Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 682: Cheng Yaojin appears halfway (two-in-one)

Steal half a day's leisure.

It feels good to drink and talk nonsense after being busy continuously.

Fang Zhuo was enthusiastic and easy-going at Sohu's internal cocktail party. After drinking, not only was he hanging out with Zhang Chaoyang, but many of Sohu's senior executives were also chatting together, which made many people feel that the rumors should not be believed at all.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chaoyang still personally saw Mr. Fang out. He also personally gave him his newly purchased A8L, and asked: "Mr. Fang, how do you like my singing?"

Fang Zhuo was stunned and replied seriously: "Mr. Zhang, your singing is moving."

Zhang Chaoyang laughed loudly and helped close the car door: "Mr. Fang, let's make an appointment next time."

Fang Zhuo waved goodbye.

The black Audi drove away slowly.

"Mr. Fang, do you want to go back to the hotel?" the driver Chen Zhao asked.

"Go for a drive and then go back." Fang Zhuo lowered the window and said casually.

Chen Zhao silently turned on the music and slowed down the car so that Mr. Fang could see the night view of the capital city.

After two songs, "Blue Lotus" was put on by coincidence.

Fang Zhuo's face darkened: "Next song."

Chen Zhao changed the song and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Fang, can't Mr. Zhang really hear that he is out of tune?"

"You can hear it or not, what's the important thing?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "It's rare to be confused when you are satisfied with your ambition."

Chen Zhao drove in silence again.

Fang Zhuo reached for the manuscript Zhang Chaoyang gave him, turned a page, and said: "Mr. Zhang told me today that he thinks life is meaningless. I want to refute him, but I feel that life is actually meaningless. It is short. Just a few decades.”

Chen Zhao didn't say anything. He only felt that this was because Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhang had obtained wealth that ordinary people could hardly possess.

"But, on second thought, life in just a few decades has no meaning anyway, so why not give it some meaning." Fang Zhuo picked up the manuscript and said with a smile, "I think it has meaning, so it was given some meaning." meaning.”

Chen Zhao wanted to smoke a little.

Fang Zhuo continued: "There is a mixture of things, born innately from heaven and earth. It is lonely and lonely, independent and unchanging, and moves around without peril. It can be the mother of the world. I don't know its name. The word is Dao, and the strong name is Da. .”

Chen Zhao didn't know what to say. The boss seemed to be going to immortality.

But he also felt that he should agree with his boss at this time.

Chen Zhao sighed and found a topic related to him: "Mr. Fang, will Mr. Zhang's car be returned tomorrow?"

"Mr. Zhang's car?" Fang Zhuo was confused, "Oh, let's drive it first and then we'll talk."

Chen Zhao felt that these words were easier to understand than the previous words.

The boss is a naughty man and wants Mr. Zhang’s car!

From notification to implementation, Kong Yu, the head of MIGA Fund, finally returned to Beijing with his team from New York in mid-September.

At the same time, the contacted U.S. Bank and Washington Mutual Bank also expressed interest in investing. Their attitude was very normal. They just wanted to invest together and would not consider board seats or anything like that. They would definitely use MIGA funds. The will of the Lord is dominant.

In turn, MIGA Fund made a request to these two banks that it had cooperated with before, especially United States Bank, that it needed a senior team to come to China to discuss cooperation with ICBC, involving banking, brokerage, insurance, investment, mortgage, and trust. and exchange of experiences in the field of payment services.

There is still half a month left before the deadline given by ICBC, so time is still quite tight.

However, ICBC actually has an important criterion when considering partners, which is that it will not cause unnecessary competition or conflicts of interest with its own main business. United States Bank of America perfectly meets this point.

On September 21, teams from two U.S. banks were flying to Beijing. MIGA Fund had a talk with Deutsche Bank first, and after reaching a basic consensus, they would focus on the compliance of the ICBC cooperation. superior.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank arrived at the hotel almost at the same time as Mr. Fang, who returned from Sina.

One got off a Rolls-Royce and the other got off an Audi A8L.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

They are all very confident about the prospects of cooperation.

September 25, No. 55, Fuxingmennei Street.

After repeatedly contacting ICBC with no results, the Goldman Sachs team was finally allowed to start cooperation negotiations again.

Goldman Sachs has previously reached a memorandum of understanding with ICBC, but this does not have legal effect and is just a demonstration of willingness to cooperate. Therefore, they have been trying to further promote progress since the beginning of this month.

However, ICBC kept putting the blame on the excuse that the leaders were busy and on business trips.

With great difficulty, Paulson, the head of Goldman Sachs, directly contacted the head of ICBC, and also contacted some leaders with good relationships, and this negotiation was able to take place.

Paulson is an unusual person. In addition to his achievements in running the Goldman Sachs Group, there is now news that the US administration is inviting him to serve as Treasury Secretary. Therefore, he personally promoted it, and ICBC can also feel the pressure.

Paulson is not here for today's trip. He will lead his team to China at the end of the month.

The person who is currently in charge of this cooperation is Feigen, the former senior partner of Goldman Sachs Group and now the executive vice president. In addition to the US team, he is also assisted by the China team. Economist Hu Zuliu, who serves as the general manager, has provided a lot of advice. , and also personally wrote articles to respond to various doubts about this cooperation from the outside world.

At 10:30 in the morning, cooperation on multiple businesses was discussed in the conference room.

However, Hu Zuliu keenly discovered that the atmosphere of today's exchange seemed dull.

What's going on with this dullness?

What's going on with ICBC's enthusiasm fading this month?

Hu Zuliu has been actively seeking information this week and is not complacent just because he has reached a memorandum of understanding.

He waited until Vice President Fagan talked about Goldman Sachs' asset management experience again, and then said with a smile: "President Jiang, after we have talked so many times, it can be said that we are a match made in heaven. No matter what concerns ICBC has, Goldman Sachs is willing to provide help openly and honestly." .”

Manager Jiang nodded slightly but said nothing.

Wu Qian, who was two seats away, opened his mouth when he heard this. He was talking about the issue of public opinion. It was still a cliché. It was everyone's question about "value". It was relatively routine, but very sensitive.

It is difficult for ICBC, which is undergoing joint-stock restructuring, not to consider public opinion, which is also sensitive at this moment.

Hu Zuliu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that this was the problem.

He said with pride: "President Jiang, Commissioner Wu, it is not unusual to have disputes in this area. The truth becomes clearer with more debate. Goldman Sachs is not afraid of debates and questions, because we can bring tangible experience."

"This kind of experience involving corporate governance, risk management, asset management, non-performing loan management, etc. is rare even in equally well-known financial institutions."

"What's more, now, Goldman Sachs has held nearly 20 seminars at ICBC, and the expert team has given 10 special lectures."

“Goldman Sachs’ strength and sincerity are unquestionable.”

Hu Zuliu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There is no problem with this step of ICBC. As long as it takes the right path, it will definitely become an internationally competitive modern commercial bank. This is also what Goldman Sachs is happy to see."

Governor Jiang still didn't speak.

Wu Qian charged forward, musing to clarify the essence: "Exchange equity for experience, use the market for technology, well, this is acceptable..."

He paused, knowing what the economist opposite him had said in the past, and deliberately said: "However, ICBC's status is different after all. Our choice of equity partners is very eye-catching. This transfer of equity includes leaders. Ask, do we need to give private entrepreneurs the opportunity to cooperate?”

Hu Zuliu was surprised and a little funny.

This reason is really not out of thin air, he himself responded to it in the newspaper.

"Commissioner Wu, maybe you don't know, I have talked about this with a university professor in the media before."

“The experience and business that Goldman Sachs has is by no means exclusive to us.”

"However, this does not mean that we can just randomly find collaborators who can compare with us."

Hu Zuliu was a little proud and reiterated his point of view: "According to our traditional concept, cooperation must be of the same level, so that we can pursue the same goal. The combination of equity and experience has both short-term value-added and medium- and long-term value."

He felt the still dull atmosphere in the conference room, smiled, and summed it up with the original words of his article: "Besides, it's hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice. I don't want to belittle it, but there is really no one in China who can compete with Goldman Sachs and HSBC." An investor with international experience and reputation.”

Everyone on the Goldman Sachs side nodded.

The Goldman Sachs consortium has always imagined that its opponents are Europe and even Hong Kong. There is no one in the mainland who can compete.


President Jiang, who had not spoken much, suddenly coughed and said slowly: "This cooperation is of great importance. It is not only our pressure, but also our motivation to move forward. To build ICBC into a modern commercial bank, we must learn from various aspects. advanced experience."

"Goldman Sachs is very good. Now there is a mainland entrepreneur who wants to come and share his views. I wonder if Goldman Sachs would welcome him?"

Fei Gen and Hu Zuliu were both a little shocked.

In particular, Hu Zuliu suddenly felt that with President Jiang's words, the atmosphere in the conference room seemed to change from dull to lively.

He was both unbelievable and curious. Is there really a character popping up in the mainland?

Fagan spoke up, willing to meet the obviously new force.

Soon, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

A seven-person team consisting of MIGA Fund, Deutsche Bank, U.S. Bank, and Washington Mutual Bank came in under the leadership of a young leader.

The seven people were all in formal attire, some were men and some were women, some were foreigners, and some were Chinese.

Fagan was unfamiliar with people.

However, Hu Zuliu recognized that one was Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank, and the other was... Fang Zhuo!

Fang Zhuo, is that Fang Zhuo who made a certain professor disgraced?

Is he also an investor?

This person is indeed rich, but cooperation with ICBC is not just about having money.

Hu Zuliu took advantage of the group being led to their seats and exchanged a few words with Fei Gen in a low voice.

Fang Zhuo and others sat down happily.

Hu Zuliu took the initiative to introduce himself: "Mr. Fang, I am Hu Zuliu, the general manager of Goldman Sachs in China."

Fang Zhuo shook hands with this person and said with a smile: "Mr. Hu, hello, hello. I know you are an economist."

He summarized Hu Zuliu's wonderful work experience in four words. He was the former chief economist of the World Economic Forum in Davos and now the chief China economist of Goldman Sachs.

Compared with the position of general manager, various economic theories and work experience in international organizations allow him to play an important role in the growth of Goldman Sachs China's business.

Hu Zuliu did not mind such a slightly rude comment: "Mr. Fang, I didn't expect to see you here today. As far as I know, ICBC has screened many rounds of collaborators. I have never heard that Mr. Fang has any experience in this area before." interest."

"If you don't have diamonds, you won't do the porcelain work." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I was looking for diamonds before because I was afraid of disturbing everyone. This time I found all the diamonds and thought about whether I could help ICBC's development."

He extended his hand and introduced: "This is Mr. Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank."

"President Kong Yu of MIGA Fund."

"Gary, Senior Vice President, U.S. Bank."

"Emily, executive vice president of Washington Mutual Bank."

Fang Zhuo introduced them one by one, not only to Goldman Sachs, but also to the leaders of ICBC present.

He has reached an agreement with three banks, Deutsche Bank, Partners and Mutual Aid, and is willing to form an acquisition consortium led by his own will, with the goal of replacing Germany's Allianz Group.

Of course, this is the main goal.

The secondary goal was a question posed by U.S. Bancorp senior vice president Gary at the first meeting - Why can't we replace Goldman Sachs?

The biggest reason is of course not enough money, and if these three banks really have to come up with the money, they will inevitably lose the initiative.

But Fang Zhuo believes that this can also be used as a competitive strategy.

If your Goldman Sachs consortium can enter into a memorandum of understanding with ICBC, we can also discuss cooperation in this way.

What Goldman Sachs can give, we can give too.

What Goldman Sachs can't give, we probably can't give either, but we can pretend that we can.

Fang Zhuo's smile was very kind.

However, his smile was very threatening in the eyes of Goldman Sachs.

Members of the Goldman Sachs team, including Fei Gen and Hu Zuliu, were caught off guard by Governor Jiang's move.

"Needless to say, Deutsche Bank is Germany's largest bank and one of the world's major financial institutions. What it can provide is complete experience in working with individuals, companies, governments, and public institutions."

"U.S. Bank, in addition to its regular brokerage, insurance, investment, mortgage and other businesses, it has extremely outstanding results in risk management."

"Washington Mutual, insurance, home mortgage, financial derivatives services, and especially, my private equity fund has had an amazing relationship with it in the financial field."

Fang Zhuo introduced them one by one. This was a bargaining chip other than money. It was the selection of cooperative projects that could convince the leaders of other factions present at ICBC.

"As for the MIGA Fund, it is committed to providing customers with the best asset appreciation. This is our achievement."

Fang Zhuo posted several MIGA fund operations worth disclosing, including detailed bargain hunting of Chinese concept stocks and comparison of shareholdings in high-tech companies.

Hu Zuliu didn't get the document, but he could judge the effect just by looking at the looks on the leaders' faces.

"Mr. Hu, what should we do now?" Fei Gen trusted Hu Zuliu, a Chinese economist.

Hu Zuliu whispered: "Please call Paulson quickly."

This cobbled-together consortium is nothing to be afraid of, but Mr. Fang in front of him seems to have some connections behind his back. Otherwise, how could he interfere at this time?

Go get Paulson, only magic can defeat magic!

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