees saw the boss Zhang Chaoyang leaving in a hurry.

Some people are wondering: "What are Mr. Zhang and the others doing?"

An employee who was close before said: "I just heard it, it seems that someone is coming, it will be time to come up later."

At 6:10, Zhang Chaoyang, who personally greeted the guests, came to Fang Zhuo.

"Mr. Fang, why did you take a taxi?" Zhang Chaoyang was particularly surprised. If the taxi hadn't stopped in front of him, he wouldn't have believed it.

"The car is not around." Fang Zhuo smiled.

Zhang Chaoyang looked strangely at the serious man who got off the passenger seat and asked, "Who is this?"

"Oh, my driver." Fang Zhuo replied.

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head. Mr. Fang took a taxi and took the driver with him. His brain circuit was different from that of normal people.

As he walked to the hotel, he said: "Today is the company's cocktail party. I said we would make an appointment another day. If you insist on coming here today, on another day, can I miss your wine?"

"I'm so excited that I don't know what I was busy with again." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Zhang Chaoyang walked a few steps and suddenly stopped and said: "Oh, yes, you're here. I'm going to publish a book soon. Give me a look and see if you can write a recommendation or something like that. Wait, the manuscript is here. In the car.”

He turned and walked towards the car parked in front of the hotel.

An Audi A8L.

Come all come.

Fang Zhuo also looked at the car he had never seen before.

Zhang Chaoyang came over, handed the manuscript to Mr. Fang, and said, "Don't write random recommendations. Read as many as you can."

Fang Zhuo glanced at it briefly, handed it to the driver, and asked, "What's the name of the book?"

""My Life"." Zhang Chaoyang answered seriously.

Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds: "Your life is not over yet, why not call it "My First Half of Life"."

When Zhang Chaoyang thought about it, it made sense and was very rigorous.

The two walked to the hotel together and discussed a few words about books and reading.

"Why did you exchange your car for an Audi?" Fang Zhuo ended the small topic and asked casually, "How about I send you back that Rolls-Royce. If you don't want it, I can just ship my Ferrari over to you."

"Hey, it's not that big, I'll give it to you." Zhang Chaoyang said angrily, "I don't care, it's just a car, why can't I take it? Why don't you take a taxi today?"

Fang Zhuo nodded silently, this is the reason.

"What have you been busy with in Beijing recently?" Zhang Chaoyang asked again.

"I'm busy with the issues of Tesco and suppliers, it's quite complicated." Fang Zhuo sighed, "I still have some small things to do with ICBC. I haven't had a chance to take a break, so I have no plans for tonight, so I went to see Mr. Zhang for a drink."

Zhang Chaoyang somewhat disagreed. Front-line problems should be left to front-line personnel.

He took two steps before saying: "Your e-commerce move is quite big. Is it really you who caused the Gome incident?"

"I think because Mr. Zhang asked me face to face instead of believing in rumors like other people, my trip today was correct." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "Zhang Guanli Dai, not me, I am running to do business with Gome. It’s all about the pattern.”

Zhang Chaoyang didn't think as much as some people thought. He nodded and believed Mr. Fang's words.

A group of people walked into the hotel's banquet hall.

As soon as he appeared, he heard a small exclamation.

"Mr. Fang is here!"

"It's Mr. Fang!"

Fang Zhuo heard this voice, waved his hand casually as a greeting, and smiled at Zhang Chaoyang: "Your Sohu employees are also familiar with me."

"Can we not be familiar with each other? Today's party can be regarded as a celebration party." Zhang Chaoyang said.

"What kind of celebration party?" Fang Zhuo was surprised. This time in September is neither good nor bad.

"Celebrate Sohu's successful loss to Sina in the 2008 Olympic sponsor competition." Zhang Chaoyang was a little helpless.

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly: "The result hasn't come out yet?"

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head. The official results have not been released yet, but word of mouth and gossip have come out. Sina's preparations are very thorough and detailed, and the sponsorship price is also higher. The results will be announced soon.

"Mr. Zhang, if you think about it this way, if Sina takes it away, it is better than Penguin taking it away, and it is better than NetEase taking it away." Fang Zhuo comforted.

Zhang Chaoyang thought, if Penguin gets sponsorship, it will squeeze Sohu out of the three major portals. If NetEase gets it, it may have to enter the same echelon as Sina, and he will be uncomfortable.

Now that the No. 1 portal has received sponsorship, it is still No. 1. The other competitors remain unchanged, which is not bad.

"Mr. Fang, you really know how to comfort people." Zhang Chaoyang praised him and led Mr. Fang to sit down.

After Fang Zhuo sat down, he looked at the layout of today's banquet hall.

The stage is empty, and there are rows of seats with clearly differentiated levels.

"I thought your social gathering was a buffet style, where everyone could drink freely. What is this? Are there any performances?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"We are going to launch an online talent show called 'Sogou Girls', and we will record one episode of the show and have some socializing at the same time." Zhang Chaoyang said with excitement, "Mr. Fang, what do you think of our Sohu Entertainment?"

Fang Zhuo commented: "The Internet will definitely be connected with the entertainment industry. Sohu's choice of entertainment media will definitely be no problem. Well, information platform, portal matrix, and entertainment media are all possible."

Zhang Chaoyang nodded repeatedly, and Mr. Fang spoke from his heart.

At 6:30, the networking reception is about to start, and there are staff coming to adjust the microphones in the first row.

Fang Zhuo was interested in chatting with Zhang Chaoyang about the development of the Internet. Every time he didn't chat for a few words, entertainment companies and talent show singers came over to say hello to BOSS Zhang.

"Which one is more beautiful?" Zhang Chaoyang asked Mr. Fang in the style of an entertainment tycoon.

"I didn't pay attention. Let's watch the show later." Fang Zhuo really didn't pay attention. Instead, he looked at several Sohu executives next to him with interest, such as Gong Yu, the founder of iQiyi, and Li Shanyou, the founder of etc.

At 6:50, the reception officially started, and the singer came up to sing.

That is to say, after the singer finished singing, Fang Zhuocai discovered that the microphone in front of him was used for comments. Zhang Chaoyang commented on the singing on the stage quite proudly, while the female singer respectfully thanked Teacher Zhang for his guidance.

Fang Zhuo was quite stunned.

This feeling is quite... quite mysterious.

Listen to music and drink.

Fang Zhuo didn't just come here to get someone else's car. He was really tired recently. He had no rest for a month from south to north. It was really nice to have a drink today to relax his nerves.

However, as he listened, Zhang Chaoyang beside him felt a little emotional.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think the meaning of this life is?" Zhang Chaoyang sighed after taking a sip of wine.

Fang Zhuo ignored him.

"With the development of the company, our domestic Internet will definitely get better and better, and the stock price will rise. Not to mention Sina, we are also in the second echelon. We will make more money than we can spend in a lifetime." Zhang Chaoyang poured himself a drink.

Fang Zhuo perked up and said, "How about investing your money in me? My projects are open to all comers."

Zhang Chaoyang ignored him.

He sighed: "I just feel like this life is not that interesting sometimes."

Fang Zhuo asked: "Is it because you don't get enough sleep at night?"

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and sighed: "Mr. Fang, to be honest, last year I climbed mountains and did entertainment, which was very lively and prosperous, but sometimes I feel that life is boring."

Fang Zhuo blinked.

"I suspect I'm almost depressed." Zhang Chaoyang said again.

Fang Zhuo said earnestly: "Mr. Zhang, don't doubt it. See a doctor. Maybe it's true."

Zhang Chaoyang glared: "Mr. Fang, you dare to tease me like this when you come to my place today. All the people sitting here are my brothers."

Fang Zhuo believes that life is indeed meaningless and the truth will always be doubted.

He felt that it would be hard to turn a blind eye to this person who came here to drink today and heard the annoying words of this person who was not sure whether he was drunk or not.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, since you don't think it's interesting, I've made an appointment to visit BOE's production line tomorrow, and you can come with me. There will also be a wine party with Tesco suppliers tomorrow night to change your mood and perspective. "Fang Zhuo sincerely invited.

Zhang Chaoyang was about to agree when he suddenly changed his mind: "No, not tomorrow. I promised a friend that if he opens a new nightclub, I will go and support him. How about a few days later?"

Fang Zhuo: "..."


Mr. Zhang just feels that life is meaningless, so he needs to be stimulated.

Fang Zhuo was silent for a while and did not try to persuade him. He just said: "I think the Sogou engine produced by Sohu is good, and its own portal is also developing steadily. You just spend too much time at night."

"If one day in the future, Mr. Zhang, you feel depressed and feel that there is nothing to resolve in life, then you can come to me then."

"No matter what, you gave me a Rolls, and I can't take this car for nothing."

Zhang Chaoyang toasted with a glass of wine. Mr. Fang was quite a good person.

Fang Zhuo drank and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't just drink. I'm serious. If you can't get over it in the future, just call me."

"Oh, maybe I'm too embarrassed to call."

"Then, what should we do?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while: "I will bring my Ferrari to you later. If you are in a bad mood, just drive it to me."

"I want your car? I can even give you another car! What am I embarrassed about? I'll call you directly." Zhang Chaoyang smiled.

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Okay, telegraph connection, telegraph connection."

Another show on stage ends.

Zhang Chaoyang turned on the microphone: "Mr. Fang is here at Sohu today. How about asking him to say a few words?"

The employees present expressed their attitude with applause.

Fang Zhuo was helpless and felt that people with similar symptoms of depression were thinking outside the box and talking about personal matters.

He watched Mr. Zhang turn on his microphone and could only say a few words.

"I'm here to drink today."

"I just had a chat with Mr. Zhang. Sohu has been developing well recently and is worth learning from."

"What do you want me to say about this sorority?"

Fang Zhuo spoke impromptu and said whatever came to mind: "Oh, let's talk about Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang is more real and self-centered. He makes money when he makes money. He is very cool."

"It's not like some people who feel like they have become a saint after making money. They want to be a teacher on stage and give classes."

"On this point, I still agree with Mr. Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang likes cars, and I also like cars."

"Mr. Zhang likes to sing, and I also, uh, I like to listen to music."

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about it. I don't have any preparations. Anyway, everyone is welcome to visit our Yike when you have time."

Fang Zhuo turned off the microphone.

An employee in the back row shouted, "Mr. Fang, come on!"

Today's stage programs are basically singing.

The sound in the banquet hall gradually became louder with this booing.

"Mr. Fang, come on!"

"Mr. Fang, come on!"

Sohu employees enjoy it.

Fang Zhuo waved his hands repeatedly.

"Come on, Mr. Fang, come on, come on." Zhang Chaoyang tried to persuade him from the side with his microphone still on.

"No, no, I can't sing. I just said that I can listen to songs." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

Zhang Chaoyang became excited and stood up and called to his employees: "I said Mr. Fang, you said ____?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Let's sing!"

Zhang Chaoyang: "Mr. Fang!"

Sohu employee: “Let’s play one!”

Fang Zhuo looked at Chaoyang's mental state and felt that he was the one who was about to be depressed.

However, he still refused.

"This way, this way, Mr. Fang, let's go on stage and perform a song together. Why are you afraid of being embarrassed? I'll do it with you." Zhang Chaoyang was eager to give it a try.

Fang Zhuo said: "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't sing."

"The most difficult thing about singing is opening your mouth. Anyway, when we sing, they dare not not applaud." Zhang Chaoyang talked about how to deal with people.

Fang Zhuo firmly refused: "No singing, no singing. I'm not used to this. I've never sung in my own company, unless..."

Zhang Chaoyang asked: "Unless what?"

"Unless you give me your Audi." Fang Zhuo had already stood up.

Zhang Chaoyang smiled and said: "Hey, this is it, use it, take it and use it."

He took out his car keys and slapped them on the table.

Fang Zhuo took the car keys and threw them to the driver.

You are here, you can just sing and relieve stress.

Two Internet company leaders took the stage.

There was applause and cheers from the audience.

"What to sing? What to sing? Are there lyrics on the screen?" Fang Zhuo asked.

""Blue Lotus", I can sing this song well." Zhang Chaoyang was very confident.

Fang Zhuo looked at the screen, "Blue Lotus".

The prelude of music started.

Zhang Chaoyang did his part.

"Nothing can stop your yearning for freedom."

Fang Zhuo frowned, is this pitch accurate?

Zhang Chaoyang shook his body.

"You can have an unrestrained life, and your heart will have no worries."

Fang Zhuo wanted to return the car keys to Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Chaoyang signaled to Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo bit the bullet and sang two lines: "Through the dark years, I also felt hesitant."

He just sang these two lines and quickly motioned to Mr. Zhang to take them over.

Zhang Chaoyang was in high spirits and started singing while holding the microphone.

While Fang Zhuo was enduring it, he saw someone in the audience had already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures, and the executives in the front row had a mesmerized expression on their faces.

Whose ears are wrong?

Fang Zhuo didn't know how the song ended, so he just walked off the stage feeling carried away.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, you are out of tune, do you know?" He took a moment before questioning Zhang Chaoyang.

"I know, do you have to sing according to the key?" Zhang Chaoyang said.

Fang Zhuo looked at the man in front of him in astonishment and nodded: "Mr. Zhang, you can do it. If I die with you, just buy another car."

"The car is something external to the body." Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile, "It ranks last among all the sensual and sexy animals."

How on earth can such a person be depressed?

Fang Zhuo wondered, how could such a sensual Mr. Zhang be depressed?

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