Outside Jianghai City.

The five squadrons that had originally been acting according to the plan to form a large net from five directions to surround Shenfeng Mountain have now gradually united to jointly resist the attack of the beast tide. The current situation does not allow them to act separately.

The huge corpses of wild beasts and the remains of comrades can be seen everywhere around. The sturdy trees are full of traces of shells and blood.

From time to time, some nimble beasts flashed in the hail of bullets and picked up their comrades in the team with their big mouths and rushed to the dense forest in the distance.

Hiding behind the sturdy trees, sharing their comrades alive with a group of wild beasts

"Damn it! What a bunch of beasts!"

Hearing the painful cries of their comrades, a large number of soldiers shouted!

"Brothers, get out of the way!"


Many soldiers who were knocked to the ground by powerful beasts did not choose to wait for death, but chose to defuse the grenade and die with the beasts!

Tragic scenes occurred from time to time, because only in this way could they cause fatal damage to these powerful beasts that ignored bullets and were agile.

After a while, the beasts seemed to be afraid of the harm brought by these delicious two-legged beasts and gradually retreated.

A large number of soldiers and warriors sat down on the ground suddenly, their bodies exhausted. They had been fighting for several hours in a row, and the high-intensity and long-term fighting was a huge burden on both their bodies and minds.

A squadron leader was covered in black blood, his chest heaving violently, and a lot of hot white air gushed out of his mouth.

Looking around, the soldiers all had a thick layer of blood on their bodies, their own blood, the beasts' blood, and their comrades' blood.……

"There are less than 200 people still capable of fighting.……"

"We also need to escort the wounded to the medical unit in the rear.……"

Several squadron leaders gradually gathered together, resting and recovering their strength while checking the armaments and casualties.

Soon the team's situation was counted, and there were only 185 soldiers with full combat effectiveness. There was no need to worry about armaments, as there was plenty of ammunition.

"Huh... I could never have imagined that I would be forced into this state by these beasts in my life, with so many of my soldiers killed!"

"Well, who says it isn’t true... These beasts are really weird. They are much stronger than the beasts in the suburbs of other cities, and their numbers are ridiculously large!"

"Fortunately, we are now less than 20 miles away from Shenfeng Mountain, and our mission is almost completed.……"

"That's good……"


At this moment, a roar as loud as thunder sounded from a distance!

The roar was very loud, and mixed with a terrifying momentum, which frightened all the soldiers here. Even those with strong psychological qualities could not help but feel a strong sense of fear in their hearts.

This sense of fear seemed to make them think of the trembling of ancient humans facing powerful beasts. This was the fear that was automatically retained in the blood of biological evolution, in order to avoid harm and keep future generations away from dangerous creatures that made such roars!

All the soldiers sat on the ground in a daze, slowly stood up, and then looked at several squadron leaders quietly.

The squadron leaders looked at each other,"Let's go! Go and see!"

Their mission here was to come to Shenfeng Mountain, and the direction ahead was exactly the location of Shenfeng Mountain, and they could not avoid it at all.

The roar of thunder was very loud, and the attention of the soldiers in the mountains and forests, the live helicopter in the sky, and the three black shadow fighters in the sky in the distance were all attracted.

No one noticed that a white shadow rushed up to the dark clouds at a high speed.


"Tip: through the efforts of the supreme breath cells in your body, the potential energy in your body has been potentially activated!"

"Tip: The Supreme Breath Cells in your body are running at an extremely high load, and the energy is exhausted, and they have fallen into a deep sleep."

On Shenfeng Mountain, the rolling thick dark clouds completely covered Ye Yang's figure.

Ye Yang listened to the system prompt sound in his mind and felt the golden energy flowing in his body. If someone noticed his appearance now, they would see countless golden electric currents flowing on his body surface.

"Supreme Breath Cell……"

Although he didn't know whether the Supreme Breath Cells had life, he still silently thanked them in his heart. His golden pupils looked through the dark clouds and clearly saw the Great Xia army approaching here.

At the same time, a familiar breath rose sharply from the ground.

"I didn't expect that Big Brown Bear would be upgraded... God really helped me……"

If it weren't for the big brown bear's loud roar that attracted everyone's attention, including the black shadow fighter jets in the sky, he would not have been able to fly into the dark cloud without anyone noticing.

As for why he flew into the dark cloud, it was because the golden energy in his body was not fully activated at all.

The powerful force contained in the golden energy is simply not something he can activate now. Now with the help of the supreme breath cells in his body, he has only completed half of the activation state, which is potential activation.

Then he looked at the dark cloud. At this time, the golden arcs on his body surface kept flashing, and gradually the dark cloud began to flash layers of thunder light, which meant that lightning would appear in the dark cloud layer soon.

This dark cloud was caused by his full use of the golden energy. It sounds amazing, but he did it. As for the reason, now is not the time to think about it.

The golden pupils looked at the thunder jumping in the surrounding dark clouds.

"Success or failure depends on this one move……"

The powerful electromagnetic field was attracted and gathered around Ye Yang. Thunders that illuminated the world appeared in the dark clouds in the sky.……


On the ground.

It's pitch black.���The sky was already covered by dark clouds, and a drizzle of rain began to fall!


Thunder continued to flash, as if the angry god of thunder was venting his anger!

However, the soldiers on the ground didn't care at all, and continued to move towards the direction where the roaring sound came from.

The roaring sound had disappeared, but the palpitations in people's hearts continued to surge, and the feeling in their chests as if a mountain was pressing down on them became heavier and heavier.

"Come on! That's the direction!"

"It's a thunderstorm now! It's thundering! The beasts are all running away! God is helping us!"

During the march, the beasts that had been attacking them disappeared without a trace, which made many soldiers attribute it to the thunderstorm. After all, animals are instinctively afraid of lightning. What they didn't know was that these animals were afraid of the thunder in the sky, but they were more afraid of the big brown bear whose momentum was rising rapidly!

When more than 180 soldiers arrived at the scene, they were met with a pair of red eyes as big as light bulbs, and that greedy malice!

An eight-meter-tall big brown bear was staring at them with a covetous look and drooling...

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