Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 931 Protection (4k)

Dangdang initially agreed to sell itself to Tesco.

Keiko gave up her struggle amid the intensifying financial crisis.

This is somewhat disappointing.

Yu Hong, who was watching this incident for the first time, quickly outlined the changes in her mind. Tesco, which is already the number one B2C company in the country, got Dangdang's logistics and warehousing this time, which really supplemented the nutrition with almost no rejection.

Because, Dangdang, after the hard work, imitated Tesco.

Now that's good, those who learn from me will live, those who resemble me will die...

"Yigou has digested Dangdang this year. Will it be clear next year that Chema will compete with Taobao?" Yu Hong said about the situation of domestic e-commerce and couldn't help but ask, "Can you really buy Dangdang? No. What changes will happen?"

Fang Zhuo shook his head gently: "If there are any other variables, just buy it. I don't hold grudges."

This is just one small thing that was born out of the global financial crisis.

Dangdang has been having trouble finding funds in China in the past two years. Venture capitalists generally have a perception that if an Amazon is born in China, it will definitely be Tesco rather than Dangdang. If B2C has a similar model, it will definitely take over. A big winner comes out.

Therefore, the reason that directly led to Li Guoqing's relatively quick decision was that Dangdang, which had taken foreign funds at a high cost, seemed to be really unable to survive.

Xiong Xiaoge faced Li Guoqing for the third time today. He still did not spend much time and stated his reasons very simply.

——Mr. Fang has money now and can give you cash.

——It’s not shameful to lose to Mr. Fang. Others who want to lose to the richest man in the Mainland still can’t find the chance.

——Everyone knows that you and Mr. Fang have a grudge. You would rather sell the company to him this time, just to preserve the employment of employees in the crisis. Other buyers may not be able to make such a commitment. This move is Righteousness.

In this way, Li Guoqing generously went to charity and finally made the company surrender to the big devil.

"In two days, I want to call Weiwei to congratulate her. This business is really good." Yu Hong did not worry about Mr. Fang's psychological quality. She planned to wait until the domestic Double Eleven has passed before making a call. She must be busy with all kinds of things now. .

"Well, it's really good. Let's take a look at Taobao's trends next year." Fang Zhuo also thought of Taobao, which is eyeing it. I wonder if Tesco, which has expanded its warehousing and logistics this time, can inspire new changes in Ma.

With the addition of Dangdang, the scope of pilot projects to speed up logistics in the first half of next year may be wider.

On the one hand, the domestic e-commerce landscape is focusing on the big picture, and on the other hand, more vertical subdivisions are emerging.

Fang Zhuo changed his mind and thought about Tesco's meeting before this year.

Tesco has always been developing very fast, burning money quickly and increasing the number of users. The first half of next year will be another wave of key attempts.

"Thank you boss for the dinner, see you tomorrow." Yu Hong ended the interview with Mr. Fang, and was very satisfied with hearing about the business dealings that she didn't know whether to count as gossip.

"Well, I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow." Fang Zhuo nodded. Tomorrow morning is an internal meeting of Yike. It is not only a summary, but also preparation for the Christmas promotion in Europe and the United States.

Last year's Yike Mars performed very well during this festival, and the company also has high expectations for this year.

The next day, the 12th, at ten o'clock in the morning, the time difference meeting between the three places was officially held.

As an emerging force this year, Liu Qiangdong, head of China Mobile Phone Business, first reported to his colleagues.

As of November, Yike's sales activities in China lasted for two and a half months.

In this short period of time, the Huaxia team first completed the original three-month sales target of 1.5 million units.

Secondly, the actual sales volume is more than double.

Yike Mars is expanding with the expansion of China Unicom's 3G pilot cities.

Based on the strong promotion of operators and the high enthusiasm for online and offline distribution, Liu Qiangdong’s data “the total sales volume is 3.26 million units, the first-generation Mars is 2.04 million units, and the second-generation Mars is 1.22 million units” has attracted colleagues around the world. Couldn't help but talk about it.

How come there are so many?

How could there be so many?

3.26 million in two and a half months!

The potential of the Chinese market is greater than imagined, and it is just one or two of Yike's global market.

Even if 60% of them are old models, it’s still very impressive!

This is because China's 3G business has not yet fully developed!

Liu Qiangdong had to interrupt his report and accepted everyone's discussion and applause.

In fact, Yike achieved one million sales in China at the end of August with the promotion of Dongfeng Olympic Games. In September and October, it maintained a healthy curve and achieved sales of 3.26 million.

When the meeting calmed down, he then talked about the reasons for Yike's achievements.

Yike's performance in the Chinese market is also a microcosm of the global market. However, due to local factors, it has a larger share than Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG, and Samsung in other markets!

The mobile phone industry under the financial crisis has lowered its global shipment expectations, but Yike and Apple's shipments still maintain growth. Naturally, the traditional companies will be injured.

What Liu Qiangdong is talking about is the local similarities and differences in the overall trend.

After his report was completed, Yu Hong turned her head and closed her head and praised Mr. Fang: "I didn't expect this e-commerce person to come to work on mobile phones. He did a really good job."

"Hey, Pan Ben is still an investor. Isn't the mobile phone business going to be prosperous?" Fang Zhuo smiled.

The person in charge of Yike's European business is Vice President Pan Ben. He is from IDG. He was responsible for part of the US business under Yu Hong earlier, and now he has transferred to Europe.

The second person to report was also Pan Ben.

He first talked about the progress of Yike's cooperation with new operators in the UK. After Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone became Yike's second partner, basically continuing the cooperation method with Deutsche Telekom.

This cooperation was reached at the end of September and will help further expand sales in the UK.

Later, Pan Ben reported the sales results since the release of the mobile phone at the end of June.

In the four months from July to October, Yike's second-generation Mars sold 3.38 million units. The previous-generation model also sold 1.16 million units after price cuts, for a total of 4.54 million units.

This result is still excellent, and it is also quite dazzling in today's mobile phone market.

While colleagues around the world were applauding, the door of the conference room was knocked and pushed open by secretary Liu Zonghong. He quickly walked to the boss and informed his ear of the latest situation.

Soon, the meeting was handed over to co-founder Yu Hong by Fang Zhuo.

Although Mr. Yu was also qualified and capable to host such a meeting, Mr. Fang's temporary exit still made the executives wonder, what's wrong? Is Nokia at the door? Has LG tied up someone from the company?

Yu Hong didn't know the situation either. She suppressed the fluctuation in her heart and signaled Pan Ben to continue this important meeting.

Fang Zhuo on the other side quickly walked out of the conference room and asked Liu Zonghong to confirm the accuracy of the news again.

After a while, Liu Zonghong confirmed that it was correct. Kong Yu, the head of the MIGA Fund, was taken away by the FBI to assist in the investigation!

This news was undoubtedly very heavy, and Liu Zonghong had to interrupt Mr. Fang's important meeting.

"FBI, this is a big name." Fang Zhuo sat in the office and pondered the changes. Gasoline people always act cautiously. What is wrong with this? How wrong is it?

"The lawyer is already on the way and we will know the specific situation soon." Liu Zonghong reported after pouring tea for his boss.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly. The shock caused by the reputation of this organization subsided, and he began to think about friends from all walks of life - there is something wrong with your money-making tool, why don't you help?

But you also have to know what the situation is before mobilizing manpower.

About an hour later, the latest information arrived.

This is a large-scale investigation launched by the FBI since the beginning of the year. Well-known investment banks Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and a number of hedge funds are included in the investigation. They cooperate with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), focusing on accounting fraud, loan securitization, and insider information. Transaction and other issues.

The reason why Kong Yu was asked to assist in the investigation was because MIGA Fund had cooperated with Goldman Sachs on CDO.

"Really assisting in the investigation?" Fang Zhuo was a little surprised.

Liu Zonghong was very cautious and did not speak, for fear that his words would cause his boss to misjudge.

He felt that Kong could still try to save someone.

"Change a cup of tea and pay attention to the new news." Fang Zhuo asked the secretary to leave the office and immediately started calling friends who had already taken stock. It seemed that this was purely affected by the investigation of Goldman Sachs and should not be difficult to solve.

After ten minutes on the phone, Fang Zhuo called Liu Zonghong in and asked him to continue to pay attention to the news, and then went back to preside over the Yike meeting.

Liu Zonghong was sitting in the office, his mind fluctuating. No matter what, it was related to the FBI. This must be a big deal!

Half an hour later, the boss's cell phone rang.

Liu Zonghong answered the phone and heard Mr. Kong’s own voice.

"Mr. Fang..."

He quickly said: "Mr. Kong, it's me, Xiao Liu, Mr. Fang is in a meeting."

"Are you having a meeting about the fund?" Kong Yu's voice was a little tired and a little frightened. "I'm going to take the opportunity to go to Silicon Valley now. I'll be there in the afternoon."

Liu Zonghong couldn't bear to tell the situation at this time, so he replied vaguely: "Well, Mr. Kong, Mr. Fang is waiting for you at the R\u0026D center."

Kong Yu did not hang up the phone immediately, but continued: "There is another situation. You can talk to Mr. Fang later..."

He switched to dialect and said, "Xiaobao seems to be in a similar situation."

Liu Zonghong didn't know who the person in Mr. Kong's dialect was, but he knew that the boss would know.

He kept it in mind and hesitated again and again after hanging up the phone, but interrupted his boss's Yike meeting again.

This time, Fang Zhuo did not leave, but said he would continue the meeting after knowing the situation.

Yike's global meeting lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon.

This meeting is quite important. From the official launch last year to now, the two generations of Yike mobile phones have more than 20 million users around the world. Compared to Nokia, which easily ships 400 to 500 million mobile phones a year. Although still a minority, it has become an important part of the global mobile phone industry.

Such mobile phone users are users of the Android camp, users who can increasingly ignite touch screens and smart products.

To commemorate this phase of user scale, Yike will launch another mobile game "Temple Run" at the end of November to cheer everyone up during Christmas.

At the end of the meeting, Yu Hong asked what unexpected situation had occurred.

"It's nothing serious. It's just a situation at the fund. Kong Yu is fine. He will be flying to Silicon Valley now." Fang Zhuo was very calm.

Yu Hong looked left and right to confirm that it was really ordinary, so she didn't ask any more questions. Yike's main competitors for Christmas this year have become two, one is Apple, and the other is Samsung. There is still pressure. of.

Fang Zhuo left the conference room, sat in the office, and made another phone call.

The secret code Kong Yu mentioned refers to the big short John Paulson, because now there is a financial steward who is also accustomed to calling Paulson, so the communication between the two is that the referee is a big guarantee and the short is a small guarantee.

As for the situation mentioned by Kong Yu, it only involves the CDO contract.

Before the crisis broke out, both Paulson and the MIGA Fund gave money to Goldman Sachs, used Goldman Sachs's name as a CDO and made profits from it. But then the crisis became more and more obvious, and the MIGA Fund stopped. Paulson Mori took a little longer.

All procedures are legal.

However, despite this, although there should be no problems with Paulson, considering the information from customers, Fang Zhuo still does not want this matter to continue to spread.

Paulson didn't know the true identity of his own funds, but he still could have done the same.

Based on this consideration, Fang Zhuo followed suit and believed that the rights and interests of customers must be protected.

By the time Kong Yu arrived in Silicon Valley, Xiaobao was already safe and sound.

"Mr. Fang..." Kong Yu finally felt relieved when he saw Mr. Fang!

He suddenly realized something. He was flying around like this and being suspicious, so he might as well just stay by Mr. Fang's side for safety!

This is the safest position in the world!

"Mr. Kong is frightened. It's okay. I've already asked questions. I'm investigating the Goldman Sachs CDO." Fang Zhuo personally poured tea for Kong Yu to comfort the fund manager who went in and was fished out again.

He added: "There is nothing serious about Paulson, and his hedge funds are within the legal framework."

Kong Yuning choked: "Mr. Fang..."

Fang Zhuo knew that Kong Yu was very frightened this time, so he comforted him again: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. It's safe."

Kong Yu hesitated and said: "Mr. Fang..."

Fang Zhuo said: "Say, there are only two of us here, you can mention anything."

"I want to go back to China..." Kong Yuzhen mentioned.

Fang Zhuo rejected it without hesitation: "Change it to another one."

Kong Yu: "..."

He said with some difficulty: "We really spent enough money this time."

Fang Zhuo said sternly: "What do you mean by enough? Your clients want you to actively help them heal the hurt they have suffered. Can you just abandon it and return to China? I can promise you..."

Kong Yu felt that it would be fine if Mr. Fang agreed, but he was afraid that Mr. Fang would agree with his mouth but not in his heart.

"But the customers won't agree." Fang Zhuo frowned and hesitated, "Well, Kong Yu, you can go to Chicago for a walk. It's safer there than here. If you go in with your left foot, you can come out with the right foot. .”

He continued: "You can also go to Europe and check out the situation in Greece. I heard that the CDS there is very good."

Kong Yu was silent, Mr. Fang, please stop talking about inside information. I won’t listen, I won’t listen…

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