Big Brown Bear Xiong Da is the first powerful beast in the hundred-mile mountain forest, besides Ye Yang, to know that eating bipeds is very beneficial to itself.

At the same time, he is also the most powerful beast in this hundred-mile mountain forest, under Ye Yang.

After being trained by Ye Yang, his cognitive ability and wisdom have been greatly improved, and with the improvement of his evolutionary level, his wisdom has developed a lot.

Before the battle, Ye Yang reminded them that this group of bipeds is very weak, but they have powerful weapons, and they cannot be confronted head-on.

Big Brown Bear Xiong Da believes in Ye Yang's words in his heart. At this point, he has completely surrendered to Ye Yang.

But the bipeds can help him become stronger faster. His body has now entered a saturated state, and his body instinctively wants to eat more bipeds, so he has been looking for opportunities to plunder Daxia's soldiers from time to time in the battle just now, and even ate a lot of surrounding beasts.

Anyway, in his eyes, except for the Monkey King and the giant panda, these beasts are simply cannon fodder.

Now he has finally crossed the shackles and improved!

The size of the bear exploded, reaching eight meters, and its weight even surpassed the previous golden lion and Ye Yang, weighing four tons.

After all, the biological characteristic of the big brown bear is that it is a large creature.

The evolved big brown bear was about to roar to the sky to vent the powerful force that had surged in his body.

But he suddenly stopped, his black nose wrinkled, and his eyes stared straight in one direction.

After a while, in his sight, there were many more two-legged beasts...

This group of two-legged beasts actually came to his door! The lightbulb-sized bear eyes couldn't help but reveal greedy desires, and the bear mouth secreted a lot of saliva, wetting the ground.

"This is the big brown bear that killed my brother!"

"Damn it! I want revenge!"

"Wait... did you notice that this big brown bear is different from before?……"

"Oh my god! This big brown bear is so big! Look at it! When did such a big creature appear on the ground?"

"The momentum is so terrifying! I feel like I don’t have the courage to face this man-eating brown bear… If my comrade’s grenade hadn’t exploded before and scared off the brown bear, I would have been dead!"

"This big brown bear... How many of our comrades did it eat just now?! It has grown to this size!"

""Captain! Let's avenge our comrades!"

Faced with the big brown bear with magnificent momentum and angry eyes, some soldiers' legs were shaking and they had no courage to face it.

Not long ago, this big brown bear was like a phantom tank, ruthlessly destroying their defensive formation. Every time it appeared, several comrades died. If it weren't for the big brown bear's greed for human flesh and blood, they would not be able to hold on until now.

Several squadron leaders knew that the current situation was very serious. They had noticed this huge big brown bear a long time ago. Not only was it strong enough to ignore their rifle bullets, but it was also agile and dodged many deadly anti-tank missiles and RPG rockets. It even seemed to understand their human weapons. Every time it ate the bodies of their soldiers, it had to strip off their clothes first.

And now, this big brown bear is obviously more powerful than before. Whether it is its size or its man-eating and terrifying momentum, it makes people feel fear.


"Let's retreat first. Otherwise, if we continue like this, not only will we not be able to reach our mission objective, Shenfeng Mountain, but all five of our squadrons will be wiped out!"


"Fortunately, we were a hundred meters away from the big brown bear, and there were no wild animals around it, so they certainly didn't dare to charge head-on.……"

Before the squadron leader finished speaking, he looked forward with wide eyes, as if he had seen something incredible.

In his field of vision, the big brown bear's blood-red lightbulb-sized eyes showed a playful and mocking expression.

"Look! This big brown bear seems to understand us.……"

"This is impossible!"

"Roar...Twolegs...Humans...Delicious...More Powerful……"

A low roar came out from Big Bear's mouth, and the more than one hundred soldiers present were dumbfounded, their minds went blank!

"The big brown bear spoke?! Did I hear it wrong?"

"No! You heard it right, I heard it too!"

"This big brown bear must be a spirit!"

Facing the voice that suddenly appeared in their minds, they followed the direction of the voice and found the big brown bear!

The big brown bear could actually speak!

This incident almost shocked their souls!


The big brown bear tested the skills he now had. The extra information in his mind would allow him to quickly master the skills. He wondered in his mind,"

I wonder how big the gap is between me and the boss now..."

Then he shook his huge head, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the delicious two-legged beast in front of him, and licked his lips with his scarlet tongue.


With a fierce roar, the soldiers only saw a brown shadow flash by, and the ground nearby rumbled. The big brown bear came within ten meters with unrivaled momentum!

"Shoot quickly!"

"Rifles are useless! Use heavy firepower!"

"Ah... Help!"

Howitzers, grenades, RPG rockets, anti-tank missiles...

The distance was too close, and the big brown bear was eight meters and four tons in size, so he couldn't dodge at all. These firepowers covered him fiercely.

With bursts of bangs, the big brown bear retreated to the distance, knocking down thick trees one after another.

"Did you destroy that monster brown bear?!"

"No, he is not dead yet!"

"Continue the fire coverage!"

"The rest of you retreat!"


The helicopter in the sky accurately and clearly captured the scene happening in the mountains and forests on the ground.

"Was it my illusion just now... That brown bear can actually talk?!"

"The special effects in Daxia’s movies are so realistic!"

"What a shitty movie! This is just a war!"

"Ah... that big brown bear can really speak human language?! Monster!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... The Da Xia army is in trouble now. This big brown bear can withstand heavy firepower after its mutation and evolution. All the Da Xia soldiers in this forest are likely to enter the big brown bear's stomach.……"

"They deserved it! Who told them to want to hurt these animals living in nature! It was all the Daxia army's own fault! The appearance of such a powerful creature is nature's punishment for Daxia!"

"Fuck you! Can you, a foreigner, get out of Daxia's live broadcast room?"


PS: This book has already reached 100 chapters without me noticing. Thanks to all the readers for their support along the way!

The author is a new author, and there are many things that are not well written. Thank you for your patience and reminders! Thank you very much again!

Finally, I wish you all a happy and safe summer vacation...

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